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Level 18
Journeyman Skinner

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  • Greppi's Avatar
    February 14, 2024, 11:36 am to Public
    At least 3 people I know have a birthday today. Two of them are even turning the same age.
    ExpensiveBee replied to Greppi's comment below 2024-02-26 12:08:40
    ExpensiveBee's Avatar
    you too man
    Greppi replied to ExpensiveBee's comment below 2024-02-14 14:47:24
    Greppi's Avatar
    thx! my bday is actually about a week away, but ty! ๐Ÿ™ƒ
    also, it's been so long lol, nice to see ya again!
    ExpensiveBee said 2024-02-14 14:28:36
    ExpensiveBee's Avatar
    happy birthday bro
    Greppi replied to LegendarySi's comment below 2024-02-14 12:21:49
    Greppi's Avatar
    indeed, lol
    LegendarySi said 2024-02-14 11:52:20
    LegendarySi's Avatar
    So much is going on today lol
  • yarluk990's Avatar
    February 14, 2024, 4:33 am to Public
    what is love?
    Ender Sparkle replied to yarluk990's comment below 2024-02-21 03:35:37
    Ender Sparkle's Avatar
    Baby don't hurt me
    yarluk990 replied to Ender Sparkle's comment below 2024-02-21 01:51:03
    yarluk990's Avatar
    Don't hurt me
    Chirpybuilder said 2024-02-20 23:08:02
    Chirpybuilder's Avatar
    Ender Sparkle replied to yarluk990's comment below 2024-02-14 13:32:18
    Ender Sparkle's Avatar
    Bro no one created a chain ;-; (I did it on reverse because of how PMC shows replies)
    yarluk990 replied to Ender Sparkle's comment below 2024-02-14 12:34:57
    yarluk990's Avatar
    the right answer
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  • Greppi's Avatar
    Greppi shared LegendarySi's post
    February 8, 2024, 10:34 pm with Public
    LegendarySi's Avatar
    February 8, 2024, 9:50 pm to Public
    Everyone, I get that it started as a joke, but it's gone on too long. When it's funny, it's a joke. When it drives me insane every time I check PMC and makes me beyond annoyed and I've asked everyone to stop MANY TIMES, it's not a joke.

    I can't stop y'all from making the penguin jokes but I'm sick of them. It's constant pings and notifs just for some dumb joke, on PMC and on Discord. And on top of all that, the guy who started it, Purpl3_, literally told me to "Perish in H***" for that screenshot I posted.

    I'm not angry with you guys because you thought it was just a joke but now I'm asking you to stop, simple as that. Now please realize when a joke is old.
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  • Greppi's Avatar
    Greppi shared PMC Rebelution's post
    February 6, 2024, 2:00 pm with Public
    so true. this could honestly apply to both guys and girls.
    PMC Rebelution's Avatar
    PMC Rebelution post by TheMountaineer's Avatar TheMountaineer
    February 6, 2024, 1:56 pm to Public
    It feels like in this generation its a struggle to say 'No'

    Especially for girls. We want to be kind and sweet and help others out. But, there is a point where you deserve to say 'No'

    Culture has made it almost impossible for people to say 'no'. Have you ever heard of the words 'People pleaser' That's just extra proof.

    We want to help out, and be kind, make everyone happy. But, let me tell you something its impossible to make 'everyone' happy.

    I know, I used to be super shy. (I know right I was!) lol. You go into a store, and feel almost awkward to walk out without buying something. Or someone asks your opinion on something you don't want to make it awkward so you just say 'yes'

    The problem is. Manipulation is a big thing now. If you don't have a 'no' people can push you around. And I assure you they will.

    I'm not saying its easy. But, you deserve a 'no' You shouldn't be getting pushed around.

    Another explanation for girls. When it comes to dating, sometimes its really hard to say 'no' to a guy. Because you don't want to hurt his feelings. But, honestly if you have any respect for yourself. And respect at all, you should have a 'no'

    Now I'm not saying to flat out walk up to the guy and say 'No' (That would honestly sound mean lol) But, 'no' can be its own sentence. If you want to walk away from something you feel yourself screaming 'no' walk away.

    Questions to ask yourself:
    Is there someone I'm letting push me around because I never say no? Do I always try to make everyone happy and bring myself on a burn out?

