What you're guys favorite anime?

Irish The Boi's Avatar Irish The Boi6/18/20 11:28 pm
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6/25/2020 12:45 pm
Irish The Boi's Avatar Irish The Boi
Posted by Irish The Boi's Avatar
Irish The Boi
Level 48 : Master Artist

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06/19/2020 12:34 am
Level 46 : Master Skinner
R_Ryan's Avatar
Cowboy Bebop is one of the best things ever made. After that it's Trigun, Hellsing, Blood the Last Vampire, Bleach until it departs from the manga...

OH, and of course Sergeant Frog.
06/19/2020 12:35 am
Level 1 : New Miner
tankguy1's Avatar
I really enjoyed Girls Und Panzer
06/19/2020 2:23 am
Level 35 : Artisan Artist
Fetftis's Avatar

Castle in the Sky

06/19/2020 3:13 am
Level 29 : Expert Miner
TamraserHD's Avatar
I can't say for sure what is m favaorite Anime, I just have a bunch from different genres I just love over all others. I love Mystery, Horror (with a good story, so no trash like corpse party), Fantasy (this includes, but certainly is not limited to Isekai since most Isekai is straight garbage),

Mystery: Boku dake ga inai machi (Englisch: Erased), This is a mystery anime about a boy that can, if certain conditions are met, go back in time for a couple of minutes to prevent certain bad situations, for example a car crashing into a kid.

One day tho, he does a leaps 19 years back in time, needing to solve a long forgotton case about mysterious murder in his 10 years old body, and he has nothing but his 29 years old momories in order to solve this case, very intering, one of my all time favorite.

The Promised neverland, I don't want to say to much about it, I do not want to spoil anything, it also is a horror, mystery type Anime but more on the Mystery side rather than horror like with Higurashi, the world building is amazing and it plays on a orphanage, everything is all beautiful and nice, well, that is at least they want the kids to think, I do not want to spoil any more than that, it is an absolutly amazing piece of anime AND I CANNOT SAY THIS ENOUGH, WATCH, THIS, ANIME, at least the first episode to see if you like it and I will say if you like mystery, you will like it.

Steins gate, an anime about time travel, and this anime focuses on time travel, it's not just a plot point for the story to take place, do I need to say anthing else? Amazing anime tho unlike promised neverland and erased I wouldn't say it's a master piece, but still really good and alone of the genre and the story really high up there for me. (warning, som episodes get quite fucked up with the concept of time travel, unless you don't have a hearth, you will cry at some point)

psycho pass, mazing mystery/pychological detective anime, I don't even know what you are doing about a police department in a country with a pycho pass that checks at all times if your number is high enough for you to commit crimes, if so, you will get in jail but lowering that number is near to impossible. An a bit older anime (2012) but very good, it's a must watch.

Dororo, FUCKING MASTERPIECE, If I had to choose, I would put this anime above all other that I like, It's about a boy that has nothing, no eyes, can't feel, has no legs, arms, not even skin, nothing, he needs to kill the demons that took them in order to regain them. He does so after meeting Dororo, a little girl that does not have a family and the bond they gain througpout the story, just an mazing piece of anime, again, do not want to spoil too much, watch a trailer or first episode.

Horror: Higurashi, OMG HIGURASHI, this is a horror anime with mystery and a good story. Every episode anwsers one question you have and leaves you with more (they will al get anwsered in the final arc. Best thing is if you try to put yourself into the characters itself, that makes this anime with his fucked up sences much more horrifying.

Fantasy: Overlord, by far my favorite Isekai anime, It is about a human that goes from his game he played to a real world, turning him slowly into a skeleton and losing his emotions, as such, this is not your typtical Isekai, he actually needs to roleplay because he has NPC's that came with him, they are extremly smart beings unlike Momonga himself but they view him as a supreme being and he tries his best to keep it that way so they won't betray him or turn there back on him. Also he is far from a good person, his mercy is killing since the stuff he does with captured creatures in Nazarick is nasty as fuck.

The world building is also amazing and you see the world in the eyes on many different characters, even side characters and not just Momonga, I could go on for hours, I even did a wall of text at first but I think you get where I'm going, anyone that loves Isekai and did not watch this Anime are missing out a ton.

I even currently have a project ongoing building the entire dungeon Nazarick and once that is finsihed, building the other areas of the light novel/Anime, that alone should say enough how much detail goes into the world building and how great this anime is.

That time I got reincarnated as a slime, overall beatiful art style and while this one is more like your typical Isekai, it is also not, again good (tho not as amazing as in overlord) world building, and overall intersting take on it since you know, reincarnated as a slime.

Moving on from Isekai anime

Tower of god, 10/10 RECOMANDATION, this is originally a Webtoon, (korian manga, korian manga are quite different than normal manga, just look up webtoon once) and this Anime is basically the One piece of Webtoon, not in a sense of story, but in how much the series is loved. The story is extremly good with extremly good world building (even better than overlord and even in the aspect of not only following the main character, in fact, you basically see it from the eyes of everyone), it has a lot of plot twists and is overall an amazing piece of manwha (korian name for manga basically)/Anime.

