⧰ Guild Race ⧰ [Finished] TeamVSTeam - Skinning/Building Eventdirections_run

LogMaiden's Avatar LogMaiden9/2/20 7:39 pm history
33 emeralds 2.5k 271
12/28/2020 4:33 pm
ToDream's Avatar ToDream

⧰ Welcome to ⧰

This is a team versus team competition. Each guild represents a team and a theme.

How this works
There will be 5 rounds during the competition.

Each round will have a new boss to fight. To win against the boss, your guild will have to collect points through adventurers or craftsmen (player skins), familiars or other adventurers (mob skins), and the guild’s territory (builds). Everything is worth a different amount of points-- builds being worth the most amount of points since those require more time to create.

The first guild to gather the required amount of points to defeat the boss will be given a bonus of [+50 points] and a collectible will be given to them. (The collectible is trophy as a way to show you won the round.) The other guild will not be given a bonus and the round will end with whatever points they are at. The next round will begin once posted.

Its a race to the last boss and to gain the most points while you're doing it!
No deadlines!

There will also be quests as a way of earning bonus points.
These will ask you to work with a theme (example: bards, witches, or tricksters) on your entry.

About Entries
Maximum of 3 entries per round per person.

Entries can be player skins, mob skins and builds. All models except items will be allowed.
HD skins of any type will not be counted. Only normal/default resolution skins will be allowed.
Your entries must follow your guild's theme.

With builds, keep it vanilla with no modded blocks.
Things like Worldpainter are fine to use but don't let that do all the work for you.

The more effort you put into your entry, the more points you will earn for your guild!

Link your entries in the comments!

Your entries will be judged on 3 categories

Uniqueness - How original and creative your entry is
Technique - How well-made your entry is
Theme - Does your entry represent your guild

Tell us a bit about your entry!
Which guild do you represent?

If they are an adventurer, are they maybe an archer? Or a sword wielder? A great mage?!

If they are craftsmen, what do they craft? A master blacksmith or a writer of grimoires? Maybe they are even a scholar, a collector of knowledge to help out the guild.

Is your entry a familiar? Is it a magical beast or one of brute strength.

If it is a build for the guild, how does it help the guild? A shop with nice discounts for adventures, or maybe a guild hall for all members to gather and share information.

For entries will nice stories attached, a bonus of [+10 points] will be added to their entry.

Points to earn on each type of entry

List of the maximum amount of points you can get on each model:

[​5 points] -- bat, bee, blaze, cat, chicken, cod, endermite, ocelot, parrot, pig, pufferfish(large/medium/small), rabbit, salmon, sheep, silverfish, skeleton, squid, tropical fish(large/small)

[​10 points] -- cow, creeper, dolphin(Java/Bedrock), enderman, fox(Java/Bedrock), magma cube, panda, phantom, polar bear, shulker, slime, snow golem, spider, strider, turtle, vex, wolf, zombie(Java/Bedrock), zombie pigman

[​15 points] -- player(Steve/Alex), evoker, ghast, guardian, hoglin, horse/donkey/mule, llama, piglin(Java/Bedrock), villager, vindicator, witch, wither, zombie villager

[​20 points] -- ender dragon, ravager, iron golem

Builds can be worth up to [​30 points] max.

Some basic rules
All PMC rules apply.

Create new entries for this event. Entries made before the start of this contest will not be accepted.
Entries stolen from other creators will not be accepted.

Don't be rude to your teammates or the other team! Do the opposite-- show support for your fellow creators.
Maybe even leave a positive comment on their entries. Everyone likes those.

Once the event begins, guilds will no longer take in new members. Sign up before you can't!
Your last chance will be during round 1.

When you join a guild, you're stuck with doing that theme of the guild. Choose wisely!

The Guilds

Melar Mountain GuildColtara Coast Guild

winter, tall snowy mountains, mining caverns, pine forests, and cool colors


summer, beautiful ocean waters, golden beaches, coral reefs, and warm colors

Guild Leader Huet
"Be careful against that beast! We don't know what tricks it will pull."