    I hope this helps. :)
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  • Greppi's Avatar
    February 3, 2024, 2:05 pm to Public
    I forgot how to begin making a new datapack... it's been so long lol

    anyways, I might start posting occasional content again
    if I can remember how coding works
  • Greppi's Avatar
    January 29, 2024, 3:33 pm to Public
    After over a year, I can finally talk online again lol

    Greppi replied to LegendarySi's comment below 2024-01-29 22:52:16
    Greppi's Avatar
    oh, I forgor...
    LegendarySi said 2024-01-29 22:40:55
    LegendarySi's Avatar
    where is guest book
    I demand guest book
    Greppi replied to LegendarySi's comment below 2024-01-29 19:01:14
    Greppi's Avatar
    Greppi replied to wqffles's comment below 2024-01-29 18:11:41
    Greppi's Avatar
    LegendarySi replied to Greppi's comment below 2024-01-29 18:11:24
    LegendarySi's Avatar
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  • Greppi's Avatar
    January 27, 2024, 12:12 pm to Public
    We can so easily believe lies in our minds, misinterpret others' actions to develop insecurities, and constantly think on our insecurities when others usually don't even notice what you're afraid they'll see.
    Your mind will lie to you without a second thought; your close friends, on the other hand, won't so easily lie to you. So why doubt them when they tell you good things about you, but believe your own mind so easily? And even if they leave one day, that doesn't mean the positive things they said about you weren't true.
    You are loved, you matter, and you are not hated by your friends. You are not defined by your mistakes, and you are not a failure no matter how bad things have gotten around you.
    There is always hope, even now. It's not some distant, future hope, but a present hope. But will you choose to change the way you think?
    I heard someone say this once: "A negative past is no excuse to have a negative mindset. You can choose whether or not you have a positive way of thinking."
    And finally, Jesus truly loves you no matter what you've done. You're NEVER too far gone for Him to heal and restore you. <3 <3 <3
    Greppi replied to MerBatPhan89's comment below 2024-01-30 16:17:17
    Greppi's Avatar
    I'm very glad it helped :)
    MerBatPhan89 said 2024-01-29 13:59:14
    MerBatPhan89's Avatar
    Thanks for posting this Greppi, I really needed to hear this today.
    Trotelot said 2024-01-27 14:20:17
    Trotelot's Avatar
    This, yes, I agree so so much
    Greppi replied to LegendarySi's comment below 2024-01-27 12:19:20
    Greppi's Avatar
    yes, finally lol๐Ÿ˜„
    LegendarySi said 2024-01-27 12:15:36
    LegendarySi's Avatar
    Wisdom- AND I CAN SAY IT NOW
  • Greppi's Avatar
    Greppi shared violiie's post
    January 23, 2024, 12:39 pm with Public
    Greppi - Just a nickname I made up for my YouTube channel and then later used as my persona's name. It's now what most people call me, and for a period of time even my IRL friends tended to call me Greppi.

    Grepps - Just another variant of Greppi that a couple people have used on occasion. Mainly for closer friends to use :)

    Greppington - This one was kinda just a joke name, but I honestly don't mind if people call me this lol.

    The Quiet One - A nickname I was given in youth group because I used to just always sit silently in the back of the group. It kinda ended up becoming a joke among them lol. (and I don't really like this name tbh ๐Ÿ˜…)

    And there are other nicknames based on my real name, but that's secret for now ๐Ÿ™ƒ
    violiie's Avatar
    January 22, 2024, 5:25 pm to Public
    Let's do a trend! Share your nickname preferences!


    • Violiie: I mean it is my username, so like being called this!
    • Lila: my real name, I'm comfortable with everyone using it (it's public for a reason) but I particularly like it when friends call me this
    • Nolie: it's my persona's name but I go by it too! Very neutral on this one
    • Sach: based on my old username (sxcchxrine). Only one friend still uses this one I think, but I like it! Kinda outdated, so only people who have known me for a while would know this one xD
    • Vivi: I love this one, invented by the one and onlyajthepeach :D

