Minecraft Data Packs / World Generation

Double Size Structures

  • check_circle Functions
  • check_circle Structures
  • 6,833 views, 6 today
  • 702 downloads, 0 today
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Level 22 : Expert Modder
Surprise,surprise,my name is Teddy Terror and this is my first datapack for minecraft.
I was working on my private minecraft server and thought to me,
there is something missing, something has to be changed.
everything is bigger.
that's when the answer came to me.
I love the vanilla minecraft structures,
they are beautiful but for me they are too small...
and the idea for my datapack was born,Double Size Structures!!!

if you have found bugs,you want news,or just want to show your cool pictures of Double Size Structures.visits me at discord

this datapack is for Minecraft 1.20.6
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20

6 Update Logs

Update #6 : by Teddy_Terror 07/03/2024 1:16:43 pmJul 3rd, 2024

Hi guys.
it's been a long time.
since the last update though
we have an update^^
changelog #6;
2 new villages in different biomes.
embellishments in the existing structures.
new datapack icon.
updating to mc version 1.20.6

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05/10/2024 1:07 pm
Level 22 : Expert Modder
Hi guys,
unfortunately there hasn't been an update for a long time.
The reason for this was that unfortunately my world in which I reworked all the structures broke 4 times within 3 months
(all construction and jigsaw blocks were broken).
That's why I was very unmotivated, even though I really enjoyed the project.
long story short info...
I'm working on the version for mc 1.20.6 and refreshing all existing structures in my datapack.
I can't say how long that will take.
but I am very optimistic that it will be ready in the next 2 weeks.
So that you know what you can look forward to,
I'm working on 2 new villages for the swamp and jungle biome
+ slightly changed structures that are in my datapack
+ more versions of structures.
Thank you for your feedback and your interest in double size structures.
02/22/2023 6:14 am
Level 22 : Expert Modder
Hi guys,
because here are most of the people who downloaded the datapack.
I thought this would be the best place for a Survey.

i´m working on a new update,with new content..
it was planned that the Ancient city will be enlarged.
this is not possible.
because Minecraft itself has reached the limit for "structureblock".
for example, a corridor is 42 long, then I can not double it(size limit are 48).
Don´t worry,
the next update has an alternative.

Thank you for using the datapack^^
02/22/2023 6:18 am
Level 22 : Expert Modder
So the solution!!!
There is a possibility,
only then you would have to install an additional mod.(structure expansion)
and since DoubleSizeStructures should only exist for datapacks.

I ask you!

Do you want a version Datapack + Mod.
(then my possibilities are greater)
or, only Datapack.
(Then unfortunately I can´t improve the ancient city).

Please write me here,
what you think of the two solutions and which one you would choose.

Oh, and the poll ends when the next update comes out

Thank you for using the datapack^^
12/15/2022 12:19 pm
Level 22 : Expert Modder
hi guys,
a little update.
i`m working on the next structures.
Visit me on Discord,

there are pictures from the next update
07/16/2022 6:33 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
The datapack is compressed wrong, I had to unzip it and recompress the folder so that the data, pack image, and pack.mcmeta were the first things one sees upon opening the datapack, not a single folder containing all of them.
07/17/2022 6:45 am
Level 22 : Expert Modder
thank you very much,
I repackaged it
07/02/2022 2:11 pm
Level 22 : Expert Modder
hi guys^^,
I´m doing a livestream of testing the datapack tomorrow.
at 2pm European time the live stream starts on discord,
unfortunately without sound but with chat.
then (if all goes well) I publish the new update.
it`s my first livestream of this kind.
and hope for many spectators and a lot of fun.
this will be my biggest update.
there are 79 streets,
153 houses,
16 town centers,
458 structures in total in this update.
I`m damn proud of this update
and it took me a lot of time and tears.
i hope you enjoy this update

I thank everyone who play´s this datapack.
06/18/2022 1:27 am
Level 21 : Expert Miner
Im dying for the 1.19 version of this datapack
06/29/2022 10:37 am
Level 22 : Expert Modder
Hi Zerovay.

I am working hard on the update,
but unfortunately had problems with the road generation.
without promise,
because Im working on something secret..
with luck this weekend the update for 1.19 comes out.

thank you for liking my datapack
03/26/2022 1:15 pm
Level 22 : Expert Modder
hi people^^,
1.in the next update the igloo and the ocean ruins(more chests) will be improved
and added villages...
2. I work at full speed on the next update,the villages...
this will be the first update where I insert the structures completely detailed...
unfortunately I´m making slow progress at the moment...
all the houses are finished by the basic design.
but it is not yet everywhere the interior in it...
it was planned to release the update when all villages are 100% ready!
desert and plain are 100% finished...
savanna, tundra and snowy still lack the interior...
my question to you, should I publish desert and plains already?!
on my discord i make a poll for it...
thank you for downloading^^