However be warned, since it is a manwha the art style is not like you would expect, but trust me even if you don't like it, it is worth to give it a try.

Jormungand, I'ts about a child soldier and an arms dealer, I generally do not like mostly pure action like anime/manga, in fact I absoluty hate dragon ball for that and even naruto because they focus on it so much (tho naruto not so much, there are also other factors why I don't enjoy it personally). I would again say a Masterpiece, tho I have also read the manga and It's been quite a while since I watched/read it so I can't say what I liked more, point is, very nice Anime, WATCH IT, even if you are not into action that much, the story is very nice.

Anime I don't know the genre of

Angel beats, very sad Anime with a nice and easy story. seriously very good Anime. Just watch it, seriously.

Elfenlied, quite old BUT FUCKING amazing, tho this is a very popular anime so you might have already watched it.

A silent voice, a anime about a deaf girl and a bully. VERY VERY GOOD anime and not a lot of anime take this approach with stuff like this. This is the only Anime with comedy/romance in it that I like and it's one of my all time favorite, that should say enough.

Little witch academia, a anime about a witch school, I think it is sclice of life? Tho I might be wrong, I guess you can also put it in fantasy. Anyway, of the very VERY few anime that have many comedy elements that I like, just like with romance, I can bearly stand an anime with even just a littly comedy in it, this anime has quite a lot, tho they are not forced, and just like a silent voice, on of my all tme favorites despite genres I don't like or even hate.

Satsuriku no Tenshi (englisch: Angels of Death), It's horror tho It doesn't really want to be scary, It's mostly just because some scenes can be seen as horror genre and the setting itself. Still a very very good horror anime you can have a really good watch with.

That are my all time favorite Anime I can think of, of the top of my head. Would I have included Manga/manwha the list would have been at least double the size, a lot of mangas/manwha are extremly great, much more then pretty much any anime, but they did not get an adaptation at this date. As one can see, there are no main stream anime like One punch man, One Piece (even tho I love it), Boku no hero academia, death note etc. this is because this is a list of my all time favorite, any Anime I would not consider to be worthy of the title masterpiec or at least all time favorite anime I watched, did not make this list.

Also sorry if I fucked up some sentenses, I'm not a native english speaker.
Irish The Boi
06/19/2020 3:30 am
Level 48 : Master Artist
Irish The Boi's Avatar
I oddly don't watch a lot of anime. I usually watch anime that my friends show me. I just like hearing other people's thoughts. ^v^
06/19/2020 3:43 am
Level 29 : Expert Miner
TamraserHD's Avatar
I used to watch a lot of them, tho i just don't have as much time anymore to spend like a week straight to watch all of One piece for the 5th time.

Tho even tho you don't watch a lot of Anime you really need to at least watch these:



The promised Neverland

Boku dake ga inai machi

Those depending on if you like the genre:

Psycho pass if you like mystery

Higurashi if you like horror.

Angel beats if you want an anime to relax and just enjoy, I cannot say enough how good it is even tho it is not really in any piticular genre.

Steins Gate if you like mystery and the concept of time travel, if so, this is also a must watch.

They are absolute master pieces in my eyes, a must watch no matter what, way above your avarage Anime, tho Psycho pass is the only one I would only consider to be really good and not a master piece. thats why it is inside the depending on genre section.
06/19/2020 10:30 pm
Level 46 : Master Skinner
R_Ryan's Avatar
I forgot about Dororo. That one was great.
06/20/2020 8:01 am
Level 29 : Expert Miner
TamraserHD's Avatar
Dororo is really great, they even added stuff not inside the manga in order to fill plot holes, what studio does that? Bearly any and if they do they mostly fuck it up.
06/19/2020 3:41 am
Level 28 : Expert Artist
Emilienne's Avatar
jojo, hunter x hunter, vinland saga, the promised neverland, death note, fullmetal alchemist brotherhood
06/19/2020 3:49 am
Level 49 : Master Explorer
CowsDaBest_YT's Avatar
Symphogear is a good anime
06/19/2020 9:53 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Birb Lad
chickenpants93's Avatar
mew mew kissy cutie
(ha ha undertale lollolollollollollollollollllllllllolokiolplkmjkjnbhjkmj)
06/19/2020 9:57 pm
Level 42 : Master uwu
vinceinminecraft's Avatar
Honestly, good question. I think the anime I've enjoyed the most watching and being in the fandom of would be Danganronpa; I'm not sure I consider it a favorite though. Currently watching railgun though, that's been cool.
06/19/2020 10:25 pm
She/Her • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Zombie Princess
i kind of like that one about pirates
06/19/2020 10:29 pm
Level 46 : Master Skinner
R_Ryan's Avatar
One Piece?
06/19/2020 10:35 pm
She/Her • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Zombie Princess
nononono this one has this stretchy guy with a strawhat and this other green guy who uses 3 swords

its really cool
06/20/2020 5:39 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Slime Tamer
AmyOak's Avatar
That is one piece
06/19/2020 10:39 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Procrastinator
Pomegrenade's Avatar
Steins;Gate is my favourite. Definitely recommend watching it.

