Yuffies's Avatar
Level 28
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  • Yuffies's Avatar
    September 25, 2023, 12:00 pm to Public
    Any mobile users know how to upload a skin from here to skindex? (Asking for a friend)
    Yuffies replied to lavender_vibesss's comment below 2023-09-25 17:55:31
    Yuffies's Avatar
    Oooh okay, thank you! :)
    Yuffies replied to enfyys's comment below 2023-09-25 17:55:15
    Yuffies's Avatar
    Okay, tysm!! I’m not at my usual setup right now LOL
    lavender_vibesss said 2023-09-25 12:17:54
    lavender_vibesss's Avatar
    download the skin and save the file to your camera roll, then go to skindex, go to upload, and select the file from your camera roll
    not sure how others do it, this is just how i used to do it (it's also how i upload my skins from skinseed to here)
    enfyys said 2023-09-25 12:17:05
    enfyys's Avatar
    download it as an image, open editor, click ‘upload from computer’, select image from photos

    **important** when you click download, select view instead of download, and save what appears then to your photos
  • Yuffies's Avatar
    September 16, 2023, 8:32 pm to Public
    uh oh my computer shut off and aint turning back on and i think my knight skin ive been working on for around a month might be gone ๐Ÿ˜–
    Yuffies replied to TheGuyAcrossSpace's comment below 2023-09-23 00:37:15
    Yuffies's Avatar
    OMG actually bc of the new cloud saver thing when editing skins on PMC, i can still access it through my mobile devices!! But… i only found that out yesterday, so I haven’t touched it LOL

    i’m a very slow and picky skinner, so though i think im 2/3s of the way done, im probably only half way done LMAO

    but tysm for asking!
    TheGuyAcrossSpace said 2023-09-22 22:19:38
    TheGuyAcrossSpace's Avatar
    Ooof. Does it still exist? also hows progress so far?
  • Yuffies's Avatar
    September 14, 2023, 7:14 pm to Public
    how are some of you making skins in 30 mins or less it literally takes me over an HOUR to make the simplest of skins
    BlueBoyBuilds replied to Yuffies's comment below 2023-09-14 23:21:53
    BlueBoyBuilds's Avatar
    I once went 5 months without posting a single skin and I didn't even realize XDD
    Yuffies replied to BlueBoyBuilds's comment below 2023-09-14 23:17:30
    Yuffies's Avatar
    Yes!!! My upload schedule is so inconsistent because of work and life so skins rn appear once a month or even less its bad
    Yuffies replied to TheGuyAcrossSpace's comment below 2023-09-14 23:16:51
    Yuffies's Avatar
    LITERALLY its actually crazy
    Yuffies replied to Ravacodo's comment below 2023-09-14 23:16:32
    Yuffies's Avatar
    BlueBoyBuilds said 2023-09-14 21:36:38
    BlueBoyBuilds's Avatar
    It takes a lot for me to make skins XD
    Each of my "Hit List" skins have taken about 2-3 days, kinda' needing to slow down due to having a lot less time to make them.
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  • Yuffies's Avatar
    September 11, 2023, 12:15 pm to Public
    why did i just realize how toxic / drama filled the skindex community is slowly becoming. ITS A WEBSITE TO POST SKINS not a social media!!
    Yuffies replied to Hipley's comment below 2023-09-12 10:50:19
    Yuffies's Avatar
    LMAO me and Fawne always have very intricate convos when we talk -- i hope you're learning about the pros and cons (mainly cons) of skindex :)
    Hipley said 2023-09-12 04:23:22
    Hipley's Avatar
    Holy shit. Theese comments are incredible.
    Yuffies replied to Fawne's comment below 2023-09-11 23:24:14
    Yuffies's Avatar
    oh wow ive never heard of those servers! that makes a lot of sense though, i guess many people would want to use a server to hype up their commissions. i was referring more to skin makers that will post skins leaving disc links in their bios for whatever server they made that they want people to join LOL. but yeah the normalized behavior on there is CRAZY. i really hope that some people get in check, especially those bigger creators, as lots of smaller creators look up to them. but i believe i have seen people talking in comments about the servers you're referring to, which i think is where a lot of drama happens that they bring to skindex for whatever reason
    Fawne replied to Yuffies's comment below 2023-09-11 23:05:14
    Fawne's Avatar
    ah, these servers weren't actually skindex servers. they were servers for marketplace/commissions. afaik they've never been advertised on skindex either, and rarely on pmc. i'm also not in any skindex servers because i'm just completely out of the loop on the community happenings & have no interest to be in that loop. i was a mod for the servers they came into and it was my first interaction w/ those folks &...wasn't a good impression. was extremely surprised tbh. looked them up after & decided...yeah, skindex isn't something i want to involve myself w/ anymore if this is the behavior that's being praised. it seems to get worse over time because behavior like that is normalized, idk. (also dw about typos!!)
    Yuffies replied to Necropoli's comment below 2023-09-11 19:41:20
    Yuffies's Avatar
    npp!! thanks for being kind and respectful <3
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  • Yuffies's Avatar
    September 9, 2023, 10:21 pm to Public
    another kind of random post, but I've been noticing something and want to know if other people have too

