Minecraft Mods

[1.7.10] Steamcraft 2 - Beta

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Surseance's Avatar Surseance
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Modder
NOTE: SC2 has been moved to CurseForge!Please go there for all the latest realeases and updated info!

[1.7.10] Steamcraft 2 - Beta Minecraft Mod

Steamcraft 2 is the second iteration of Proloe's Steamcraft mod, which was discontinued back in Minecraft B1.8.1. Other than the name, and a few of the original Steamcraft features/ideas, the mod has an entirely new take on all things steampunk. Its aim is to extend Minecraft by adding post-apocalyptic, retro-futuristic blocks/items for your (and our) enjoyment. With everything from Rayguns and Lightning Rods to Coffee and Smog, this mod is inteded to immerse you in a Victorian-era world.  

[1.7.10] Steamcraft 2 - Beta Minecraft Mod


[1.7.10] Steamcraft 2 - Beta Minecraft Mod (In Dev)

 (And bug reports)

Think you have found a bug? Head on over to our github, and use it's issues page (Here, have a link: https://github.com/B...amCraft2/issues). Create a new issue, with a descriptive title and if possible steps to reproduce in the description. Don't forget to tag it as bug. If it causes a crash, tag it with critical too.

In a similar vein, suggesting features is also handled through the github issues page. This time, tag the issue as feature, if it is something entirely new, or enhancement if it is a new feature for an old one.Want to go one better? Submit a pull request to the repository, with your bugfixes/new features, and we will look it over, request any changes that are necessary, if any, and accept it at our discretion.

This is a section for listing the features added for inter-mod compatibility. Firstly, everything that needs to be is ore-dictionary registered, and so should help with compatibility.

Compatibility Added:
  • Version Checker- This mod is compatible with this tidy update checker. Recommended that you install this to stay up to date.
  • Thermal Expansion - This mod uses the RF API for some of it's machines.
  • PLANNED NEI - A handler to show bloomery recipes is planned for NEI.
Incompatible Mods:
  • None, so far
  • Probably optifine (The thing is an outdated piece 'o junk!)

  • warlordjones: author of the mod Steampunkery (which was merged into SC2), programmer; speciality: fancy, items/vanity system, lots 'n' lots of ideas, and breaking things
  • decebaldecebal: programmer; speciality: complicated tile entities, power systems, GUIs

  • Falkok15: modeler, texture-artist
  • wierdude1999: texture-artist
  • seanvanpelt2: logo creator, artist

  • Surseance: Ex-Coder, Team Creator, Ideas
  • Rongmario: support, beta tester
  • seanvanpelt2: beta tester.
  • ClockwerkKaiser: Streamer who is hyped for the mod  Chief Motivator.
We are pretty happy with the team as it stands, but think you have invaluable skills to offer? Contact us using the information below, telling us a bit about yourself, and mods you have made/contributed to, skills, and so on.

Email - brasscoders@gmail.com
Twitter - https://twitter.com/brasscoders
Github - https://github.com/BrassGoggledCoders

Want to support us?
Simply using the adfly links to download the mod supports the team in creating more awesome features. Want to support more directly?

This mod uses the MMPL v1.0, which can be found here: https://github.com/B.../master/LICENSE Also, please don' just copy and paste chunks of code and claim it as your own! In the words of the CoFH team, "Don't be a jerk!";
CreditBrassGoggledCoders, Proloe
Progress90% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.10

9 Update Logs

Update #9 : by Surseance 11/17/2014 3:05:25 pmNov 17th, 2014

Moving SC2 to CurseForge.

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05/02/2015 7:56 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Artist
Zaliku's Avatar
11/14/2014 9:02 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Gennifer0019's Avatar
it won't work........it lokked awesome but it won't work
10/31/2014 10:20 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
Styxxien's Avatar
10/13/2014 2:45 pm
Level 1 : New Mage
phun_munkee's Avatar
Dude nice mod! But ummm.... The chisel it looks EXACTLY like the one from the Chisel mod...
11/01/2014 1:51 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Modder
Surseance's Avatar
Yeah, that texture isn't unique to Chisel, one of the team got it from somewhere. It will be retextured in future
08/17/2014 11:56 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Minecrafter458's Avatar
is there a lightning rod in this mod 
11/01/2014 1:50 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Modder
Surseance's Avatar
Yeah :)
08/19/2014 6:00 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
themissinglink's Avatar
09/01/2014 8:14 pm
They/Them • Level 35 : Artisan Birb Birb
Karrfis's Avatar
is there

a lightning rod

in this

07/13/2014 5:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Micro_Steve's Avatar
This mod could be awesome for me but I seem to be having some difficulty.  

Where in the fire do you find the copper and zinc?  I believe I have searched high and low and around fresh water and deep underground.  Yet I have found 3 copper ores.  To make things worse I have found 16 Diamond ore.  Copper is not as rare as Diamonds to the best of my knowledge.  :(

Lets not even talk about the zinc.  0 found.

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.
