Minecraft Data Packs / Other

System Plasma Custom Food

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Required Resource Pack
GetSirius55's Avatar GetSirius55
Level 49 : Master System Engineer
This is a food pack extention for the SPLootTables datapack.

Installation Error for Windows Fix
Ok I've realized some people don't know how to install datapacks made by a Mac user.

You have to unzip the folder, go into the folder and grab the file named the name of the datapack. Put that folder in your datapacks folder, inside your world folder. You can delete the one named "_MACOSX".

Also inside the folders there will be files that will be ignored by the system, but will popup in the console as an error. You can safely remove ".DS_Store", but it isn't necessary to do for the game to run properly. There will be one ".DS_Store" file for each folder in the plugin.

Simply some food items, "Red Dragon Fruit", "Blue Raspberries", "Pink Dragon Fruit", "Yellow Dragon Fruit" that are found in the loot chests now give short potion effects when eaten.

If you have any questions, comments, bug reports please put them in the comments section or preferably join the Discord and post it there.

Resource Pack has a lot of random stuff in it. Brewing stand GUI updated, various Vanilla Tweaks, shulker box colors, FurfSky Hypixel textures and other stuff. All credits are in the pack. If you find something that is yours and you want it credited/removed just message me and I'll credit it/remove it.
CreditHypixel - "FurySkys Reborn" for Textures
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17
toMinecraft 1.20

1 Update Logs

Naming Rights Change : by GetSirius55 12/05/2021 8:20:51 pmDec 5th, 2021

Due to naming rights change, the old "Mythical Hope" name has been changed to "System Plasma" the packs' names and certain pieces of code

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12/08/2021 11:56 am
Level 1 : New Miner
TaliCub's Avatar
I don´t know how to use this datapack
12/08/2021 12:27 pm
Level 49 : Master System Engineer
GetSirius55's Avatar

This pack should be used in combination with SPLootTables. Village chests and a few other chests will drop the custom food. This pack just makes it so when you eat particular types of custom food it gives you potion effects. This pack in theory could be stand alone, but only with a shop involved.

A command like this could work to give you the food you want:

/give @p sweet_berries{display:{Name:'{"text":"Blue Raspberry"}'},SPCustom:1b}

I can give you a full list of commands if that is what you are looking for, but it would work best if you just let the loot tables do the work.
