Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Artist[1.14x] - Unlimited Banner Patterns!

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    Level 83 : Elite Programmer
    - Banners are great for decoration, making flags, shields, even map markers.
    But most of you may know, the banner has a maximum number of patterns that can be applied on to it, which kinda limits your creativity a little bit.
    Introducing: Artist Datapack!

    Features: <Click to see>
    - You can now make banners with unlimited patterns!
    (Check How to use section for how to make it)
    - Can be installed in combination with my other datapacks!

    - Can be installed in Multiplayer!

    How to use: <Click to see>
    For non-admins, or have Cheats disabled: <Click to see>
    - Use /trigger info for the datapack infomation.
    - Here's how to make the banner with unlimited banner patterns:
    + Place the banner on top of a Loom.
    + Throw another banner with patterns on it at the banner placed on top of the Loom.
    + The banners should now merge, and the patterns from the thrown banner will be transferred to the placed banner. Note that the thrown banner (merge banner) patterns will always be on top of the placed banner patterns.

    For admins, or have Cheats enabled: <Click to see>
    - Everything that the non-admins can do. (duh)
    - Use /function main:admin_support for the in-game Admin Control Panel.
    Admin Control Panel is used to change datapack options easily, without having to remember any commands needed.

    How to install: <Click to see>
    For those who has WinRar:
    - Simply open the downloaded file, there will be more instructions there.
    For those who don't have WinRar:
    - Extract the downloaded file. Afterwards:
    + If you have a new Info text file: Drag the Artist folder into the datapacks folder of your world.
    + If you don't have a new Info text file: Open the extracted folder, then drag the Artist folder into the datapacks folder of your world.

    Support the Creator:
    If you want to support my work, you can start with the following:
    - Share this post and Subscribe to recieve the latest info, updates and more!

    - If you find any bugs (I doubt you will), then please report it to the bug reports section of the Behind The Datapacks Discord Server! You will be featured as a Bug Reporter at the downloaded Info text file!
    <Click the blue letters for more info>

    - You can also support me via Patreon! Recieve Early Access, Discord Rewards and more!
    <Click the blue letters for more info>
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.14

    Create an account or sign in to comment.

    08/30/2023 2:16 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    will this datapack be avaliable to download again in the future?
    08/30/2023 7:40 pm
    Level 83 : Elite Programmer
    Once I overhaul the project for 1.20, yes.
    07/11/2023 2:45 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    I can't download the datapack what should I do?
    09/25/2022 2:46 am
    Level 48 : Master Carrot
    I can't download the datapack for some reason it just gives me a error!
    09/25/2022 2:55 am
    Level 83 : Elite Programmer
    For some reason old me decided to use Discord's file hosting services to host datapacks back in the day.

    Discord has since moved its hosts and the files are lost in time.
    Might revisit the idea and update it to 1.19 at some point.
    09/25/2022 3:14 am
    Level 48 : Master Carrot
    Is possible to make it redownload able in future like no updates just the same file? unless you want to update it then make it redownload able.
    09/25/2022 3:17 am
    Level 83 : Elite Programmer
    I would if I had the original file.
    All files were lost in a hard drive incident which set me back quite a lot.
    09/25/2022 3:30 am
    Level 48 : Master Carrot
    So you need to start from scratch or like a beta/ alpha build? This just so I get a rough estimate if it will be coming back in the future or if it is dead
    07/28/2021 6:28 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Miner
    darn not a plug and play for 1.17.1 it seems, Ironically all I want to do is add a slash or red X onto the Ominous Banner, to signify my victories.
    Honestly, the mojang should just redo the Loom, with more of Microsoft paint customization GUI and dyes are just your fuel for filling in a pixel(s) with a certain color. Though that would be more like a mod verse a data pack sadly. templates would then be like stamps to speed up creativity, but then players wouldn't be limited or it would be easier to edit and create as desired.
    09/25/2022 2:55 am
    Level 83 : Elite Programmer
    I did not see this comment in my notifs, for some reason...