Guild Leader Olria
"That temple's artifact would make the guild more powerful and respected. It would also look nice in the guild's collection. "
Total Points: 823Total Points: 521
Team Entry CollectionTeam Entry Collection

Guild Members
Welcoming new members!

Melar Mountain GuildColtara Coast Guild

If I put you on the wrong side, please let me know!


Quests are a way to get bonus points added onto your entry for a bigger score.
Each quest will require you to add a theme to one of your entries.
You can only complete a quest once, and the quests are limited so do them while you can!
Quests have names, such as M1 or C1. Please add the quest's name to your entry so I know whether or not you're doing one.

Quests for Melar Mountain GuildQuests for Both GuildsQuests for Coltara Coast Guild
The coal mines in the Melar Mountain Range have been rich with minerals for almost a century, attracting many settlers to live in these cold mountains. Recently, another boom has begun with the discovery of silver in one of the deepest mines! Melar requires new workers to help collect this ore.

M1 - Miner themed entries will get a bonus of [+10 points]

[​5/5 members completed this quest]

Your guild leader looks pretty strong but they still need help with fighting the boss! Your guild is actively searching for supportive adventurers, such as healers and bards.

B1 - Support role themed entries will get a bonus of [+15 points]

[​5/5 members completed this quest]

For as long as people have lived on the coast of Coltara, there have been legends of a temple that has sunk into the sea. As of late, rumors have been going around that such a temple might have been found not too far from the coast! Adventurers that can stay underwater for long durations are wanted to search for the temple.

C1 - Aquatic themed entries will get a bonus of [+10 points]

[​5/5 members completed this quest]

The new workers and bases in the mountains have helped a lot during the process of collecting the newly found silver ore. One of these new workers happened to be down in the deepest parts of the mine, where it is warm and fur covered jackets are no longer needed. Setting off the last bit of dynamite the worker carried around, hand-carved stones were revealed. Gently pushing on the stones opened a tomb filled with warm light from the molten rock on the walls.

M2 - Explorer themed entries will get a bonus of [+10 points]

[​5/5 members completed this quest]

Expanding and improving the territory is one of the ways your guild supports their lands. Whether it be defenses, new houses, adding onto towns and villages, or outposts-- all of it helps.

B2 - Build entries will get a bonus of [+15 points]

[​2/5 members completed this quest]
After some time of the guild's help of searching for the temple, its location has been found! This ancient temple has magic surrounding it, allowed it to be dry and filling with air inside. In the report from the aquatic scouts, they seem to have noticed that there was writing in an unknown language on the walls and shrines within. More needs to be know about this place!

C2 - Scholarly themed entries will get a bonus of [+10 points]

[​5/5 members completed this quest]

After a few weeks of exploring the seemingly peaceful tomb, neatly drawn maps were put together from the few guild members that ventured the warm tunnels. Rather than a tomb, it more seemed like like a grand fortress with man-made lava rivers that flowed through the walls to keep the cold from ever coming near. No evidence was left behind to know what happened to the people that lived there or what even lived there. All that explored the fortress found a tall and steel plated door that had no handle or lock. Runes carefully carved into the door said the power of five was needed to open it but the power of more to defeat it. Should the door be opened?

M3 - Magic user themed entries will get a bonus of [+10 points]

[​5/5 members completed this quest]
B3 will open once B2 is complete.
The scholars and a fishy fool gathered together to discuss what they had read on the walls. Most of the passages mentioned an artifact that was used for religious purposes in the temple. It was described as something that was a blessing that protected the temple, but also a curse if put into the wrong hands. Guild Leader Olria believes that the artifact should be searched for and taken, but a few of your guild mates think that it should be left alone. What actions will you take?

