Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

The REAL way to make a good resource pack

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Headaxe's Avatar Headaxe
Level 55 : Grandmaster Technomancer


I've already created a blog, which gives you a detailed tutorial about making projects.
In this tutorial, I am going to talk about resource packs.
While the other blog was focused on theoretical things and rules, this blog is highly focused on a tutorial for the creation of the pack, not on the relation of originality/quality of it.


Some people may know, that resource packs are basically the biggest and most effective source of xp that you might possibly have on your profile.
You can constantly create new updates, so your texture packs will stay in the "Recently Updated" list.
As long as you don't spam the update log with pointless fixes of one or two textures, you can update it as often as you desire.

Resource packs are a rarity, so your resource might stay on the first page for 24 hours or more which makes it an even greater source of views.

Unlike projects, people don't just have look at the screenshots of your submission to see it's entire content.
The viewers are basically forced to download the pack if they want to see all of it which gives you even more xp.

Resource packs are the most reliable and effective source of XP on Planet Minecraft!

Resource Packs are also a connection to the community as they make it possible for you to let people make reviews of it, let people record stuff with the resource pack and more.
If you have a famous pack, try to get the community of PMC and YouTube involved into it as you will get more views and possibly diamonds if the pack is shared very often.

Before starting, you'll need a couple of important tools that are neccessary for the creation of a resource pack.
You don't have to use the tools listed below, but they are highly recommended of course.

1. A "blank pack" (And yes, I asked a moderator if I am allowed to upload it here!)
Even if you are not going for a 16x16 pack, you still get a complete list of all the stuff that has to be edited in the end.
Also, it gives you information about the format in which custom models for blocks are saved and how the game loads the textures onto the blocks.

2. GIMP (Or a different paint program of choice)
This paint program is entirely free and gives you more than enough tools to create any basic resource pack.
Of course you would still profit from investing into professional software, but GIMP is definetely the best software you can get for $ 0.00.


Resource Packs are available in a big variety of sizes, but you can describe them easily and tell easily, how you are supposed to work on the individual sizes.


4x4 or smaller:
Possibly something close to a resource pack, but still spam


The first size that guarantees you enough options, to design individual textures.
8x8 packs drag the attention of PMC surprisingly often, as people aren't that used to this particular size.
Don't use the small size as an excuse for simplicity, try to add as much details as possible which is way easier than you might think.
Fast, relative easy and efficient.


The perfect size for quick but good looking and detailed texture packs, made using pixel art.
Self explenatory.


If you want to make a detailed pixel art pack and are not satisfied with the default size, go for this size.
The methods you use are basically the same as in the default pack, but the creation is more time consuming and doesn't really gaurantee you more success than a 16x16 pack.
I would not risk it.


I don't really have much to say about this size.
Many people use this size for hand drawn texture packs, a few use it for very detailed pixel art packs.
In both cases, I would not really go for it.
Too time consuming for pixel art, too small for hand drawn or digital.

128x128 or bigger:

This is a size that is used for handdrawn and photorealistic packs.
Using it for pixel art would be madness, but it delivers more than enough detail for other packs while running fast in Minecraft.
Good choice!
Anything larger than 128 is just additional detail and a lot more CPU intense, 128 is simply the perfect size.

I can't tell you in this blog how you can make every possible kind of resource pack, (Duh) but I can give you useful advice on how to learn and find the tips you really need for the drawing itself.
The key is: TUTORIALS!
Instead of making an unmotivated and bad simple pack, watch tutorials about methods of creation of resource packs.
There are a lot of ways to make a cool and unique pack.
Tutorials are the key to every good art, I was horrible at Photoshop before I didn't watch 20 tutorials+, and today I am the proud owner of an art blog filled with great art which constantly gets me good feedback and a lot of xp.

The most important part, which I am going to focus on in this blog is the cover picture.
The cover of your resource pack already indicates your talents as an artists and shows in addition, that your resource pack is propably going to be really dayum awesome, if the cover is good aswell.
Unlike a project cover, it doesn't just have to look good, it should also give a preview of the textures in the pack.
People don't click on your content because it's quality is high (duh, how could they know it before clicking on it), they click on your content, because it's name and thumbnail are interesting and getting the people's attention. 

Remember, your pack is a diamond and view farm so every little detail in the description and presentation can get you statistically more diamonds.

Texture Packs don't really need to get on the pop reel as they can be visible on the homepage nearly all the time cause of the massive update log rate.
That doesn't mean the the pop reel is unimportant though!
It can draw YouTuber's attention and also get you a ton of diamonds and views right at the beginning which will get you even more views after it is done, as a high diamond and view count both indicate quality.

Uploading good packs with a bad presentation is a waste of time and a huge waste of effort.
You still invest most of the time into the pack itself, it might even seem unfair to you that the presentation can still make up 50% of your success in the end, but that's just how it is.

Now that you know what a good presentation means to your project, it is time to learn how to make a good one!

Your cover should both show off the textures of the pack AND look really good.
A simple Minecraft screenshot won't impress anyone, but to make something else you need the rigth software.
Here it is:

Did you know, that there is a software that was created especially for Minecraft renders? 
Chunky gives you absolutely astonishing results, that are even better than shader screenshots. 
It will make your textures look better than ever before, trust me.