    for those who are also active on skindex, is it just me or do many posted skins--especially those by 'newer' skinners--have begun having incredibly similar styles? recently every time I've looked at the trending page I'll see certain skins and be like: "wow, this person must have posted a lot today!" but then when I look at the creators of said skins, they're completely different people. it almost seems like people are copying and mimicking styles of bigger skinners as opposed to taking inspo, and giving them no credit.

    and to elaborate on why I quoted 'newer', there have been many accounts recently who've been posting their 'first skins' which end up being very well done for a first skin. most of them (but not all, of course), have these similar styles that mimic other popular skin creators at first glance. upon closer inspection, I can spot different stylistic choices each has made compared to the artist they mimicked, but if they did simply take inspo, i think they should credit the skin creator in the description, unless said creator says they're okay with people style-studying or taking inspo without any credit! (most people have this information in their skindex bios)

    I think this could be occuring for quick likes and follows, alts experimenting, or maybe just lack of understanding by actual new skinners. it could also be that said skinners have practiced a lot before posting their first skin, which makes said skins look much better than if they posted their actual first skin.

    these are just my observations, and I don't mean to give anyone any hate or slander. I'm just taking notice of things and hypothesizing why these patterns are occuring. if this is offensive to you in any way, please let me know! i'd be glad to understand your perspective and take this down if need-be
    cloudkitty said 2023-09-10 00:07:04
    cloudkitty's Avatar
    thanks for bringing this over here-
    as I said on the other skin, it's rough being an older skinner and then having so many people like that come in all of the sudden
  • Yuffies's Avatar
    September 8, 2023, 11:04 pm to Public
    just saw this video about content consumption and thought it was really interesting, enlightening, and informative!! limiting my content consumption has been something ive been working on all year, but ive been recently picking up bad habits again without even realizing it, so glad i saw this video to remind me to stay on track of my goal.

    We All Got Tricked into Content Addiction:
  • Yuffies's Avatar
    August 24, 2023, 11:26 am to Public
    random question: if I were to open commissions, would you consider/and or be interested in buying something? just curious
    autumn said 2023-08-24 11:31:18
    autumn's Avatar
    I would but I’m kinda broke
  • Yuffies's Avatar
    August 21, 2023, 10:33 pm to Public
    Found the video shown below and as someone who's active in the industry, I found it quite fascinating and informational! If you're interested in learning more about the strikes currently going on in under 15 minutes, this video provides a great, unbiased overview of the situation:

    The Full Story Behind Hollywood's Strikes
  • Yuffies's Avatar
    August 6, 2023, 11:21 pm to Public
    wip [โ€‹im guilty of doing the front of my skins before anything else LOL]

    this needs a lot more cleaning up and refining

  • Yuffies's Avatar
    August 4, 2023, 3:38 pm to Public
    im already working on a new skin o-o go meee! LMAO
  • Yuffies's Avatar
    July 29, 2023, 8:13 pm to Public
    Please interact with the video below!!

