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  • Kaos_Kitten's Avatar
    Kaos_Kitten shared Prince Ren's post
    September 19, 2020, 2:50 am with Public
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    Prince Ren
    September 18, 2020, 9:11 pm to Public
    Once again Saara_ and I are taking Moderator & Helper applications for our Hallows Eve-ent discord server!

    Here are the forms! :)

    Please only fill out one application in total, thank you!



    We'll need approx 3 - 5 helpers as of now, and 4 - 6 moderators as of now; this may change in the near future!

    Neither of these forms collect any personal information, so don't worry!

    The Hallows Eve-ent Discord server will not be shared with anyone at the moment unless they're accepted as staff. W'll send out invites to the server a few days after event sign-ups open.
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  • canday's Avatar
    September 18, 2020, 9:20 pm to Public

    made this wall post a little late but :,)
    ephemeraal replied to chickenpants93's comment below 2020-09-18 22:07:19
    ephemeraal's Avatar
    The lawn mower got first place and the disembodied hands are clapping.
    I don't see how that's confusing in the slightest.
    chickenpants93 said 2020-09-18 21:23:26
    chickenpants93's Avatar
    I'm confused but I love it
  • prismatic
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    bunyeet's Avatar bunyeet •9/18/20 7:16
  • 💖 Ashlynn [oc] 💖
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    Kirigiri's Avatar Kirigiri •9/18/20 6:30
  • Beanie's Avatar
    September 18, 2020, 2:30 pm to Public
    Never posted this here, but check out this new generic anime school pack I made! Original, I know <3 I do like how I did the eyes though :) Hadn't seen anyone do them like that before :D

    Get it here

    Twitter Post

    leopardsarelife100 said 2020-09-18 18:47:39
    leopardsarelife100's Avatar
    More like GENIUS!
  • JessaMoon's Avatar
    September 18, 2020, 11:08 am to Public
    Oh my word have I got some drama to share so if you enjoy let me just spill some tea for you thirsty people XD x

    I'd say about a few months ago just prior to lockdown some stuff happened in March involving me where this girl called 'S' decided to try and rub shoulders with me because I was and still am BFF's with a someone who she was getting along well with. And this dear thought I wouldn't see her calling me, another friend of mine and another out- two other girls besides me who were also close to my BF.
    Obviously my friend came and told me because I was oblivious (bare in mind this was outside of PMC) and turns out this girl was jealous of the fact I was very close to them- so without sounding informal she thought it was a good idea to slag me off, thinking I wouldn't find out.
    Little does one know my friends obviously were pissed off at her because this went on behind my back and she was acting as a fake friend- who also was being slightly toxic with doing those annoying little jabs at you blatently in your face (to which I bit my tongue about because I hate starting a confrontation especially when it is something pety). However she then continued these digs by sharing them with her group of friends who she wasn't aware I was close to.
    Hun if I've done nothing wrong and you come for me behind my back thinking youu're sly enough to get away with it, simply because I'm close to someone you were getting along well with then don't think there will be repercussions XD

    Obviously I found at and felt quite betrayed because I just started getting along well with S and cared gravely for her to which she wasn't aware of and sung her praises to others- I was planning to start even offering a few things to help her out and talk to her a lot more due to me seeing a sweet side to her- heavens I was also wanting to aid her during hard times considering her past which I was aware of from hearing from others.
    So long behold the time my BFF became really pissed with her for calling me out and slightly rubbing shoulders with the other two friends of ours since it was so uncalled for- causing my BF to come to me and even explain they didn't know how to feel about this person anymore. I clearly stated how I felt and that if they wanted to continue being friends with them that even if they didn't like me as a person I will have nothing against them being friends back- I'm not one of these people who will make they're friends hate someone when they don't get along with me.

    Low and behold S wasn't also aware I had known my BFF since we was young & knew everything about them and was ever so close because of our connection. I was there for them for years and we got even closer this year because of everthing we were both going through in our personal lives.

