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  • ajthepeach's Avatar
    May 11, 2024, 2:52 pm to Public
    i dont like katniss as a character
    ajthepeach replied to Angelonasher's comment below 2024-05-12 10:54:00
    ajthepeach's Avatar
    i havent even read the whole series. heck i havent even read any of the books and i saw ONE movie w my friend, the new one. my teacher is reading the second book to us during silent reading and i hate her so much
    Angelonasher said 2024-05-12 03:11:21
    Angelonasher's Avatar
    Ehh don't really like or dislike Katniss (althpigh tbf don't remember it that well) just don't like the ending of the series
    ajthepeach replied to AutumnAura49797's comment below 2024-05-11 16:11:05
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    ajthepeach replied to ScotsMiser's comment below 2024-05-11 16:10:40
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    MistFaller replied to ScotsMiser's comment below 2024-05-11 15:57:27
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  • ajthepeach's Avatar
    May 11, 2024, 2:28 pm to Public

    [​watchinf him play ckntent warning]
    ajthepeach replied to AutumnAura49797's comment below 2024-05-12 11:34:58
    ajthepeach's Avatar
    ok ty
    AutumnAura49797 replied to ajthepeach's comment below 2024-05-12 11:20:54
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    Content warning vid
    ajthepeach replied to AutumnAura49797's comment below 2024-05-11 16:11:16
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    AutumnAura49797 said 2024-05-11 15:51:06
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  • ajthepeach's Avatar
    May 11, 2024, 2:13 pm to Public
    finally have the chance to watch grian play content warning this is hilarious
  • ajthepeach's Avatar
    ajthepeach shared Darkfap's post
    May 11, 2024, 2:07 pm with Public
    me who fell asleep at ten last night
    Darkfap's Avatar
    May 11, 2024, 12:57 pm to Public
    Someone explain to me how teenage girls stay up so late every night?!
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  • SpartanHarv's Avatar
    May 11, 2024, 1:35 pm to Public

    Saturday yay :DD
    SteamMallard07 said 2024-05-11 13:39:15
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  • Ender Sparkle's Avatar
    Ender Sparkle shared Darkfap's post
    May 11, 2024, 1:20 pm with Public
    He caught me red-handed 😔
    Darkfap's Avatar
    May 11, 2024, 12:57 pm to Public
    Someone explain to me how teenage girls stay up so late every night?!
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  • MaximusPrime23's Avatar
    May 11, 2024, 1:08 pm to Public
    "The meaning of life is to live" ~ Mr. Obvious
  • MaximusPrime23's Avatar
    May 11, 2024, 12:56 pm to Public
    The minecraft gods are actually...
    *end pillar falls*
  • MaximusPrime23's Avatar
    May 11, 2024, 12:48 pm to Public
    Said I will fix a blog, now 5 months and still isn't fixed.
  • Elightin_elytra's Avatar
    May 11, 2024, 11:50 am to Public
    Which one's better?

    Ice Cream

    Weirdness said 2024-05-11 13:24:29
    Weirdness's Avatar
    ice cream [​sandwhich]
    Elightin_elytra replied to Aelle's comment below 2024-05-11 12:46:46
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    Aelle said 2024-05-11 12:26:28
    Aelle's Avatar
    popsicles cause you can suck on them
    FlintN_Steel said 2024-05-11 11:57:15
    FlintN_Steel's Avatar
    Well Ice cream taste better, but my body get tired of it really fast.
    With popsicles I can eat as many as I want, and not feel anything(besides cold ofc)!
    Ender Sparkle said 2024-05-11 11:57:02
    Ender Sparkle's Avatar
    They're both ice cream to me
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  • MaximusPrime23's Avatar
    May 11, 2024, 11:43 am to Public
    What is the iron golem(idea by MistFaller)

    The iron golem is known for being a good bodyguard and a essential component of iron farms, but what is it?

    The devs will answer: X lines of code
    But the lore answers:

    The iron golem is eventually a marvel of technology which replaces a golem core with the soul of its first enemy.
    The villagers probably do not want tons of scrap so they only summon golems when needed.

    The golem in itself is similar to the warden in 3 things: 1. The mob model and 2. The attack animation and 3. The golem consumes souls like the warden does.
    That feeds a bit the "wardens are corrupted golems" theory but the warden might just be a vengeful soul which absorbed everything around.