C3 - Scout themed entries will get a bonus of [+10 points]

[​5/5 members completed this quest]

The five adventurers gifted with magic gathered together at the steel door. Each user stood at a rune and channeled their magic into it and soon glowed a soft blue. The door creaked and squeaked as dust fell from the rocky ceiling. It rumbled and began to open to reveal a room filled with darkness. The silence was broken as a heavy trot came from within, quickly coming closer to the steel frame of the door. Golden fur, long brown mane, horns of a ram and wings of an dragon -- it was the mighty chimera! This beast must not leave the fortress!

M4 - Combat themed entries will get a bonus of [+10 points]

[​0/10 members completed this quest]

Round 1 - Defeated!

Melar Mountain Guild

109/100 Points


Your Prize!

Defeat Bonus!
[+50 ponits]

The Soul Sorcerer

Coltara Coast Guild

85/100 Points


Round 2 - Defeated!

Melar Mountain Guild

208/200 Points


Your Prize!

Defeat Bonus!
[+50 ponits]

Golden Serpent

Coltara Coast Guild

163/200 Points


Round 3 - Defeated!

Melar Mountain Guild

356/350 Points


Your Prize!

Defeat Bonus!
[+50 ponits]

350 Health
Ogre Warlord

Coltara Coast Guild

273/350 Points


Round 4

Melar Mountain Guild

128/400 Points


400 Health
Fire Wielder

Coltara Coast Guild

35/400 Points


I'll update this whenever I get the chance to! Please be patience.
Posted by LogMaiden's Avatar
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Elf Paladin

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09/13/2020 9:34 am
She/Her • Level 69 : High Grandmaster Elf Paladin
LogMaiden's Avatar
09/13/2020 9:35 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Kitten
N0thing_but_s1lence's Avatar
What, it's already over? D:
I was still working on a miner...
09/13/2020 9:41 am
She/Her • Level 69 : High Grandmaster Elf Paladin
LogMaiden's Avatar
Don't worry! The same quests will still be going on in Round 2, and the project you're currently working on will be counted towards the next boss.
09/13/2020 11:44 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Kitten
N0thing_but_s1lence's Avatar
Does that mean i can post it anyway? :D
09/13/2020 7:00 pm
She/Her • Level 69 : High Grandmaster Elf Paladin
LogMaiden's Avatar
Yes, the points for it will be put into round 2. Giving you a bit of a head start.
09/13/2020 7:59 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Kitten
N0thing_but_s1lence's Avatar
09/13/2020 9:48 am
Level 42 : Master Nerd
Ang333's Avatar
09/13/2020 11:58 am
Level 26 : Expert Button Pusher
owroeugbrteogr's Avatar
shoot, i was going to start on skins today since i'm finally home
good thing they still work for next round
09/13/2020 9:51 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Artist
Wisteri's Avatar
Wait wat.. I havn't even started on a skin for round one tho ._.
09/13/2020 9:39 am
Level 42 : Master Nerd
Ang333's Avatar
wait what
I was still making my entry lol
09/13/2020 2:20 pm
Level 48 : Master Procrastinator
FreezerBurntIceCubes's Avatar
I terribly overestimated how much time we would get to make submissions
09/13/2020 1:40 pm
Level 49 : Master Musician
IHasFins's Avatar

we wooon
12/21/2020 1:34 pm
She/Her • Level 69 : High Grandmaster Elf Paladin
LogMaiden's Avatar
Hello everyone.

This event is now considered finished because of how dead it is. And that's okay! It dragged out for a bit too long and this was the first version of it.
A big thank you to everyone that participated in the event and for allowing me to be your host. I loved seeing everyone's creations from this event-- it inspired me and hopefully others too!

