Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Blacksmithing - No More "Too Expensive", Repair and Recyle Anvils! [1.14x]

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    Level 83 : Elite Programmer
    - Merging stuff with the Anvil is a good way to repair your enchanted tools and armor.
    - However, when you start to merge it too much, then eventually, you can't do it anymore due to "Too Expensive".
    - It's also annoying to see a cracked anvil and the game doesn't allow you to fix your beloved anvil.
    - Well, if that's your problem, then I got the solution!
    Introducing "Blacksmithing" Datapack!

    Features: <Click to see>
    - Throw your item in the ground. It will reset the repair price completely!
    "Too Expensive" no more!
    (There will be toggleable particles that appear when the repair price gets reset)
    - Adds new repair/recycle anvil recipes!
    - Can be installed in combination with my other datapacks!

    - Can be installed in Multiplayer!

    How to use: <Click to see>
    For non-admins, or have Cheats disabled: <Click to see>
    - Use /trigger info for the datapack infomation.

    For admins, or have Cheats enabled: <Click to see>
    - Everything that the non-admins can do. (duh)
    - Use /function main:admin_support for the in-game Admin Control Panel.
    Admin Control Panel is used to change datapack options easily, without having to remember any commands needed. Use this to toggle on/off said toggleable particles!

    How to install: <Click to see>
    For those who has WinRar:
    - Simply open the downloaded file, there will be more instructions there.
    For those who don't have WinRar:
    - Extract the downloaded file. Afterwards:
    + If you have a new Info text file: Drag the Blacksmithing folder into the datapacks folder of your world.
    + If you don't have a new Info text file: Open the extracted folder, then drag the Blacksmithing folder into the datapacks folder of your world.

    Support the Creator:
    If you want to support my work, you can start with the following:
    - Share this post and Subscribe to recieve the latest info, updates and more!

    - If you find any bugs (I doubt you will), then please report it to the bug reports section of the Behind The Datapacks Discord Server! You will be featured as a Bug Reporter at the downloaded Info text file!
    <Click the blue letters for more info>

    - You can also support me via Patreon! Recieve Early Access, Discord Rewards and more!
    <Click the blue letters for more info>

    Notes for players using Minecraft versions lower than Minecraft Java 1.14x
    Note: Minecraft Versions are different, therefore the datapacks designed for them will be different.

    - Here's Blacksmithing designed for Minecraft 1.13x: Click Here to Download
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.14

    1 Update Logs

    Version 1.0 - The Supportive Update : by TheDiamondPlayables 06/09/2019 11:37:00 pmJun 9th, 2019

    - Added Admin Control Panel!
    - Added Particle Option! When the Too Expensive is cleared, particles will fly out of the item!
    This feature can be toggled on/off in Admin Control Panel!
    - Performance optimizations when combined with my other datapacks!
    - Format Updated!

    Create an account or sign in to comment.

    05/13/2020 7:59 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    when are you going to update this to 1.15.2
    03/24/2020 8:35 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Can you make it 1.15 please?
    03/12/2020 10:00 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    It doesnt work for me(1.14.4). When I try to repair my pickaxe it still says too expensive
    03/12/2020 10:10 am
    Level 83 : Elite Programmer
    You may have used this datapack in combination with a datapack that conflicts with this one.

    Try disabling every other datapacks (apart from other ones made by me), then try again.
    03/12/2020 6:21 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Yeah, i used it with the tree capitator datapack, thanks for help!
    02/17/2020 8:36 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    is there anyway to set this that players can only use this pack if they are at a skill level form another plugin/pack?
    01/16/2020 3:00 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Excellent plugin, but any chance of a 1.15.1 version? My server is on 1.15.1, and I’d love to use this datapack on it as I hate the “Too expensive” limit.
    01/17/2020 7:26 pm
    Level 83 : Elite Programmer
    Currently I'm working hard updating them and getting them ready as soon as possible.

    There's no official ETA cause I am updating quite a lot of datapacks, but it will be updated soon.

    As far as the datapack's concerned, you can pretty much run it on 1.15.1 without having any issues.
    01/17/2020 10:57 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Oh, this one works in 1.15.1 just fine? In that case, I will add it. Thanks for letting me know! You might want to add 1.15 to this datapack’s the compatibility list on PlanetMinecraft.

    By the way, I was also just wondering whether this plugin can cause lag. Does it check all dropped items to see if their anvil cost can be reset? Is it optimized?
    01/19/2020 1:07 am
    Level 83 : Elite Programmer
    This is not officially designed for 1.15x, which is why there's no 1.15 labels.

    It's not how I label my datapack Minecraft versions.

    The algorithm that makes this happen is already optimized.

    I had mega stress tests before putting this up to make sure everyone had a great time using it.

    So have fun using this project and please support my work on Patreon so I can keep making awesome things for you guys: https://www.patreon.com/thediamondplayables

    Even if it's 1$, that helps me out a lot, and I'll be grateful for it.