    So comes the present time, where my BF confronted S about it and now after months my BF has lost the trust with them so now it is just neutral state however I believe my other friend, who both me and BFF are friends with is still mates since they have always been friends for ages too x
    In all fairness I think this girl is still a bit resentful of me because of our relationship however it's gotten to the point where I don't care however much she blares out at me publicly- it's just getting a bit overdone with her reactions on how close we are and how me and my BF are only ever getting closer, but I don't hold grudges or anything so I frankly wish her the best in her relationships and has a great future. I really don't care as long as she is in good health, stable life, loving relationship and hope her life improves from her past bless her x

    TLDR:- Don't get jealous of someone who is Best Freinds with the one you are friends with and start slagging them off behind their back, because the person you have very well made sly jabs to will find out from the rest of your friends who are friends with them back, that you are being toxic & jealous because of having a long, platonic relationship with someone & think you will go unnoticed. (I'm not good at TLDR's hope this makes sense XD)x

    Damn that was a long post hope you enjoy your fresh British Tea XD x
    JessaMoon replied to polkadotstingray's comment below 2020-09-18 18:31:50
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    You don't have to say sorry at all haha x
    Thankfully things died down IRL but thank you for the thoughts x
    (And yeah not gonna lie she is quite the one for attention especially at parties) x
    polkadotstingray said 2020-09-18 18:27:15
    polkadotstingray's Avatar
    sorry that happened to you! whoever that is just sounds attention-seeking ^^
    SalmonBee replied to JessaMoon's comment below 2020-09-18 13:50:08
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    JessaMoon replied to SalmonBee's comment below 2020-09-18 13:36:24
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Yeah just sprinkle that salty soul of theirs over your chips and boom you have a meal XD x
    SalmonBee said 2020-09-18 13:09:27
    SalmonBee's Avatar

    It's good to hear that there's still salty people in this world. Makes it even better when you get to consume their soul later. It's so inexplicably close to eating Wendy's fries, you have no idea.
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  • Aria Blaze - My Little Pony - Request
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    Hibiki Ekko's Avatar Hibiki Ekko •9/18/20 8:59
  • Kaos_Kitten's Avatar
    September 18, 2020, 5:04 am to Public

    Zoom meetings aren't fun, i have no clue about anything!
    Feathermqqn said 2020-09-18 06:35:19
    Feathermqqn's Avatar
    I have used all sorts of f u n a p p s

    to learn online . . .
    Kaos_Kitten replied to khajiity's comment below 2020-09-18 05:51:02
    Kaos_Kitten's Avatar
    I kinda prefer normal classes xD
    khajiity said 2020-09-18 05:35:58
    khajiity's Avatar
    its even worse in person
  • hat
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    Zulphiroo's Avatar Zulphiroo •9/17/20 5:18
  • Kaos_Kitten's Avatar
    Kaos_Kitten shared TsukiaKari's post
    September 17, 2020, 3:29 pm with Public
    TsukiaKari's Avatar
    September 17, 2020, 2:38 pm to Public
    Congrats to SalmonBee and Kaos_Kitten for winning my art raffle! You two will be PMed shortly about this :3

    Thank you all for entering and participating in my Q&A lol ^v^
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  • Kirigiri's Avatar
    September 17, 2020, 10:25 am to Public
    Why can't we go back to simpler times, like when clown attacks were a thing. my school had a clown drill where if we saw a clown on school premises the school would go into lockdown LOCKDOWN OVER A FRIGGIN CLOWN, and four years after the mass clown hysteria it has left NO lasting impact on humanity! what happend!

    khajiity said 2020-09-17 10:28:31
    khajiity's Avatar
    and it was lowkey so funny seeing people upload videos of them beating up clowns
    Whiteout- said 2020-09-17 10:28:15
    Whiteout-'s Avatar
    I would totally replace the other drill for this one
  • Kaos_Kitten's Avatar
    September 17, 2020, 7:08 am to Public

    I will be announcing a "OCTOBER" event thingy, the announcement and prompt list will go up on the 30th of September!

    Rather than doing skintober, as I never have the time or motivation to do a skin a day for a theme, I decided to make a prompt list giving a prompt once a day, thats a little different to the idea of halloween. This isn't really a halloween prompt list, allthough it very much leans towards spookiness as I think the first one has a lot of opportunity for spooks.

    8 prompts over the month of october, each dated for 4 days after the previous.

    Because of the theme and idea of it, it's not limited to skins! It mainly comes under skins and art, but some more creative people may find other ways to participate!