El. Psy. Kongroo.
O 2
06/20/2020 8:03 am
Level 43 : Master Pixel Painter
O 2's Avatar
I honestly don't watch anime
06/20/2020 8:17 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Explorer
Nick_Ryder's Avatar
K-On! and Danmachi.
06/20/2020 8:38 am
They/Them • Level 67 : High Grandmaster Artist Senpai
Stubbs1's Avatar
Kirito from SAO is such a big douche in the first season, that it's actually kinda funny and makes him likeable.

Other than that, I would say (Even though this kinda doesnt count as Anime) Legoshi from the Beastar manga / Netflix adaption. I've read the manga, but came to love the character adaption that Netflix made + Extra points for the insane animation <3
06/20/2020 5:40 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Slime Tamer
AmyOak's Avatar
I really like evangelion, anohana, kimino nawa, madoka magica, death note and fullmetal alchemist. There are so many more i could lust but these are my favorites
06/20/2020 5:57 pm
She/Her • Level 71 : Legendary Elf Artist
PersonWhoPlaysMinecraft's Avatar
Cells at Work & The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
but the Saiki K. Reawakened (or whatever it's called) isn't as good as the first series
06/20/2020 8:52 pm
Level 48 : Master Procrastinator
FreezerBurntIceCubes's Avatar
ayyy cells at work
06/20/2020 6:08 pm
Level 49 : Master Wisp
sonderrr's Avatar
Koe no katachi!
Project Anime
06/20/2020 6:13 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Network
Project Anime's Avatar
One Piece, JoJo, HxH, and Dr. Stone are probably my top animes, if yall are interested in JoJo's at all hit up my page though im working on a server
06/20/2020 6:16 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Scribe
Hawthxrn's Avatar
naruto oh my goodness of course
06/20/2020 6:20 pm
Level 81 : Elite Sweetheart
Michiru's Avatar
Basically everything from studio Trigger, I love their artstyle so much! Also Psycho-Pass and Spice & Wolf.
06/20/2020 6:55 pm
Level 49 : Master Procrastinator
angelicteaaa's Avatar
Madoka Magica-

that anime will forever hold a special place in my heart twt
06/20/2020 9:06 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Procrastinator
Pomegrenade's Avatar
It also has a very good Opening Theme
06/21/2020 8:49 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Slime Tamer
AmyOak's Avatar
Agreed, I only have one Madoka build on my page and its pretty old, should definitively make a new one
06/20/2020 7:39 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Blockhead
Perfections's Avatar
i like kimetsu no yaiba, naruto, hunter x hunter, my hero academia
06/20/2020 7:57 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Skinner
Yepel's Avatar
Kakegurui/Gambling school, Steins;Gate and of course the best of the best, the monogatari series
06/20/2020 8:19 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Ninja
Chears's Avatar
kakegurui is good
06/20/2020 8:10 pm
Level 27 : Expert Waffle
Entity675's Avatar
eyeshield 21 intial d and naruto
06/20/2020 8:21 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Ninja
Narutod's Avatar
Naruto is my favorite anime
06/20/2020 8:54 pm
Level 48 : Master Procrastinator
FreezerBurntIceCubes's Avatar
Full metal alchemist brotherhood
except for that one part that everyone who's watched it knows what I'm talking about
06/21/2020 8:48 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Slime Tamer
AmyOak's Avatar
06/20/2020 9:33 pm
Level 20 : Expert Artist
mikantheartist's Avatar
i like k-on sailor moon and pokemon
Irish The Boi
06/21/2020 12:34 am
Level 48 : Master Artist
Irish The Boi's Avatar
I actually like Sailor Moon aswell! I've watched a bit of Pokemon and I thought it was alright.
06/21/2020 12:54 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Cowboy
BlocklyCow's Avatar
*heavy breathing* jojo's bizarre adventure. also black lagoon and psycho pass
06/21/2020 8:48 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Slime Tamer
AmyOak's Avatar
Psycho pass is good, and i have two jojo builds so good choices
06/25/2020 7:53 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
Knoc_Knoc_Its_Dead_Acc's Avatar
I'm at heart attack part 2 <o/
06/21/2020 9:00 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Skinner
king_bugs's Avatar
my fav anime is dragon ball
06/21/2020 9:00 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Skinner
king_bugs's Avatar
and pokemon
06/21/2020 9:38 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Soren2111's Avatar
My favorite animal is dog!
And my favorite monster is Sans and Jevil!
Irish The Boi
06/21/2020 12:47 pm
Level 48 : Master Artist
Irish The Boi's Avatar
Anime, not animal. But maybe I'll do a favorite character thing.
06/22/2020 12:37 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Lenn0x's Avatar
Bungou stray dogs is preatty c00l
06/25/2020 7:12 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Slime Tamer
AmyOak's Avatar
06/22/2020 12:41 am
Level 27 : Expert Procrastinator
fairyniki's Avatar
Danganronpa, Sailor Moon, and AOT!!
06/25/2020 6:45 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Dolphin
SireWhiteKnight's Avatar
One Punch Man
Planet Minecraft


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