Overlord_Aqua_2 Fqsh Aurosilia IHasFins FreezerBurntIceCubes Whetshu Obscurum stari soulblqde Jackadope Ang333 mythicaljay dandelionss owroeugbrteogr BashfulGhost BlossomRuna Pup_gamerr budg1e VinsPlayer N0thing_but_s1lence Wisteri Richeeze Spongie AnnabelAwesome9
12/21/2020 2:41 pm
Level 46 : Master Wizard
mythicaljay's Avatar
I loved the idea! I’d totally do it again if I had the time.
12/21/2020 5:54 pm
She/Her • Level 55 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Spongie's Avatar
Thank you so so much for hosting such a cool event! I enjoyed participating even though I only was able to make one skin!! I think it was such a cool event idea! Thanks so much, LogMaiden! Happy Holidays - ♡(> ਊ <)♡
12/28/2020 4:33 pm
Level 46 : Master Necromancer
ToDream's Avatar
LogMaiden Oh geez, I didn't realize this was canceled! :( Well, thanks for the experience! It really improved my skinning techniques.
09/16/2020 3:55 pm
She/Her • Level 69 : High Grandmaster Elf Paladin
LogMaiden's Avatar
09/16/2020 10:38 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
Obscurum's Avatar
09/16/2020 6:30 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Kitten
N0thing_but_s1lence's Avatar
I have spawned to bring you:

M 3
09/17/2020 9:32 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Guard
Overlord_Aqua_2's Avatar
This could give me us more time for build quest.

(Accidentally deleted my previous reply. whoops.)
09/17/2020 12:56 pm
She/Her • Level 69 : High Grandmaster Elf Paladin
LogMaiden's Avatar
Bit of an update (sorry about the double mention)

+The guild leaders' quotes will change time to time depending on the quest, just for them to add in their own input.

+The quest story lines are going to be interactive. Like with C3, guild members have the choice of listening to Guild Leader Olria. Will the guild members search to find the artifact or leave it be?
Melar Mountain Guild's choice quest will come up soon too.

Overlord_Aqua_2 Fqsh Aurosilia IHasFins FreezerBurntIceCubes Whetshu Obscurum stari soulblqde Jackadope Ang333 mythicaljay dandelionss owroeugbrteogr diving boardz BashfulGhost BlossomRuna Pup_gamerr budg1e VinsPlayer N0thing_but_s1lence Wisteri Richeeze Spongie
09/17/2020 2:06 pm
Level 49 : Master Musician
IHasFins's Avatar
okie! :D
09/17/2020 3:21 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Kitten
N0thing_but_s1lence's Avatar
Should i tag this as M2 now, or another M3?
09/17/2020 4:10 pm
She/Her • Level 69 : High Grandmaster Elf Paladin
LogMaiden's Avatar
M2. Quest M3 isn't out yet.
09/17/2020 4:31 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Kitten
N0thing_but_s1lence's Avatar
So this & the one before are both M2?
And the bard was a supporter, right?
09/17/2020 4:40 pm
She/Her • Level 69 : High Grandmaster Elf Paladin
LogMaiden's Avatar
Yes and yes.
I counted "Armoured threat" for quest M2 already, thinking that you might have mixed numbers.
09/17/2020 5:01 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Kitten
N0thing_but_s1lence's Avatar
Oh, pardon me please.^^"
09/09/2020 12:19 pm
She/Her • Level 69 : High Grandmaster Elf Paladin
LogMaiden's Avatar
New information has been added about the event. I'm still up to hearing suggestions and answering any questions.

Overlord_Aqua_2 Fqsh Aurosilia IHasFins FreezerBurntIceCubes Whetshu Obscurum stari soulblqde Jackadope Ang333 mythicaljay dandelionss owroeugbrteogr
09/24/2020 12:46 pm
She/Her • Level 69 : High Grandmaster Elf Paladin
LogMaiden's Avatar
Due to the event slowing down a bit, the event will have a total of 5 rounds. Boss #4 will have a health of 400 points and boss #5 will have a health of 500 points for the finale.

So far, round 3 has been at a pretty good tie the whole round. I'm excited to see who will win! Good luck to you all.

