Michiru's Avatar
inactive 💤

  •               Ohayō!   ٩(^・.̮ ・^)۶

    M a t h i l d e / 2 2 / f e m a l e / s h e / h e r / f r e n c h
    s k i n - m a k e r  a n d  h o b b y i s t  d i g i t a l  a r t i s t

                                  t h i n g s  I  a m  i n t e r s t e d  i n
    I love graphic arts, espacially drawing I've been practicing for over ten years, and digital painting. My favorite artists are Yoh Yoshinari and Ishizaki Toshio
    I like, to be physically active, my favorite sports are hiking, basketball and swimming
    My favorite anime are Little Witch Academia, Brand New Animal, Code Geass, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Attack on Titan, Spice and Wolf, Dorohedoro and Psycho-Pass
    I love listening to music, especially JPop, JRock, City Pop, Jazz, Rock and Electro
    I love animals, especially cats, foxes and raccoons, and more generally, everything related to nature!

                                 S o m e  o f  m y  a r t w o r k s

    S T A T U S

                                 m y  o r i g i n a l  c h a r a c t e r s

                                 f a n a r t s

                                 f a n s k i n s

                                 m y  s u p p o r t  s t am p

                                 p e o p l e  I  su p p o r t
    It's so hard to find everyone's stamp! (・□・;)


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    • Michiru's Avatar
      November 18, 2021, 3:29 pm to Public
      Thank you for the 2k subscriptions!

      I don’t know what I could or should do for such a milestone, because as you may have noticed, I no longer make skins, so hosting a contest will be a bit out of place.

      I know I have fallen in rather bad terms with some people there within the last months (If I did something wrong, just tell me, I won’t bite you), and that I have been rather inactive lately (Initially for medical reasons) but I wish to thank all the people who had been supporting me and my work until then, I had been a pleasing experience! <3
      dreamCritting said 2021-11-19 03:35:02
      dreamCritting's Avatar
      Congratulations :D
      albin_ said 2021-11-18 19:23:35
      albin_'s Avatar
      congrats :3
      aquarine said 2021-11-18 18:34:47
      aquarine's Avatar
      congrats! 🎉
      Hardcrafter said 2021-11-18 17:24:33
      Hardcrafter's Avatar
      You deserve all 2006 subs and more! Not only do I think you deserve all of the recognition here for your past work on skins, but also the art you'll post here from time to time!

      Buhh said 2021-11-18 16:56:57
      Buhh's Avatar
      congrats!! <33
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    • Michiru's Avatar
      Michiru shared cheyko's post
      November 10, 2021, 12:56 pm with Public
      cheyko's Avatar
      November 10, 2021, 11:29 am to Public
      yoyoyo!! if any of you are interested, i opened both my skin & art commissions! i have my portfolio available on my pmc page if you're curious- here's a link aswell c:<
      stuff about prices and such is also on there, so check it out if you'd like! <3
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    • Michiru's Avatar
      August 4, 2021, 5:26 pm to Public
      I’d like to gently remind the people who might feel uncomfortable with what I may say or share that they can directly discuss the issue with me in DM instead of whining to the authority representatives, I don’t bite and I appreciate frankness, but I despise hypocrisy, thank you ;)
      DJ MJG VEVO Music said 2021-08-05 13:53:06
      DJ MJG VEVO Music's Avatar
      Hey guys leave Michiru alone and instead of you talking bad about her you should make her stay here on planet Minecraft =) making amazing skins as always I just admire you Michiru 😊 ×_× 🕶
      CharTheRedComet said 2021-08-05 08:32:41
      CharTheRedComet's Avatar
      If anyone messes with Michiru I will drop an asteroid on them. >:(
      Michiru replied to anonpmc565853's comment below 2021-08-05 00:53:04
      Michiru's Avatar
      It concerns discord servers, but I am sure some the people concerned are seeing this
    • Michiru's Avatar
      July 24, 2021, 2:19 pm to Public
      Not for the sake of jumping on the trend (Lady_Berry) but rather to satisfy my curiosity: how would you describe me in a few words or sentences? Be honest, please
      Kairi replied to Kairi's comment below 2021-07-25 22:31:40
      Kairi's Avatar
      Very good artist
      Kairi said 2021-07-25 22:30:51
      Kairi's Avatar
      good person
      DJ MJG VEVO Music said 2021-07-25 18:12:04
      DJ MJG VEVO Music's Avatar
      determined, adorable to the best skin maker on Planetminecraft congratulations you are just awesome 👏👏👏×_× 🕶
      Aethera said 2021-07-25 08:05:39
      Aethera's Avatar
      Creative, even-tempered, artistic, quiet, mature, and natural. ♥
      The FaiyaBLAST said 2021-07-25 01:32:15
      The FaiyaBLAST's Avatar
      skilled, creative, inspirational, kindhearted, tranquil
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    • Michiru's Avatar
      July 9, 2021, 11:44 am to Public
      I think it may be time to retire from skinmaking. I no longer make any minecraft related content, and barely pay attention to what is going on here.
      Paril said 2021-07-17 08:00:18
      Paril's Avatar
      Everybody moves on to greater things eventually; I wish you luck!
      Creative_Kylee said 2021-07-13 15:31:21
      Creative_Kylee's Avatar
      It's alright. I hope you succeed in whatever you choose to do next! Take care <3
      Mellie said 2021-07-10 12:53:10
      Mellie's Avatar
      Awww ;-;

      Wish you the best and good luck! <33
      aquarine said 2021-07-10 10:06:29
      aquarine's Avatar
      gonna miss ur content </3

      gl in real life & if u ever want to come back, we'll be here :))
      MJ_mcMaster said 2021-07-10 04:49:54
      MJ_mcMaster's Avatar
      oh well
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