    Share if you want to do this with your nicknames!
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  • Greppi's Avatar
    Greppi shared LegendarySi's post
    January 22, 2024, 1:49 pm with Public
    29.289329722406052, -94.8312165239447

    hear me out

    1. It's on an island with only two bridges as entrances, which could potentially be blocked off or destroyed so the zombies can't come.
    2. It has food and water.
    3. I would die a happy man if even if the zombies reached me there.
    LegendarySi's Avatar
    January 22, 2024, 1:33 pm to Public
    Zombie apocalypse started, World War Z type stuff

    what’s the first place you’re going? Think strategically

    share to answer
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  • Greppi's Avatar
    Greppi shared SpellmakerTheHybrid's post
    January 21, 2024, 10:55 pm with Public
    SpellmakerTheHybrid's Avatar
    January 21, 2024, 8:20 pm to Public
    I MAY HAVE 148…..
    BUT WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!
    psst share this post
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  • Greppi's Avatar
    January 21, 2024, 10:16 pm to Public
    my site feed consists of like 45% JustaFlqmingo posts, 45% GalaxyCat24 posts, and %10 other posts lol
  • yarluk990's Avatar
    January 20, 2024, 11:22 am to Public
    i'm alive
    Comic_Formula said 2024-01-24 00:28:28
    Comic_Formula's Avatar
    He's alive.
  • Greppi's Avatar
    Greppi shared Panda_Aberdokki's post
    January 15, 2024, 11:02 pm with Public
    1: What Gender Do You Identify As?
    Egg & Cheese McMuffin

    2: What Are Your Pronouns

    3: How Do You Pronounce Your Username?
    Greh-pee (I didn't know a better way to spell it out lol)

    4: Top 5 BFFs (Or More) Only On PMC
    LegendarySi, SnappNote, DaniAdler, ghostoftheglade, content_inc (they're pretty much the only PMCers I talk to)

    5: 3 People (Or More) That Inspire You On PMC The Most!
    I don't really have inspirations on PMC

    6: If You Do Skinning, What And Or Who Got You Into Skinning?
    No one, I just started doing it 'cause I wanted to make my own MC skins.

    7: If You Make MC Maps, What And Or Who Got You Into It?
    The adventure maps and survival games maps that Stampylonghead and iBallisticSquid recorded videos on back in the day

    8: If You Do Datapacks, Why Do You Do Them Over Mods? What Or Who Got You Into It?
    Making mods has always confused me, and I've never managed to successfully make a mod. And I simply find it enjoying and kinda relaxing to just make a cool semi-complex datapack when I have time for it.

    9: If You Do Mods, Why Do You Do Them Over Datapacks. Who Or What Got You Into It?

    10: How Long Have You Been On PMC
    Almost three years

    11: Do You Value All Your Friends With Equality?
    Yes. I care and love them all equally, and would literally die for any of them.

    12: Do You Still Go To School Of Some Kind? (Including University Ect)

    13: Do You Have A Job? If So What Is It?
    Kinda? I operate the on-stage camera at my church (and sometimes other cameras), but it's more of a volunteer thing

    14: Do You Have A SO (Significant Other) If So, Are They On PMC?

    15: How Many PMC Subs Are You At RN? (As Of Making This)

    16: Fav Colo(u)r?

    17: Fav Animal
    either fox or parrot

    18: Are You Religious? If So What Religion?
    I love Jesus :)

    19: Does Pineapple Belong On Pizza? If So Do You Enjoy It On Pizza?

    20: Pancakes Or Waffles Better?
    Wafffles, but I like pancakes too and probably have them more

    21: What's Our Relationship? Ex: Friend, BFF, Idk You, I Kinda Know You, SO, Or Other (If Other What Is It?)
    tbh idk you (no offense)

    22: Are You Subbed To Filesaes, If Not, Change That. Im Tryna Beat Her In A War >;3 (Yes I Had To Plug This) Also Whats Your Fav Thing About Her Texas Self?
    yes. I've barely talked to her, so idrk.

    23: Biggest Thing People Have Showed You Online. Ex: Telling You Their Name, Showing You Their Face Ect...
    I've seen some of my online friends' faces and real names

    24: Biggest Reveal On PMC? What Have You Revealed About Yourself IRL That Was The "Biggest"
    I've barely revealed anything on PMC. The biggest was probably that I'm Texan.

    25: Hardest Reveal On PMC?

    26: Biggest Private Reveal?
    LegendarySi knows my real name. Him and a few others have also seen the top half of my face.