Overlord_Aqua_2 Fqsh Aurosilia IHasFins FreezerBurntIceCubes Whetshu Obscurum stari soulblqde Jackadope Ang333 mythicaljay dandelionss owroeugbrteogr diving boardz BashfulGhost BlossomRuna Pup_gamerr budg1e VinsPlayer N0thing_but_s1lence Wisteri Richeeze Spongie
09/24/2020 12:52 pm
She/Her • Level 55 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Spongie's Avatar
Umm LogMaiden, should I make another skin?
09/24/2020 12:58 pm
Level 49 : Master Musician
IHasFins's Avatar
You can make 3 each round.
09/24/2020 1:00 pm
She/Her • Level 55 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Spongie's Avatar
Okay, thank you! :D
09/24/2020 12:52 pm
She/Her • Level 55 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Spongie's Avatar
09/24/2020 3:22 pm
Level 42 : Master Nerd
Ang333's Avatar
I just realized I haven't made basically anything for this
ok I'll get on a something
09/14/2020 11:45 am
She/Her • Level 69 : High Grandmaster Elf Paladin
LogMaiden's Avatar
Round 2!
One guild member from each side put in entries early, so there's a bit of a head start!

Just in case not everyone saw the message, quests now have names, such as M1 and C1.
Please add these to your entry in some way so I know which quest you're doing.

Good luck and remember, its a race!

Overlord_Aqua_2 Fqsh Aurosilia IHasFins FreezerBurntIceCubes Whetshu Obscurum stari soulblqde Jackadope Ang333 mythicaljay dandelionss owroeugbrteogr diving boardz BashfulGhost BlossomRuna Pup_gamerr budg1e VinsPlayer N0thing_but_s1lence Wisteri Richeeze
09/14/2020 12:45 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Kitten
N0thing_but_s1lence's Avatar
So M2 it is now?
09/14/2020 1:33 pm
She/Her • Level 69 : High Grandmaster Elf Paladin
LogMaiden's Avatar
Now M2 is here.
09/14/2020 2:18 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Kitten
N0thing_but_s1lence's Avatar
Okay, then i will submit this lovely Supporter:

09/14/2020 1:13 pm
She/Her • Level 69 : High Grandmaster Elf Paladin
LogMaiden's Avatar
Still M1. Quest M2 will come out once M1 has 5 entries.
09/14/2020 11:47 am
Level 42 : Master Nerd
Ang333's Avatar
09/13/2020 5:51 pm
Level 26 : Expert Button Pusher
owroeugbrteogr's Avatar
hey soulblqde Jackadope Ang333 mythicaljay dandelionss diving boardz BashfulGhost BlossomRuna Pup_gamerr budg1e do you guys want a temporary discord server for the team? help each other with skins and such or coordinate builds together maybe
09/13/2020 9:18 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Magical Boy
Jackadope's Avatar
09/13/2020 6:11 pm
She/They • Level 56 : Grandmaster Cowboy Magical Girl
soulblqde's Avatar
09/13/2020 6:37 pm
Level 26 : Expert Button Pusher
owroeugbrteogr's Avatar
09/14/2020 10:29 am
They/Them • Level 51 : Grandmaster Strawberry Bunny
BlossomRuna's Avatar
I don't have discord either
diving boardz
09/13/2020 6:00 pm
He/Him • Level 50 : Grandmaster Crab
diving boardz's Avatar
That sounds great, tho I don't have Discord--
09/13/2020 6:38 pm
Level 26 : Expert Button Pusher
owroeugbrteogr's Avatar
aw- that's alright, if you or anyone else on our team can't join, feel free to send dms through pmc, i check my notifications a couple times a day usually
09/13/2020 6:04 pm
Level 42 : Master Nerd
Ang333's Avatar
well I think we can still make it, even if all members can't join
09/13/2020 5:59 pm
Level 44 : Master Botanist
dandelionss's Avatar
Yes that would be helpful!
09/13/2020 6:37 pm
Level 26 : Expert Button Pusher
owroeugbrteogr's Avatar
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