    It's absolutely NOT okay for any artist to be scammed, and interacting would mean a ton not only to Jingles but to other artists out there as well! This is a real problem and its ridiculous for a company like Customuse--an actual COMPANY--to scam their artists like this

    ps: Customuse also uses AI art, if that's not a red flag already

    Yuffies replied to Guts N Pixels's comment below 2023-07-30 16:45:19
    Yuffies's Avatar
    That's great they finally cracked down to give her what she deserves! But yes, I agree: it still isn't okay in any way, shape, or form.
    Guts N Pixels said 2023-07-30 16:10:16
    Guts N Pixels's Avatar
    Customuse has cracked under the pressure of bad publicity that Jingles has given them, they are now going to pay her.

    But, still doesn't make it okay.
    Purpl3_ said 2023-07-30 08:36:29
    Purpl3_'s Avatar
    The fact that this actually happened is disgusting.
    TheGlitchedRobin replied to Yuffies's comment below 2023-07-29 20:50:13
    TheGlitchedRobin's Avatar
    Oh wow
    Yuffies replied to TheGlitchedRobin's comment below 2023-07-29 20:49:37
    Yuffies's Avatar
    you can watch the video below to see, but to put it in short:

    Jingles was asked to make outfit bases for the company for roughly 500 dollars in the span of two weeks, and she did. Then after MONTHS of waiting, they told her they weren't happy with the outfit bases and wanted full skins, meaning she would have to add hair, faces, skin, among other things to each base and they refused to higher the price for the extra work she'd have to put in. And so she rightfully declined. Because now the bases weren't what they wanted, they refused to pay her for art and time even though she made EXACTLY what she was asked to make. The misunderstanding was the company's fault, and its ridiculous they refused to pay her because of their own miscommunications.
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  • Yuffies's Avatar
    July 28, 2023, 12:39 pm to Public
    sometime today or tomorrow ill be uploading a skin :OOOO


    until school starts and i don't post until christmas break o.o
  • Yuffies's Avatar
    July 21, 2023, 7:20 pm to Public
    definitely upset that i was never added to skin fight despite signing up so early, but i had a lot of fun seeing everyones skins! congrats to the winning team :)
  • Yuffies's Avatar
    July 20, 2023, 11:01 am to Public
    in all honesty, this was the first mc skin i ever wore :)

  • Yuffies's Avatar
    June 28, 2023, 11:45 am to Public
    im so sorry for my inactivity (even though its been worse LOL) but im required to write a 50,000+ word story by august 8th so um..... i think you can see why im inactive LMAO

    i should be posting again in a month or two or i might slip some small more simple skins in here or there, but just a heads up!!
    Yuffies replied to Aethera's comment below 2023-06-29 11:21:26
    Yuffies's Avatar
    TYSM LOLi really appreciate it :)
    Aethera said 2023-06-28 11:46:40
    Aethera's Avatar
    Oh goodness! Best of luck with your story x
  • Yuffies's Avatar
    June 9, 2023, 9:28 pm to Public
    does anyone know how to get into skinfight?
    I had asked to join a week or so before the event started and submitted a skin form, a week after the event started was never added, reached out 4 days ago and never got a response back ;-;

