blue sea Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Aquatic Adventures Minecraft Skin Contest.

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Trader's Avatar Trader
Level 46 : Master Princess Magical Girl
blue sea Minecraft Skin

I'm not sure if i should make a story...?
But let's say she was the "Sea Goddess and she is now a runes.

But now I will answer some questions for a QNA.
Bc I said I would so here we are.
I love the start shaped star buns im proud of myself.
Blue = Question Pink = Answer

Question 1 by artsy lady
Cheetos, or Doritos?

Doritos, But if it is Cheetos Puffs then Cheetos.

Question 2 by totocchio
What's your favorite out of the following?: Dolphins, whales, and sharks

Dolphins. period. nothing can surpass than other than cats. and the japanese raccoon dog and a baby seal.

Question 3 by an intelligent moron
Do you like to dream? As in, imagine worlds where things wouldn't actually happen.

Yes I do, I mostly dream of fantasy worlds with my oc characters.

Question 4 (this one has a lot thats why i saved it for last) by moonfish
Is there any particular reason you chose the name 'Trader'?

Yes, I'll tell you the story.
one day on one of my very first servers on minecraft. I was right beside a villager, and Back then my ign was WinterHorse27.
i wanted a nice and werid name so I was thinking and then I look at the villager. and I was like.
"OH. MY. GOSH. What if I made my Name Trader." (legit what i said back then) ( bc u know villagers trade and stuff)
And from then on out my name on everything i did had something to do with the name "Trader"

How long has it been since you started making skins?

Well I started to make skins in 2015, When I got my PC Minecraft account.
So basically 2 years and a half now.

How did you start and why do you make skins?

One day I made myself A skin without any shading.

then i stopped for a while until in the half way of 2016,and then I saw a Channel about skin making you might know her.
Her name was "Beanie" So I started to make skins again. and I practiced And practiced. and here I am today.
I make skins bc i think its another way of art. and I love art.

What's your favourite colour to work with? And why?

Probably Reds and Pinks. Its easy for me to make skin tones with it and I love the colors.
plus I get so many pretty shades (ekk im fangirling about colors ahhh haha)

What's your least favourite colour to work with? And why?

GREEN! I hate than color so much. I CAN'T GET SHADES.
Plus i dont even know where to start from do I go to yellow and go to green or do I go to blue and then go to green!
(AHHHHHHHHHH im sorry i hate that color tbh)

What's your favourite skin you've made? And why?

I love this skin I love the color of the clothes! And the clothes themselves!
I will update it later on to my currect Shading Style.

I hoped everyone enjoyed This QNA and the Skin. :P Sorry if I bored you to death.
But til then Bye!

song - black sea

Creditking-lulu-deer-pixel for divider on deviantart

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06/14/2018 3:28 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Skinner
FabryFF's Avatar
Long description + youtube video, you can win
06/14/2018 5:16 pm
She/They • Level 46 : Master Princess Magical Girl
Trader's Avatar
no i can't
06/14/2018 5:30 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Skinner
FabryFF's Avatar
Usually skins like this win, but it is posible you can t win
06/13/2018 2:56 pm
Level 27 : Expert Artist
l3ug23's Avatar
06/13/2018 3:31 pm
She/They • Level 46 : Master Princess Magical Girl
Trader's Avatar
Thank YOU!
06/12/2018 11:52 pm
Level 40 : Master Llama
Totocchio's Avatar
I must agree
turtles and dolphins are my favourite animals
although they're all my precious babies <3
06/13/2018 12:21 am
She/They • Level 46 : Master Princess Magical Girl
Trader's Avatar
precious babies must be protected!
06/12/2018 10:37 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
morningblues's Avatar
Ahh this is amazing!! :3
06/12/2018 10:41 pm
She/They • Level 46 : Master Princess Magical Girl
Trader's Avatar
Thank you! <3
06/12/2018 9:56 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Ladybug
Bo0's Avatar
I looovvveeee her hairrrRrR :o
