Minecraft Data Packs / Quality of Life

Horse Whistle: call your horse to come to you, just like that in RDR2!

  • check_circle Functions
  • check_circle Predicates
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Eugene2000's Avatar Eugene2000
Level 51 : Grandmaster Explorer

This is originally for modpack AnimateCraft: Lankeren. If you like this content, play it in the modpack to gain the best experience!

This mod is sort of a remastered verison of data pack Horse Whistle. We made it so when you press H to whistle, your saddled friend will neigh, hightline itself of seconds, find its way to come along(or teleport closer first if necessary), and follow you for a while.

To do this,you must meet the following conditions:
  1. The horse/donky/mule must be Tamed by yourself.
  2. It should be within 128 blocks, otherwise it cannot hear your whistle.
  3. It cannot be leashed or being ridden.

One more thing!

We added a new feature: Spur! When you are riding, press H to spur your horse on. It will get a little injured, but it will speed up for a while! Even more, there are two levels of spur-speed, meaning that you can spur it twice to make it run even faster.


  • Thank Kltyton for solving the UUID problem, adding the new teleport mechanic, and optimizing the codes!!


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  • 欢迎您将其收录到整合包中,请提前在B站私信或者QQ频道征得我的同意。如果您用其制作视频,请在简介处附上此发布页面的链接和我的bilibili主页,也欢迎在简介艾特我,我很想看你们的视频! If you make a video about this content, please give credit and link to this page, and I would love to watch your videos! Please let me know on Discord.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.15
toMinecraft 1.20

2 Update Logs

Update #1.0.1 : by Eugene2000 02/19/2024 8:03:38 amFeb 19th

  • 重写了代码 Rewrote the codes
  • 添加配置文件 Added config file

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07/13/2024 1:26 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
E_WOLFFE's Avatar
I'd love to see this updated to 1.21!
Lentejas Con Marichuelas
08/13/2023 6:41 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Lentejas Con Marichuelas's Avatar
The number of seconds in which you must sneak to whistle could be modified, it becomes awkward at times, please
08/07/2023 6:01 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Tartufo0's Avatar
Is there a way to make the whistling be bound to a command instead of sneaking?
08/07/2023 6:26 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Explorer
Eugene2000's Avatar
Good point! Only but idk how
i'll start figuring it out
