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    18. she/they. queer

    heyyyoo !! you can call me trader!
    i'm a lil gremlin that loves women too much
    here are some fandoms im in !!
    ➜hotd, ffxiv(dont spoil me pls), resident evil, hzd/hfw, sanrio, tlou,
    there are more but my brain is fried atm :)


    you do not have permission to edit/repost my skins & art.
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    my support stamp !!

    people i support !!


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    • Trader's Avatar
      Trader shared GoldenScientist's post
      July 16, 2024, 2:37 am with Public
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      July 15, 2024, 5:21 pm to Public
      You may only share this post if you're older than Minecraft!
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    • Trader's Avatar
      July 15, 2024, 3:50 pm to Public
      hi !! question to ppl who use pmcskin3d is there a way to move around in the 2d mode?
      it only zooms in and out on the center of the skin, its a lil odd since i used to use the program
      ^-^ any help is appreciated !! <3
      + idk if this is answered on the forum bc i couldn't find anything abt it ┐(;'~`;)┌
      Trader replied to kodayne's comment below 2024-07-15 16:10:41
      Trader's Avatar
      ahh! tyty it works (⁀ᗢ⁀)
      kodayne said 2024-07-15 16:00:12
      kodayne's Avatar
      i dont know if you've tried this already but when you hold down the right mouse button, you should be able to move around
    • Trader's Avatar
      July 6, 2024, 6:44 pm to Public
      i have something coming soon !!
      here is a little sneak peek ~
    • Trader's Avatar
      July 6, 2024, 6:33 pm to Public
      tyty Spongie for the notif spam <3
    • Trader's Avatar
      Trader shared Spongie's post
      July 6, 2024, 1:21 am with Public
      Spongie's Avatar
      July 4, 2024, 3:23 pm to Public
      Today is the 4th of July, America's Independence Day. While we celebrate our freedom, we must be mindful of the fact that the people across the globe that are still suffering. Palestinians have not experienced freedom in 9 months. 35,000+ innocent people (including children) have been killed. They are losing their families, loved ones, homes, careers, and lives.

      I have seen so many people saying "what can I do to help?" and there are various answers to this. Here are some:

      1. Boycott - Stop buying from companies that are funding the genocides: McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Dominos, Google, Meta, Amazon, Disney, Hulu. Instead, support the ones that are in favor of stopping the genocides: Wet n Wild, Elf Cosmetics, Huda Beauty, Calvin Klein, Raising Canes, Ben n Jerry's

      2. Donate - There are countless resources out there that are designed to help Palestinians and I will link a few below. Click to help (one click, donates ad revenue), eSims (virtual SIM cards that allow communicate with the outside world), Ceasefire in Gaza (a website with reliable resources/information gathered in one place), GoFundMe (supporting displaced families in Gaza), Pious Projects Campaign (distributing feminine hygiene products)

      3. Spread the word - You cannot say things like "I don't get into politics" "I don't like to pick sides" "I'm staying neutral" in this situation. The only option here is to SPEAK UP. Properly educate those you can when you can, share accurate resources/posts online, donate, etc. Palestinians are being SILENCED and need as much help as we can provide.

      Support the ceasefire, free Palestine 🍉

      Ask Aph Palestine GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY
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    • Trader's Avatar
      July 2, 2024, 11:30 pm to Public
      if anyone has any fruit and or pink texture packs
      PLS lmk!! <3 (preferably 1.20 or above)
    • Trader's Avatar
      June 24, 2024, 4:25 pm to Public
      i just got my first pair of steve madden shoes and HOLY they are hard to get on
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      Trader shared Indraft's post
      June 18, 2024, 6:09 pm with Public
      Indraft's Avatar
      June 18, 2024, 5:24 pm to Public
      now that I am not an lgbtq+ youth, I just want to tell our community's lgbtq+ youth (and even lgbtq+ adults !) that you will always be accepted and loved for who you are here.

      looking back, I know that I am extremely lucky to have grown up in a safe, welcoming environment. however, I recognize that some of you guys may not have that luxury, and it pains me to see that we are still in an age where discrimination supersedes any attempt to accept someone for who they love. Planet Minecraft will always be a safe environment for you guys, and we will never tolerate discrimination of any form. we are a community for everyone.

      I want you guys to know that, despite everything, you will always have someone in your corner (me!), and I am pretty damn vocal if need be. my DMs are open for everyone and for anything.

      now go be good people
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    • Trader's Avatar
      June 12, 2024, 11:57 pm to Public
      don't ya just love it when you fall in love with an artist work
      and then it turns out that they support horrible things. (︶︹︺)
      ScotsMiser said 2024-06-13 02:09:07
      ScotsMiser's Avatar
      Brilliance in one field does not imply even marginal competence in an unconnected field.
      Competence [​much less skill] in artistic expression and political philsophy do not strike me as connected.
    • Trader's Avatar
      June 12, 2024, 2:10 pm to Public
      thank you ClayMan1077 for the massive notif spam !!
      thank you !! ♥
      ClayMan1077 said 2024-06-12 15:05:59
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      No problem!
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