    27: Biggest Current Goal On PMC?
    I have none, 'cause I'm not really very active here

    28: Do Or Did You Have A Crush On Someone On PMC? o_0 If You Feel Comfortable, Who Is/ Was your Crush?
    yes, in the past. never saying who it was tho ๐Ÿค

    29: Fav Drink?
    Mocha Frappe from McDonald's

    30: Fav Subject In School Either That You Learned Already, Or Are Learning, Or Will Learn?
    Singing :P
    God even blessed me with the opportunity to teach a singing class

    31: Who On PMC Would You Want To Meet IRL Given The Chance?
    There's multiple people that would probably be cool to meet, but mainly LegendarySi

    32. What Is Better? Datpacks Or Mods For Servers?
    Datapacks, because anyone can join without having to download anything.
    Panda_Aberdokki's Avatar
    January 15, 2024, 1:27 pm to Public
    Guys Lets Try To Start A Trend. Share This Wall Post With As Many Answers As You Feel Confertable Sharing. I Enjoy These As I Get To Learn So Much About People I Never Interacted With Before!

    1: What Gender Do You Identify As?
    2: What Are Your Pronouns
    3: How Do You Pronounce Your Username?
    4: Top 5 BFFs (Or More) Only On PMC
    5: 3 People (Or More) That Inspire You On PMC The Most!
    6: If You Do Skinning, What And Or Who Got You Into Skinning?
    7: If You Make MC Maps, What And Or Who Got You Into It?
    8: If You Do Datapacks, Why Do You Do Them Over Mods? What Or Who Got You Into It?
    9: If You Do Mods, Why Do You Do Them Over Datapacks. Who Or What Got You Into It?
    10: How Long Have You Been On PMC
    11: Do You Value All Your Friends With Equallity?
    12: Do You Still Go To School Of Some Kind? (Including University Ect)
    13: Do You Have A Job? If So What Is It?
    14: Do You Have A SO (Signeficant Other) If So, Are They On PMC?
    15: How Many PMC Subs Are You At RN? (As Of Making This)
    16: Fav Colo(u)r?
    17: Fav Animal
    18: Are You Religious? If So What Religion?
    19: Does Pineapple Belong On Pizza? If So Do You Enjoy It On Pizza?
    20: Pancakes Or Waffles Better?
    21: Whats Our Relationship? Ex: Friend, BFF, Idk You, I Kinda Know You, SO, Or Other (If Other What Is It?)
    22: Are You Subbed To _bramble, If Not, Change That. Im Tryna Beat Her In A War >;3 (Yes I Had To Plug This) Also Whats Your Fav Thing About Her Texas Self?
    23: Biggest Thing People Have Showed You Online. Ex: Telling You Their Name, Showing You There Fact Ect...
    24: Biggest Reveal On PMC? What Have You Revealed About Yourself IRL That Was The "Biggest"
    25: Hardest Reveal On PMC?
    26: Biggest Private Reveal? Ex: I Name Reveal To Panda_Wolfe & Panda_Tyger way before telling everyone else...
    27: Biggest Current Goal On PMC?
    28: Do Or Did You Have A Crush On Someone On PMC? o_0 If You Feel Confertable, Who Is/ Was you Crush?
    29: Fav Drink?
    30: Fav Subject In School Either That You Learned Already, Or Are Learning, Or Will Learn?
    31: Who On PMC Would You Want To Meet IRL Given The Chance?
    32. What Is Better? Datpacks Or Mods For Servers?

    Also Feel Free To List Any Extra Fun Facts, Facts, Commonly Asked Questions Or Just Something You Want People To Know About You, If You Do List It As E.1: E.2: Ect...

    This Is Going To Be A Long One...

