Minecraft Data Packs / Challenge

Cheating Death has its consequences (Totem Nerf / Balance) for 1.19

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Pickled_Kaktus's Avatar Pickled_Kaktus
Level 25 : Expert Engineer
Do you think that totems of undying make survival too easy?

Are you looking to challenge yourself by making it more difficult to survive in your Minecraft world?

If so, you might want to consider giving this data pack a try!

This data pack reduces the utility of totems of undying by reducing the maximum health of players when they cheat death with a totem of undying. Each totem reduces the players maximum health by half a heart for each cheated death, but the lost maximum health can be regained. A player can regain half a heart of maximum health by eating an enchanted golden apple. Your maximum health won't be reduced lower than half a heart and it also won't be increased over ten hearts. Dying resets the players maximum health back to the default value of ten hearts.

The data pack also works in hardcore mode as well as on multiplayer servers.

If you want to change how much max health is reduced and regained when a player cheats death with a totem of undying or appeases death by eating an enchanted golden apple, there are two options to do this.

Either open the data pack folder and navigate through "data/pickledtotems/functions" and open the load.mcfunction file, scroll to the bottom of the file and edit the values to your preference.

The other option is to open your Minecraft world where the data pack is installed and run these commands with [​value] replaced with the amount of max health you want the functions to modify by:
/scoreboard players set PKLDTotems_cheatingDeathPrice PKLDTotems_attributeModValue [​value]
/scoreboard players set PKLDTotems_appeasingDeathPrice PKLDTotems_attributeModValue [​value]

For example, If you want enchanted golden apples to restore a full heart instead of half a heart, you would type this command:

/scoreboard players set PKLDTotems_appeasingDeathPrice PKLDTotems_attributeModValue 2
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.19

2 Update Logs

Version 1.2 : by Pickled_Kaktus 07/19/2022 6:37:16 amJul 19th, 2022

-Removed code that was unnecessary and over complicated and replaced it with simpler code (Big thanks to Lordphenex for the suggestions in the replies)

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08/16/2023 4:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
iylo's Avatar
Do you know if this will work if I use it on a 1.20.1 world? If not, can I edit it myself to make it work?
08/16/2023 8:34 pm
Level 25 : Expert Engineer
Pickled_Kaktus's Avatar
I have not tested if it would work in 1.20.1, however I can't think of a reason that would cause it to not work in 1.20.1.

In order to stop it from warning about it being from an earlier version however, simply open the datapack file, open pack.mcmeta and change the number after pack_format to be 15.

Hope this helps.
08/09/2023 7:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
l1kus's Avatar
Is it possible to keep the number of hearts one has lost after death??
08/13/2023 8:55 pm
Level 25 : Expert Engineer
Pickled_Kaktus's Avatar

To prevent the health being reset upon death you can follow these steps to modify the datapack:

1. Open the datapack file and navigate to "data/minecraft/tags/functions" and then delete the file "tick.json".

2. Navigate back to the data file and then to "data/pickledtotems/functions" and delete the files "tick.mcfunction" and "reset_health_modifiers.mcfunction".

3. The datapack is now correctly modified. You can add it to your world and it wont reset health when a player dies.
06/20/2023 9:21 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Warrior
JreepGaming's Avatar
How do I make it so that it doesn't reset my health even if it goes past vannila max health? It conflicts with Dungeon now loading. I really need this asap
06/20/2023 9:41 pm
Level 25 : Expert Engineer
Pickled_Kaktus's Avatar
If you are using another mod or datapack that modifies the players maximum health there is not a clean fix for this issue. This datapack has a max health and a default health variable that represent the highest health that the player can go up to by eating enchanted golden apples and that players default health respectively. If you want the health to go higher than the vanilla 20 health, then you can use the commands below and replace <value> with the new max health you want it to be set to.
/scoreboard players set PKLDTotems_dummy PKLDTotems_defaultHealth <value>/scoreboard players set PKLDTotems_dummy PKLDTotems_maxHealth <value>This should work as a fix, but these commands will need to be run everytime you would change your max health value with Dungeon now loading. Sadly I can't think of a better fix than this and I can't promise it will work 100%, since the method I use in this datapack to change health values may not be compatible with other datapacks that also change these values in their own way.
05/05/2023 10:41 am
Level 1 : New Miner
leoufort5's Avatar
how can i remove the all regen of the missng healt to "defaukt" on death?
05/08/2023 5:05 pm
Level 25 : Expert Engineer
Pickled_Kaktus's Avatar
If you want the health to stay at the reduced values even after a player dies, then here are the steps to take to modify the datapack to do that:

1) unzip the datapack, navigate to data/pickledtotems/functions
2) delete the file tick.mcfunction
That will make the datapack work the way you mentioned.
However if a player uses totems while they're health is already at the minimum, then they will need to eat more enchanted golden apples for each totem they activate while at minimum health. If you don't want this to happen then comment again and I'll post a modified datapack that will prevent that side effect, since explaining how to fix that issue will not fit in a comment.

Cheers! and hope this helps.
06/20/2023 10:44 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Warrior
JreepGaming's Avatar
Thank you!
07/20/2022 2:55 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Wizard
Flyrr's Avatar
I love the idea but i think a different title would help this datapack a lot :P