After finishing the render, some might just upload it as a thumbnail instantly. 
I rather recommend editing the picture at least a bit. 
When editing your renders, you should focus on editing lighting, maybe adding some filters, smoothing some things out, giving the whole picture a good atmosphere and finally, if you're done, adding a logo which suits the style of the pack very well.

A good software doesn't have to mean good resuslts but the better your software, the more possibilities and options you have. 
Expensive and professional programs are only worth it when you know how to use them, or if you're willing to invest enough time into learning them.

GIMP is an entirely free software, which gives you many complex tools to edit your pictures. 
It is not the best out there, but at least it is free and good for beginners. 
Many important tools are easy to find and compared to MS Paint, it gives you much more possibilites for editing your covers. 

Photoshop is expensive, but really worth it. 
It gives you the most possibilities and options for editing even the most complex pictures. 
Some things might be easier to do with GIMP, than with Photoshop, but this software is still the best out there, at least for experienced graphical designers. 
There are many options of payment, when bying, it costs around 500$. 

When creating a thumbnail, keep in mind how everything will look, when the thing is downscaled and very small. 
Always keep in mind how the thumbnail would appear in the project list when somebody scrolls through it. 

When creating a name, always think of the AIDA principle: 

Attention: Try to get the people's attention 
Interest: Catch people's interest with interesting names or ideas in your name. 
Desire:   Make the people want to click on your project, because you have something, that they want to see 
Action:    Motivate people to act (click on your project) 

Your name should always represent the resource pack of course. 
A good name can be catchy and motivate people to share the pack. 

For example, I doubt that my texture pack "OCTABOX" would have gotten much attention, if I didn't think about the name for a whole week. 
And there's no doubt, that I might have gotten more views on my project "Ultimate PVP 3", if I would have chosen a catchy and creative name.

The worst description you can make is simply unedited, continuous text. 
Some people may make the font size big and the text bold, which gives you the ilussion of much content, even though there is nearly none. 
Others might spam background/font colors to make it look fancy, even though it's just messed up then. 

In order to make the description look good, you have to use different editing tools, like font colors, background colors, horizontal rules, tables and more. 
Even with editing, the text might still seem boring. 

The fact, you are working with a big piece of art gvies your certain freedoms.
For example, you don't need to make a big list of the content or follow strict rules of what has to be written, but you can decide it for yourself.
Many people decide to make a 2d picture filled with the textures in their pack for example, others (like I) fill it up with tons of lists and update logs.

Don't worry about bad english skills, but if you are really bad in english, then try to warn the people in a short message at the beginning. 
Some people might not support that optinion, because they think that it makes you look insecure, but I see it as an act of politeness. 
In the end it is your choice if you want to provide that information or not. 

1. Thumbnail and Screenshots, that show your textures off well
2. Information about the progress

Try to deliver as much content as possible. 
Even though the first look might be not very impressive because the content seems to be smaller, using spoilers is a great method of delivering the people a good overview. 
Just imagine how horrible this blog would look without spoilers. 
Continuous texts might be ok sometimes, but using spoilers when the content is huge is always the right choice. 

Remember, that most people skip huge parts of text, which is why you should highlight important parts, or use other methods to make it more visible for everyone. 
Delivering much content is good, but you have to keep sure, that nobody skips the most important parts of your text.


(click on the pictures) 

2 Update Logs

Awesome Update : by Headaxe 08/14/2014 1:15:06 pmAug 14th, 2014

+Added "TOOLBOX"
+New, better and more easy to understand overall structure of the blog
+Smaller fixes in the text
+Improvement of the use of background and text colors in the blog

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06/13/2018 11:56 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
sShiba's Avatar
I mean, most of the points were true here but I mean the ONLY learning I got was from watching samasaurus6 vids and then finding stuff out on my own.
01/14/2015 4:32 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Mountaineer
DouglasWarren's Avatar
GIMP is what I use, and I'm pretty confident with my work so far. And the program itself is fun to mess with :)

Also, thanks for making this!
09/05/2014 10:24 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Miss_Sicko3124's Avatar
how do you edit the things
09/07/2014 1:12 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Technomancer
Headaxe's Avatar
Which things exactly?
08/15/2014 3:28 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Artist
Digin4Ever's Avatar
Thanks for this, it really is helpful.
09/07/2014 1:23 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Technomancer
Headaxe's Avatar
Thanks ^^
08/13/2014 7:32 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Batman
smanrt's Avatar
did you delete the blog about a good blog photo size? I really need that info!!!
09/07/2014 1:13 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Technomancer
Headaxe's Avatar
I deleted it as it's quality was not what I wanted to see on my profile.
A good size for uploading pics to PMC is 640*360.
If you want it to look on the pop reel, it has to have a size of 640*280.
08/13/2014 6:20 am
Level 76 : Legendary Button Pusher
DragonsDungeon's Avatar
"The real way to make a good resource pack". I think you miss a lot of things, you should go through execution like colour logic, shading and so. You can't just make a good resource pack by finding a size, adding a description and making a name. Finding a good program doesn't instantly give you shading nor colours, I think you should go through some colour and shading logic as it is a huge part of resource packs. 

I know you decided to focus on the pictures and presentation, but the fact remains you call the blog "the REAL way to make a good resource pack". You kinda need to explain how to actually make a ressource pack, you need something to make your presentation about. If you don't want to do that, I think you should rename it to "How to presentate your resource pack" or something in the style of that.
08/12/2014 11:59 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Waffle
SackboyRocks's Avatar
Good work. <3
