Minecraft Data Packs / Weapons and Armor

RADI0R's Epic Equipment ~ (New awesome Loot) [1.20]

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RADI0R's Avatar RADI0R
Level 42 : Master Loremaster

- What does it do? -

Adds the Bundle as well as 9 new original Weapons and Tools, that all have impossibly high-level enchantments and can be found in various structures around the world.

Every new enchanted item cannot be repaired nor enchanted any further, so you need to use them carefully.

They also all spawn AFTER finishing the game and beating the Ender Dragon, meaning you now have more to explore once you've gathered everything in vanilla! (With the exception of the Bundles, which spawn only BEFORE finishing The End, so you may want to explore the overworld more before getting the Elytra.)
  (however you can DISABLE this feature in the advanced config)

List of all Equipment (Spoiler)
  • Bundles
    - Classic bundles, nothing special about them.
    - They can be found in every village from "rabbit biomes" (biomes where rabbits can spawn = every village except savanna), but only BEFORE the Credits. After you finish the game you won't find them anymore! (but then you have Shulkers so no big deal)
  • Burning Blade
    A magical enchanted Blaze Rod, that is so hot it will randomly set fire right under your feet!
    - If you hit something with it, the unfortunate target will almost permanently catch on fire, because now as long as it's burning it will also randomly set blocks on fire that damage it even more.
    - The only way to escape is to get extinguished.
    - You can find it in the chests of Nether Fortresses, AFTER seeing the Credits.
  • Blessed Pickaxe
    A special golden enchanted Pickaxe, with the ability to insta-mine almost any block.
    - But do be careful with it, because it doesn't last very long.
    - These can be found in Abandoned Mineshafts AFTER seeing the Credits.
  • Brute Club
    A very heavy wooden mace, with the most extreme knockback in the game.
    - Anything you hit with it will be sent flying!
    - But as long as you are holding it, the weight of the Club will slow you down drastically.
    - Find these rotting weapons in the chests of Dungeons, AFTER seeing the Credits.
  • Enchanted Chorus Fruit
    Magical fruits of the End islands, that after being consumed will teleport you to the nearest Enderman at least 20 blocks away.
    - As useful as this can be in many life-saving scenarios, the price for teleporting so far is that you become Weak, Slow and Nauseous for a few seconds.
    - Go look for them in the End Cities!
  • Freeze Rod
    This incredibely cool Fishing Rod possesses the supernatural ability to freeze any mob you catch with it in place! Meaning you can stop them from attacking, hold them mid-air and even easily transport them!
    - You can catch and freeze players too, but frozen players are too heavy and won't get frozen mid-air. Instead they'll gracefully float down taking no fall damage. Also their hunger will drain making them unable to sprint.
    - But there's a catch! Anything frozen can be freed if it becomes invisible, takes damage or the owner of the Freeze Rod stops holding it in the Main Hand.
    - You are unable to freeze any other players wielding a Freeze Rod of their own
    - You can uncover Freeze Rods in the chests under Igloos, but only AFTER you saw the Credits.
  • Huntress Queen's Crossbow
    This powerful crossbow wielding the Piercing level 10 enchantment can penetrate as many as 11 targets!
    - Also, thanks to the spirit of the Huntress Queen, you get a small speed boost while holding it.
    - Find this archaic weapon in Jungle Temples, AFTER finishing the Credits.
  • Piglin King's Crossbow
    Hidden in the depths of the Piglin Bastions you'll find this legendary crossbow, which harnessed the power to shoot three flaming arrows at the price of one.
    - AFTER seeing the Credits you'll find it in the Treasure Bastion chests.
  • Potion of Astral Form
    Also known as Invisibility II, this potion will turn you into Spectator gamemode for 30 seconds, making you able to fly around and be invincible.
    - If you happen to fly inside a solid block, you will become blinded. If you fly too deep into the Void, you still die.
    - After the effect runs out, you will be teleported back to your initial spot and reverted to your original gamemode.
    - There is a small particle effect visible marking the spot where you left your body and where you will re-appear. Also when you disappear/reappear a sound effect plays, alerting anyone around to your presence.
    - You can find these potions deep within Woodland mansions, AFTER finishing the Credits.
  • Splash Potion of Milk
    This splash potion may seem to give Nausea instead, but in reality it removes ALL effects currently present. 
    - They start appearing AFTER seeing the Credits, in the supply chests of Shipwrecks.
Most of these have a 10% chance of appearing in a chest once all conditions are met, except for the Burning Blade, which is twice as rare.

    - About the datapack -

    You can enable or disable every feature individually by typing /function equipment:config or clicking the purple message after loading this datapack.

    I recommend using /function equipment:uninstall before deleting the datapack to remove any stored settings!

    For testing purposes (or just for fun) you can use /function equipment:options/giveall to get all the items in your inventory.
    You can now find this function and much more in the advanced options of config!

    Keep in mind that changing any settings in config will NOT modify already existing items or opened chests.

    e.g. if you find the Freeze Rod with ShowItemDescription set to ON, and then disable both the Freeze Rod and ShowItemDescription, you will still keep your newly found Freeze Rod with its extensive Lore shown, but it will no longer freeze anything.