    ((obligatory post to start a slight hype train, only to fail and look kinda sad and not help but I still do this with like every thing I do on here xD))
  • sword
    Minecraft Skin
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    Zulphiroo's Avatar Zulphiroo •9/17/20 6:08
  • another another one
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    Zulphiroo's Avatar Zulphiroo •9/17/20 4:38
  • another one
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    Zulphiroo's Avatar Zulphiroo •9/16/20 9:20
  • Kirigiri's Avatar
    September 16, 2020, 8:54 pm to Public
    hello mortals, I am hosting an autumnal themed event more details will be in the discord.

    but basically TLDR you have until the 23rd to make an autumnal themed mood board and then you will be allocated a mood board and you will have until october 1st to make a skin inspired by your allocated mood board skins are due on october 1st
    Yeerbles replied to Kirigiri's comment below 2020-09-17 19:15:34
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    Kirigiri replied to Yeerbles's comment below 2020-09-17 19:13:37
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    Yeerbles replied to Kirigiri's comment below 2020-09-17 19:10:37
    Yeerbles's Avatar
    due to our constant attempts at killing each other, time fucking dies and we're both stuck there, eternally in the same fate
    Kirigiri replied to Yeerbles's comment below 2020-09-17 19:00:25
    Kirigiri's Avatar
    Yeerbles replied to Kirigiri's comment below 2020-09-17 18:50:01
    Yeerbles's Avatar
    you get hit in the head with [​REDACTED] COCONUTS!
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  • Kirigiri's Avatar
    September 16, 2020, 6:08 pm to Public
    so i wanted to go full pink with my hair, but it ended up sort of going grey and rasberry coloured and now it's not shinyyyyy 😭😭😭

    why did i buy permanent pink hair dye ;-;

    if anyone knows any way of getting the pink out of my hair without damaging it please let me know XD
    ImYourEnder said 2020-09-17 05:15:31
    ImYourEnder's Avatar
    Very cute though
    JessaMoon replied to Kirigiri's comment below 2020-09-16 19:42:03
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Well maybe if you want get it professionally done! There's tons of amazing hair salons which can do the look you desire! X
    And trust me it looks nice I have seen ten times worse in some compilations XD x
    Kirigiri replied to JessaMoon's comment below 2020-09-16 18:53:40
    Kirigiri's Avatar
    awee tyy, i just am not vibing with it though lol, thankfully it's fading already but like i was inspired by the new clean bandit song because the celloists hair looked SO pretty and i was like omg i can do that to my hair

    then i did it and i was like

    omg i can't do that to my hair :_:
    JessaMoon said 2020-09-16 18:37:38
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Use hair masks to keep t conditioned with nutrients to make it shine and soft, and let the permanant dye rinse out over time with washing your hair x
    Thankfully you have light hair as well as a light colour dye in so it will fade quicker than usual dyes x
    You honestly look so sweet though it is still lovely and cute!! x
    JadeFire170 said 2020-09-16 18:14:49
    JadeFire170's Avatar
    I think it looks super cute!

    Im sorry to hear about that tho :(
  • Zulphiroo's Avatar
    September 16, 2020, 5:22 pm to Public
    yay im better
  • its a me
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    Zulphiroo's Avatar Zulphiroo •9/16/20 5:21
  • JessaMoon's Avatar
    September 16, 2020, 3:59 pm to Public
    It's my Birthday in only 4 days and I have like- no idea what 'm gonna do because of Covid and the 'Rule-of-Six" within the UK. So I guess I'll just post a Birthday skin, eat cake and drink Wine or Baileys without friends or host a facetime party? XD x
    JessaMoon replied to Brick's comment below 2020-09-18 07:12:18
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Thanks very much lol! x
    Brick said 2020-09-17 20:10:18
    Brick's Avatar
    happy birthday now because I'll forget
    JessaMoon replied to LadyBerry's comment below 2020-09-17 12:45:45
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Thank you!! x
    JessaMoon replied to The FaiyaBLAST's comment below 2020-09-17 12:45:24
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Thank you so much!! x
    LadyBerry said 2020-09-17 07:57:03
    LadyBerry's Avatar
    Happy early b-day!!!
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