Published Aug 28th, 2014, 8/28/14 12:04 pm
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- 61,550 downloads, 2 today
From the original minecraft forum post in the copyright info the creator states:
Only, and are able to host any of The Owner's material without the consent of The Owner.
Minecraft 1.2.5 was the last version that was mod was updated to by KodaichiZero and KodaichiZero has said nothing since then regarding any plan to update the Fairy Mod and people are wanting it updated so decided I would.

NormalHealth: 7.5Attack Strength: 1 When Attacked: 50% chance of fleeing |
Guard![]() Health: 7.5 Attack Strength: 2 When Attacked: Resists ⅓ of the damage and will retaliate |
Medic![]() Health: 7.5 Attack Strength: 1 When Attacked: 50% chance of fleeing |
Scout![]() Health: 7.5 Attack Strength: 1 When Attacked: 50% chance of fleeing |
Rogue![]() Health: 5 Attack Strength: 1.5 When Attacked: Poisons the attacker and flees |
Queen![]() Health: 15 Attack Strength: 2.5 When Attacked: Resists ⅓ of the damage and will retaliate along with followers |

- Find a group of fairies by exploring grassy areas like plains or forests (must not be on peaceful)
- Defeat the queen or if you want the queen defeat all of her followers, which all have the same faction above their head
- The fairy will be upset for a little while, no longer than a minute, so you can't befriend her yet. They will cry or pout.
- If the fairy is a queen feed her a glistening melon, otherwise use a cake, melon slice, cookie, apple, or sugar. Sugar is not guaranteed to work first try.

(for your taimed fairies)
- Will follow you
- When right clicked will get on your head and allow you to fly for a short while, (right click fairy to dismount as well)
- Eyes become increasingly pail when health is low, need to eat a taiming item to heal.
- Sits when right clicked while sneaking
- If a medic, will heal you along with other fairies
- If a guard, will attack monsters, besides creepers, following you
- If fed slime balls, rotten flesh, spider eyes, fermented spider eyes will become wild
- If you have an ender eye or ender pearl will teleport to you if far away
- When right clicked with shears hair will switch between dual ponytail and roll
- When right clicked with paper a custom name can be given (while fairy is not flying)
- Gets sick in complete darkness, needs to be cured by sunlight or by consuming a melon slice

(for your taimed fairies)
- Place a sign with the fairy's name anywhere on it, along with any other fairy names you want posted
- Stand next to the sign with your fairy and wait for the @ symbols around the fairy's name to become @.
- The fairy will now wonder within 6 blocks of the sign and if you add the text "~f" to the sign the distance is doubled

For posted fairies, the content of chests within 6 blocks horizontally and 1 block vertically determain what their task is.
Hoe: till nearby grass or dirt
Plantable items: plant on farmland
Sugar cane: plant near water
Axe: chop down nearby logs (keep log houses away)
Sapling: plant where can grow
Wheat: feed to animals to breed
Shears: collect wool from sheep
Fishing rod: catch fish
Food: eat if health is low
Bonemeal: speed growth of trees and plants
Other tasks fairies do are:
Pick up items that are on the ground and put them in nearby chests
Destory tallgrass to get seeds
Harvest wheat, melons, pumpkins, and sugar cane
Previous Versions
Credit | KodaichiZero |
Progress | 100% complete |
Game Version | Minecraft 1.7.10 |
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pls make it where you can be them PLSSSSSSS