Minecraft Data Packs / Quality of Life

Multitool | Every Tool in one Item

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Level 61 : High Grandmaster uwu
Multitool | Every Tool in one Item Minecraft Data Pack Multitool

Do you hate it when your whole inventory is cluttered by tools?

Well, with this data pack you can combine all the tools into the Multitool.

Multitool | Every Tool in one Item Minecraft Data PackMultitool | Every Tool in one Item Minecraft Data Pack

The Multitool can always break blocks meant for the axe, hoe, pickaxe or shovel, no matter what form it is currently in.

If you look at a block, the Multitool switches to a tool suited for that block like an axe to strip logs or a shovel to create paths.

When sneaking while looking at tillable blocks, the Multitool swaps to a hoe, so you can create fresh farmland.

You can enchant the Multitool!
It supports any enchantment that you can normally put onto a tool.

The Multitool has 3 times the durability of a regular tool made from the same material.

Mutlitool even supports resource packs, like this one by Dukette, it turns the Multitool into a halberd!

How to get

To craft a Multitool, you just need to combine all four types of tools of the same material in the crafting grid.

CreditThanks to Dukette for creating a Resource Pack!
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17
toMinecraft 1.21

13 Update Logs

v4.2.2 : by PuckiSilver 09/17/2024 2:29:35 pmSep 17th, 2024

update to 1.21+

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09/29/2024 7:36 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
works with other datapack enchantments?
09/30/2024 6:00 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster uwu
Should work, yes
09/14/2024 3:58 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Also I just wanted to how much I appreciate the amount of polish in this mod. If you search around there are tons of "multitool" of combination tool mods out there, but this one is just so nice and sleek. It is also nice that doesn't seem to OP with durability or adding sword functions in and the like. I still get a little grin at the magic of seeing one tool model swap to fit the block I look at, and even the delay involved in that helps balance out the enhanced durability of such a tool.

It really is a joy to use.

Also it does work in 1.21 if you use the datapack version, unzip it, and edit the folders PuckiSilver said to edit a few posts down. If you get them all then it works smooth as silk even in 1.21
09/16/2024 6:03 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster uwu
Thanks a lot for the feedback, feels good to hear such positive remarks!
I should really just upload the 1.21 version already ^^
09/16/2024 10:29 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Dude, please do. I must be stupid because I've been trying to get this to work for two days following your instructions and it refuses to function properly. This is a must have and I am severely missing it right now. Could be a conflict with another datapack but I have no idea at this point tbh.
09/17/2024 2:30 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster uwu
Sorry for the long wait
09/18/2024 1:46 am
Level 1 : New Miner
OMG it finally works, I made this account just to make that comment so enjoy being my first and only sub <3
09/18/2024 1:39 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Don't apologize, my friend! I was moreso upset I couldn't make it work myself. Thank you SO SO SO SO SO much!!
09/13/2024 2:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I got the data pack to work but, tilling, stripping, and creating path (shovel) doesn't work. I changed all the plural folders in "ps-multitool" and left the folders in "load" and "Minecraft" as plural. I also want to mention that when using the "timber" data pack, the multitool in incompatible. Is there a fix for this?
09/17/2024 2:30 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster uwu
The pack is now available in 1.21+