    Because of this I highly recommend setting your config AT THE START OF THE GAME and not changing it afterwards
    during gameplay.


    This datapack aims to add new rare and interesting items with hints at lore that can be very powerful and useful in certain situations, but not all the time. They're specifically made to only be found in Treasures and not farmable/craftable. They also don't replace the standard vanilla enchanted gear, because you cannot apply any more perks to them. In short... It's not meant to be OP. It's just made to be used for fun on rare occasions and to work as an extremely rare trophy you can display to others.

    I want to create a series of datapacks that introduce new simple mechanics without disrupting the balance of the game. On first glance these changes may not look like much, but they are designed to enhance the vanilla survival experience with new fun ways to play. This datapack may cause some lag on busy servers and have some issues with any other extensive datapacks. If you have any problems please let me know! Hope you have fun!

    Check out the rest of my vanilla-friendly survival datapacks:

    Also check out the awesome guy who helped me tremendously with this datapack:
    CreditKefaku and Aceplante
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17
    toMinecraft 1.19

    6 Update Logs

    Update 2.4 : by RADI0R 05/26/2023 10:46:34 amMay 26th, 2023


    - Updated to Minecraft 1.20

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    07/10/2022 5:05 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    OakMastermind's Avatar
    It doesn't seem to be loading on my 1.19 server, I didn't even get the chat message saying that it worked, I'm not sure why.
    07/11/2022 6:35 am
    Level 42 : Master Loremaster
    RADI0R's Avatar
    Try to use the command /reload and make sure that you've installed the datapack correctly by putting in the right folder.
    07/13/2022 4:11 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    OakMastermind's Avatar
    I put the file into the datapacks folder and type /reload in game and it won't work, I can see in the console that it fails to load the functions, is there something I'm just not getting?
    07/13/2022 5:43 pm
    Level 42 : Master Loremaster
    RADI0R's Avatar
    I'm not sure what's wrong, you seem to have done everything right. I haven't encountered this issue yet. What type of server are you using? Are there any other mods, datapacks or plugins?
    Also, could you show me the error lines that get printed out in the console? That might help.
    07/14/2022 3:15 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    OakMastermind's Avatar
    I use Apex Hosting, I just play vanilla, this is a world that I have defeated the dragon on, no mods no data packs and no plugins, I have had this issue with other datapacks before, only getting them to work if the world is generated with them installed, but that caused issues of it's own and I still couldn't add any to that world. The console only goes so far back but it is basically a repeat of
    "Failed to load function equipment:weapons/astral/get
    java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Whilst parsing command on line 1: Unknown or incomplete command, see below for error at position 0: <--[HERE]" for all functions. It could be something on my end but I don't know what to do, and I don't want to reset my world if it can be helped. I hope you can help me on this I'm not sure what to do.
    07/03/2022 6:33 pm
    Level 43 : Master Artist
    knuckles5577's Avatar
    [18:32:11 ERROR]: Couldn't load tag equipment:nonsolid as it is missing following references: #minecraft:replaceable_plants (from epic-equipment-5.zip)

    I'm getting this error on my 1.17 server

    07/03/2022 7:52 pm
    Level 42 : Master Loremaster
    RADI0R's Avatar
    It looks like this blocktag called #replaceable_plants was introduced first in 1.18. It shows an error in 1.17, because Minecraft doesn't know such tag in the version 1.17. I overlooked this detail.

    To fix it you need to go to data/equipment/tags/blocks/nonsolid.json and replace "#minecraft:replaceable_plants" with every separate block this tag includes, which is:

    grass, fern, dead_bush, vine, glow_lichen, sunflower, lilac, rose_bush, peony, tall_grass, large_fern, hanging_roots.

    I'm going to fix this bug on my end and update the whole datapack in a day or a few days.

    Thank you for the report :)

    Edit: now it's fixed :D
    06/23/2022 1:18 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    TyreMan_'s Avatar
    How would I go about lowering the length of the astral potion? I've dug through the data pack and have no idea what files are responsible for controlling the time it lasts for. this is an amazing datapack overall I just need to balance it for the PVP map I'm playing with my friend.
    06/23/2022 10:53 am
    Level 42 : Master Loremaster
    RADI0R's Avatar

    The astral form actually lasts as long as the player who enters it has Invisibility 2. The moment the effect runs out/is removed the player gets teleported back.

    If you'd like to change the duration, you need to change the potion itself in the Woodland Mansion chest loot table, giveall function. Then you have to change the duration in every other file where it gets mentioned (such as the advancements, the load function or the warning function).

    So anywhere you see the NBT data of the Potion of Astral Form like this:


    you just have to input your own custom duration in ticks. 600 ticks = 20 seconds.

    Next time you get a new astral potion it should have the new effect duration. In case it doesn't make sure you inputted the new duration correctly and in all places, because it's mentioned twice in the loot table and giveall to work with the credits check.
    06/05/2022 11:29 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    nvrgnagvuup1's Avatar
    can you make custom textures for the items?
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