    But why there are no more golem cores?
    The villagers surely do not mine a lot(like that they do not have raw diamonds, just armor probably obtained from the undead), which means that they do not have the golem cores from the redstone golems.

    But how does the golem work before the first soul? It takes a fragment of the villager's soul.

    What I said probably isn't canon so keep making theories and sharing them!
  • MaximusPrime23's Avatar
    May 11, 2024, 11:35 am to Public
    What are words?(not lore-theory just some weird stuff)

    Words are combinations of letters, such as this: "word" or "a word is a word".
    But with swapped meanings it ends up that most terms lose their definition ending in a infinite paradox.
    Anyways, the brain reads words through the last and the first letter.
    "NoO We rEaD WoRdS fUlLy!11!11!"
    Here is a proof: "Read this: if yfu can raed tihs you hvae a srtagne mnid"
    Solution: If you can read this you have a strange mind

    Why do people misunderstand that words can be both spoken and written?
    It's their issue, eventually check how much the average person speaks:
    Google said: The average person says 6k words per day normally
    I say: The average person talks a lot
    Talkative people say: Average people just speak, the amount of words does not matter

    Well, that does mean spoken words are far more common than written(it is true in most cases)
    Anyways, words can be messed up by moving a single character
    EXAMPLE: He'll do that. if the ' is inverted and moved to between the first 2 words it ends up in: "Hell, do that"(yes i just messed up a sentence through a few moves)

    Which means, it is impossible to understand why people made communication so chaotic.

    Anyways please do not ban me for making this weird and not-minecraft related post
  • SoapSoapSoap's Avatar
    May 11, 2024, 11:25 am to Public
    Let the bodies hit the floor
    PsioPsia001 said 2024-05-11 12:25:41
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    Let the bodies hit the floor
    ItzOrangey said 2024-05-11 11:25:48
    ItzOrangey's Avatar
    but we need to hide them before the fbi finds us
  • ClayMan1077's Avatar
    ClayMan1077 shared BelleChxn's post
    May 11, 2024, 10:57 am with Public
    BelleChxn's Avatar
    May 11, 2024, 2:20 am to Public
    request form! i apologize if u can't see it!!
    share this to spread the word!!
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  • PsioPsia001's Avatar
    PsioPsia001 shared Prince Ren's post
    May 11, 2024, 10:40 am with Public
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    Prince Ren
    May 11, 2024, 10:38 am to Public
    thank u all for the support on the two most recent skins i posted <3

    if any1 hasnt seen them yet but wants to, theyre here c:

    Lu Guang - Link Click Minecraft Skin
    Cheng Xiaoshi - Link Click Minecraft Skin
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  • IGEBM's Avatar
    IGEBM shared Ender Sparkle's post
    May 11, 2024, 10:19 am with Public
    Ender Sparkle's Avatar
    Ender Sparkle
    May 11, 2024, 10:01 am to Public
    How unique are our usernames?
    Here's the chart:
    Of course, in some cases this chart is inaccurate. There can be something out of 2. that can have such unusual combo it could belong in 4, or there might be a character/person with an unique name/nick who got such a fanbase who makes their nicks based on that one character that it's not original anymore. So it's complicated and the chart averaged.
    1. NPC name - Something extremely unoriginal. Like an IRL name. It is very common and there is no way this isn't already talent. Example: Ben (No offense to all Bens out there - just picked up a random name)
    2. Small alteration or prefix - More original than No. 1, still not very original, because it's just either an on-purpose misspeling, added prefix or suffix, or a mix of 2 things. My username basically has the construction of 2., but I haven't seen anyone else who would use it too, so I'd put myself in like, 3.. Example: PringlesGaming
    3. Unusual reference - People who got pretty creative. An case that would fit right here would be a nick that references something that is not mentioned very often, like a forgotten, maybe even lost media character or an unpopular franchise. The second fitting case would be 2-4 words that at first glance have no connection, but if you dive deeper, you'll notice these have a symbolic meaning. Example: Elysian Eclipse (Yeah, it's an actual franchise, I love fitting things that I like in every single place where that's possible. And the symbolic meaning of this one can be found on the FAQ section of EE's official site)
    4. Unique name - Pretty much self explanatory. I always have trouble making unique names because my head keeps giving me references that one could think of. Example: Gersef
    5. Something like xnxbxbxjdbxndj (isn't actually very unique) - Well, this one is self explanatory. Technically, it's the most original of them all, but for common sense, it's actually a bunch of random letters/keyboard spam. The longer the "username", the more "unique" it is because the probability someone somehow also randomly types this in decreases. Also this tier is mostly a filler because I had no more ideas. Example: xjxjxjdhsjshdhsjdh
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    Dronko fire blaster said 2024-05-11 18:53:22
    Dronko fire blaster's Avatar
    Id say my name is unique, I can search it and my stuff comes up
    PreClassicAlpha said 2024-05-11 16:52:49
    PreClassicAlpha's Avatar
    PreClassicAlpha is my user name, I do not know where it is on the chart.
  • BigFatPotat's Avatar
    May 11, 2024, 10:14 am to Public
    No update to Refreshed this week, I'm taking a break lol. Expect one probably next week?
  • WhisperOfTheWild's Avatar
    May 11, 2024, 10:05 am to Public
    cya all tmr chat