    1. I Was Born A Male, And Will Stay This Way.
    2. Normal Male Pronouns.
    3. A - ber - dok - key Or Aber - dok - key (The First One You Say The Letter A, Second One Is Just The Sound)
    4. Panda_Wolfe, Panda_Tyger, _bramble, Panda_Jqcks0n & Last But Not Least ItzOrangey
    5. _bramble, She Makes Amazing Skins, Panda_Wolfe With Panda_Tyger are also huge insperation, I Would also say TheMountaineer, ItzOrangey & Arianwyn are big insperations for me on PMC aswell as IRL.
    6. Currently Working On My First 3 Skins, I Wanted To Try To Make _bramble A Skin Based On Her Discord PFP, Making 1 For Mad On Her Discord PFP Cuz She Hasnt Gotten One In A Long Time If Ever SO SHOW HER LOVE & Panda_Jqcks0n Becuase His First Skin Is Simple An Im Trying To Make Him A FS. I Would Say _bramble, Panda_Wolfe & Panda_Tyger def got me into skinning.
    7. I Don't
    8. I Don't
    9. I Don't
    10. I Joined On Aug 5, 2023. Didn't Post Anything For 1 - 2 Months!
    11. Not To Be Mean, But To Be Honest. No I Don't.
    12. Yes, I go To School Still!
    13. No Sadly
    14. No.
    15. 124
    16. Light Blue All The Way!
    17. Wolf Or Panda! Aka Panda_Wolfe
    18. Yes, Idk If I Could Call Myself A Christian But I Am Working On My Christianity!
    19. Yes, But I DOnt Enjoy It
    20. Pancakes All The Way
    21. I Am Myself.
    22. Yus, OBV... Anyways Fav Thing Has To Be Her Ability To Be Super Super Super Funny Or Lighten Any Mood Or Be Able To Always Make Me Feel Happy When Talking To Her
    23. Prob Knowing _bramble's Name & Age. OR SEEING HER HAND
    24. Prob My Room.
    25. My Name 100%
    26. Panda_Wolfe + Panda_Tyger AKA Panda Twins, Know A Rough Location Of Where I Live!
    27. 200, I Was Redoing Room Reveal + _bramble Is Making A Skin Based On What I Look Like IRL For 200 Subs
    28. Im Kinda OBV With It, _bramble
    29. Shirly Temple Or Pina Collta For Special Days Or Just Chocolate Milk If Im Feelin Fancy. Normaly Its Just Milk Or Orange Juice
    30. Im Weird & Enjoy Math Of All Kind, I Will Go Even As Far As I Kinda Find It Relaxing To Do.
    31. Panda_Wolfe, Panda_Tyger, ItzOrangey, Arianwyn, TheMountaineer, Panda_Jqcks0n, Mad & _bramble Obv xD Im Missing A Few, But These Are Some Of The TOP
    32. I Think Datapacks Are Easier To Add, But I Enjoy Mods Generaly More Due To A Wider Scope Of Options.

    Wow, That Was Long! TYSM For Reading It All! LOL
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  • yarluk990's Avatar
    yarluk990 shared Mellie's post
    January 10, 2024, 5:11 am with Public
    1. yes (but didn't post it)
    2. no
    3. no
    4. no
    5. no
    6. no
    7. no
    8. no
    9. no
    10. no
    Mellie's Avatar
    June 16, 2021, 5:53 pm to Public
    Gonna do a reboot of elfie_'s Honest Skinner Challenge <3 Share this post, or copy-paste the questions into your own wallpost & answer as many as you want.

    1. Have you ever edited a skin without giving credit?

    2. Have you ever made a post for attention?

    3. Have you ever reported a skin out of spite?

    4. Have you ever blocked someone for no reason (or over something stupid)?

    5. Have you ever copied someone else's style?

    6. Have you ever shaded a skin using noise?

    7. Have you ever followed someone else just so they'd follow you back?

    8. Have you ever downvoted a skin?

    9. Have you ever made a skin backwards?

    10. Have you ever made a skin without using any of the overlay layer (or only using it)?

    Please just remember, no hating on others and only answer the questions you feel comfortable with <3
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  • Greppi's Avatar
    January 6, 2024, 2:09 pm to Public
    200 subs! :O

    Thank you everyone!

    And thank you spookyshxdow and MLG_Zombie for being the final two subs (you both happened to subscribe within seconds of each other, so I giving you both a shoutout lol)
  • Greppi's Avatar
    January 6, 2024, 1:22 pm to Public
    Now that the Blue clones thing has died down and there's not really a reason to keep it secret, I'll just put this out there: anonpmc4776536 is my alt.
  • Greppi's Avatar
    Greppi shared LegendarySi's post
    January 5, 2024, 5:28 pm with Public
    y'all know what to do lol
    LegendarySi's Avatar
    January 5, 2024, 5:27 pm to Public
    I have 395 subs

    do what you want with that information
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  • Greppi's Avatar
    January 1, 2024, 1:37 am to Public
    Happy new year! ๐ŸŽ‰
  • Greppi's Avatar
    January 1, 2024, 1:37 am to Public
    Man, my most recent notif was from last year. I guess I'm not as active on here as I thought... /j
  • Kanan Jarrus (Season 1) - Star Wars: Rebels
    Minecraft Skin
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    Bjohnno7567's Avatar Bjohnno7567 โ€ข12/31/23 9:59
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