    was so excited for it and still am--if i actually get put on the roster--but just asking: did I join incorrectly somehow or is skinfight only exclusive to certain skinmakers? thanks!
    Yuffies replied to Angelonasher's comment below 2023-06-10 19:31:14
    Yuffies's Avatar
    okay I'll try that if I'm not added in a few days, thanks!!
    Yuffies replied to Fawne's comment below 2023-06-10 19:30:49
    Yuffies's Avatar
    thank you so much!! it could be that they're busy like you said, and I'm fairly certain I already filled out that form about 2 weeks ago but I'm not completely sure so I did it again. Thank you so much for helping !! :)
    Angelonasher said 2023-06-09 23:36:10
    Angelonasher's Avatar
    asking on the group probably won't get you a response, but asking on the actual skinfight forum will give you one

    as for joining, you need to do the sign-up form like it's linked below v
    Fawne said 2023-06-09 22:03:45
    Fawne's Avatar
    it's definitely not exclusive. afaik sign ups close on the 15th
    there've been well over 200 attacks submitted already (& that's just based on the pmc collections) so they're probably just really busy w/ organizing/keeping up with that part of it?

    (rereading this you said you submitted a skin form, so i'm sending the sign up link just in case you maybe filled out an attack form instead of the sign up one? here)
  • Yuffies's Avatar
    June 3, 2023, 12:38 am to Public
    Rip my minecraft account </33 microsoft isnt able to recover it

    Papa Enny replied to Yuffies's comment below 2023-06-03 17:02:03
    Papa Enny's Avatar
    do you remember the questions?
    Yuffies replied to Papa Enny's comment below 2023-06-03 11:18:19
    Yuffies's Avatar
    YEah i gave them everything they asked for and more but because the security questions were changed, they can't recover it because apparently its against their terms of service or something ;-;
    Papa Enny said 2023-06-03 04:38:06
    Papa Enny's Avatar
    really? they cannot recover, even by showing the important data?
  • Yuffies's Avatar
    Yuffies shared Prince Ren's post
    May 29, 2023, 10:12 pm with Public
    Prince Ren's Avatar
    Prince Ren
    May 28, 2023, 11:15 am to Public
    Pride month is coming up and some people tend to be quite homophobic, so...

    If you see any homophobic (including: biphobia, transphobia, acephobia and any other form of discrimination...) content, report it or block the person and move on; don't engage! Engaging will only make things more difficult, and we should take the staff members recent (~last few weeks or so) wall posts/advice into consideration.

    Involving yourself with negativity/discrimination isn't healthy, so please avoid it if you can. If not, please try to find a safe(r) space for yourself.
    If you're being harassed, blocking and reporting is the best course of action.

    Spreading positivity, as well as making a safe place, is a good way of dealing with negativity. Please remember, aguing will not help here; this is a minecraft social site, not a place for heated and negative discussions.

    And, on a happier note... Happy (almost) Pride Month! โ™กโ™ก ๐ŸŒˆ ๐Ÿณ๏ธ‍๐ŸŒˆ

    Stay safe out there, friends. Respect & support those around you. โ™ก !!
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  • Yuffies's Avatar
    May 29, 2023, 12:37 pm to Public
    my upload schedule is soooo consistent :))
  • Yuffies's Avatar
    May 21, 2023, 12:19 pm to Public
    I've never done a wall post like this before (I've barely done ANY wallposts haha) but I think this is a very important topic that needs more coverage:

    The DARK Side of Minecraft Kids Content on YouTube

    Minecrafts DARKEST Rabbit Hole – Monster School

    If you don't like links, these videos are on Youtube. The first is posted by Viprah, and the second by TheMisterEpic.

    These videos both discuss how people are able to find loopholes in Youtube's rules and system, allowing them to post inappropriate content that is downright disgusting. This inappropriate content (that you can view in either of the videos) is pushed toward KIDS in the algorithm. Just something I think needs much more attention.

    If you're a parent or have younger siblings, PLEASE be mindful of what they are watching. That time of their life is the most impressionable, and this stuff could greatly impact their mental health and mental growth- possibly for the entirety of their lives- if left unchecked.

    If you read this far, thank you, and stay safe! Please help bring awareness to this situation if you are able, and report anything you see on Youtube that is directed toward kids but not suited for them.
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