    have a wonderful night/day

    I will possibly post something tomorrow
    WhisperOfTheWild replied to ajthepeach's comment below 2024-05-11 23:14:29
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    PsioPsia001 said 2024-05-11 10:14:42
    PsioPsia001's Avatar
    Good time zone
    ajthepeach said 2024-05-11 10:07:07
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  • PsioPsia001's Avatar
    May 11, 2024, 10:02 am to Public
    My inventory today in the morning:
    - a short, dirty rope with a knot
    - a wrench
    - a military butter knife
    - a "newspaper" that had only like 6 pages, all about building and a hidden message
  • Ender Sparkle's Avatar
    Ender Sparkle
    May 11, 2024, 10:01 am to Public
    How unique are our usernames?
    Here's the chart:
    Of course, in some cases this chart is inaccurate. There can be something out of 2. that can have such unusual combo it could belong in 4, or there might be a character/person with an unique name/nick who got such a fanbase who makes their nicks based on that one character that it's not original anymore. So it's complicated and the chart averaged.
    1. NPC name - Something extremely unoriginal. Like an IRL name. It is very common and there is no way this isn't already talent. Example: Ben (No offense to all Bens out there - just picked up a random name)
    2. Small alteration or prefix - More original than No. 1, still not very original, because it's just either an on-purpose misspeling, added prefix or suffix, or a mix of 2 things. My username basically has the construction of 2., but I haven't seen anyone else who would use it too, so I'd put myself in like, 3.. Example: PringlesGaming
    3. Unusual reference - People who got pretty creative. An case that would fit right here would be a nick that references something that is not mentioned very often, like a forgotten, maybe even lost media character or an unpopular franchise. The second fitting case would be 2-4 words that at first glance have no connection, but if you dive deeper, you'll notice these have a symbolic meaning. Example: Elysian Eclipse (Yeah, it's an actual franchise, I love fitting things that I like in every single place where that's possible. And the symbolic meaning of this one can be found on the FAQ section of EE's official site)
    4. Unique name - Pretty much self explanatory. I always have trouble making unique names because my head keeps giving me references that one could think of. Example: Gersef
    5. Something like xnxbxbxjdbxndj (isn't actually very unique) - Well, this one is self explanatory. Technically, it's the most original of them all, but for common sense, it's actually a bunch of random letters/keyboard spam. The longer the "username", the more "unique" it is because the probability someone somehow also randomly types this in decreases. Also this tier is mostly a filler because I had no more ideas. Example: xjxjxjdhsjshdhsjdh
    Random-guy said 2024-05-11 11:53:34
    Random-guy's Avatar
    Mine is Venom_soldier, reference to the Marvel characther
    bigotato replied to Ender Sparkle's comment below 2024-05-11 11:14:56
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    Ender Sparkle replied to bigotato's comment below 2024-05-11 11:11:44
    Ender Sparkle's Avatar
    Let people have their surprises.
    bigotato replied to Ender Sparkle's comment below 2024-05-11 11:05:22
    bigotato's Avatar
    nooooooo you deleted it!
    Ender Sparkle replied to bigotato's comment below 2024-05-11 11:03:06
    Ender Sparkle's Avatar
    Brother, you spoiled this to others...
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