Minecraft Data Packs / Mob

D2G's Mobs+ [1.14+ Datapack]

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Level 45 : Master Button Pusher
A Minecraft 1.14 datapack that aims to add new, and improve existing mobs for the game.
Present changes and new features include:

  • Skeletons and Strays now drop skeleton skulls, just as a Wither Skeleton would drop a wither skull.
  • Silverfish will now sometimes drop iron nuggets upon death.
  • Bats now have a default loot table to drop spider eyes and bat hide (a variant of rabbit hide).
  • Bats with a custom loot table to drop fruit instead of spider eyes now spawn above ground in jungles.
  • Living Nautilus now spawn in the regular and lukewarm oceans. They drop nautilus shells.
  • Nautilus can be captured in buckets, and will trigger the Tactical Fishing advancement.
  • Icefish now spawn in deep, cold and frozen oceans. They share a loot table with cod.
  • Rabbits may be transformed into Killer Rabbits by renaming them "Caerbannog"
  • Cheetahs now spawn in the savanna biome, they are usually hostile and are not breedable.
  • The Ender Dragon will now occasionally spawn End Phantoms during your fight with it.
  • Piranhas will spawn in the warm and lukewarm oceans, they can be tamed by catching them in buckets.
  • Piranhas will drop the Piranha Tooth item, which can be substitute for flint in crafting recipes and deals 3 attack damage.
  • Polar Bears are now always aggressive towards players which come too close to them.
  • Perch will now spawn in place of salmon along certain biomes, there are two varieties.
  • Perch will drop raw perch when killed, this can be turned to cooked cod using NBT smelting.
  • NBT smelting is a datapack library that I have been working on, it will soon have its own separate download link. To activate NBT smelting for any furnace type or campfire, place one item frame on that block.
  • The datapack currently features 8 custom advancements within their own tab.
    If you have any suggestions or feedback, please leave a comment. They are always appreciated, but please remain respectful and keep them constructive.
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.14

    6 Update Logs

    Update #1, Official Release! : by domain2genus 08/20/2019 9:51:59 amAug 20th, 2019

    D2G's Mobs+ is now officially releasing for Minecraft versions 1.14 and up. The datapack adds 9 mobs new to vanilla survival and modifies the behaviour of another 6 in ways varying from increased aggression to improved loot tables. The datapack encourages exploration and discovery of its features through custom advancements, and features the first public version of my NBT Smelting datapack library. A huge thank you to everybody who tried it out during its beta, I'm excited to see what the future of this datapack holds.

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    02/26/2020 9:56 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    This is the type of data packs that should exist in abundance, simple yet charming, with features that actually make sense and give a little improvement on the vanilla play style, well done
    09/27/2019 2:23 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Procrastinator
    I am aware that Polar Bears don't drop anything exciting when killed to discourage players on killing an endangered species, but, how about killing a polar bear could drop Blue Ice, it could be a nice way to farm it, but at the same time not necessarily super amazing since Blue Ice appears in the same place Polar Bears spawn. I don't know, just wanted to share my idea. Great datapack as it is anyway.
    09/24/2019 9:15 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Download link is not working. Hope you can help :(

    Download Unavailable<\/h1><div\nid=\"popup-close\" class="\"mini-button" popup-close\"=""><i\nclass='material-icons material-btn="" md-24'="">close<\/i><\/div><div\nclass=\"clear\"><\/div><\/div><div\nid=\"popup-content\">\n

    08/29/2019 12:29 am
    Level 21 : Expert Miner
    08/24/2019 6:38 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    Also how do i get the spawn eggs
    08/24/2019 6:57 pm
    Level 45 : Master Button Pusher
    To get all the spawn eggs: /function d2g_mobs/mapmaker/spawn_eggs
    Individual spawn eggs can be found under: /function d2g_mobs/mapmaker/give_item/
    08/24/2019 6:33 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    I haven't downloaded yet, but it looks awesome! Can't wait to test!
    08/21/2019 12:51 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Hello, i would like to create datapacks, how do you managed for when a mob or item have an special name or tag, it changes the model?
    08/21/2019 3:10 pm
    Level 45 : Master Button Pusher
    I'm afraid that I'm not the person to ask on this matter, changing the model of something is done with resourcepacks, and I've never made a datapack that uses one. I'd suggest asking either chuckchuk (who made the tables and chairs datapack) or iNkoRs Universe (a YouTuber, and creator of packs such as Aphodel meadows) how they do it. Hopefully they can give you the advice you need, and I look forward to seeing the datapacks you may create.
    08/20/2019 1:14 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Hi, I am a personal translator from Taiwan(R.O.C)

    I'd like to upload and translate(English to Chinese) this mod to https://www.mcbbs.net/ and https://www.minecraft-hk.com/

    Would you please authorize me to translate and upload it?

    This page will be attached in my post; furthermore, I'll send you the translated file after it's done, absolutely.

    Thank you for your kindness.
