Minecraft Mods

heyimspook's More Armor & Tools Mod [1.18.1]

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Psora's Avatar Psora
Level 46 : Master Paladin
Current mod version: v2.0.0 for Minecraft 1.18.1
Introducing "Spook's More Armor & Tools Mod", a mod that adds ten extra varieties of armor and tool crafting recipes for various materials! You can now create sets of armor and tools out of:
- Redstone
- Copper
- Emerald
- Prismarine
- Lapis Lazuli
- Amethyst
- Obsidian
- Nether Quartz
- Wood
(armor only)

Benefits of each armor set:
Wooden: Provides a cheap alternative to iron or chainmail armor without having to kill those adorable little horses and cows for leather. You can craft this armor set with any variant of wooden planks.

Redstone: Slightly stronger than stone, redstone armor and tools are good for getting decent enchantments while still at a low level of xp. This armor and toolset is crafted using redstone chunks, which are made by putting 4 redstone in a crafting table in a 2x2 shape.

Copper: Ever wondered why copper doesn't have its own set of armor and tools? Wonder no more! Copper armor may not be quite as strong as iron but it gives you luck if you wear the entire set at once! The tools are also pretty decent, so I've heard...

Emerald: Emerald tools have slightly faster attack speeds, giving a small edge in combat, while the armor has a tiny 0.5 toughness value for some extra protection at a low cost. The entire set also has durability somewhere between iron and diamond, making it a good set to bridge the gap.

Prismarine: If you don't feel like searching for minerals, look no further than prismarine armor and tools, which can be made from prismarine shards farmed from the oogly booglies in the ocean! Feel free to create your own version of Atlantis and have a set of armor and tools to match the theme! This set lies between stone and iron in terms of durability.

Lapis Lazuli: Slightly more durable than stone (and equal to redstone), lapis lazuli armor and tools make up for what they lack in durability with extreme enchantability, meaning you can get the best enchantments with the lowest cost to your precious xp levels. This armor and toolset is crafted using lapis lazuli chunks, which are made by putting 4 lapis lazuli in a crafting table in a 2x2 shape.

Amethyst: With more durability than iron, but less than obsidian and diamond, amethyst tools have slightly more attack damage than iron, but the armor protects slightly less than iron.

Obsidian: Less durable and powerful than diamond, obsidian is a more easily accessible material for a fairly hardy set of armor and tools, only requiring some lava and water to create; smelt blocks of obsidian into refined obsidian crystals, which are used to make this dark-colored set. It gives plenty of knockback resistance, on one hand, but on the other, the tools' attack speeds are all lower, and it isn't fireproof like Netherite is.

Nether Quartz: The same durability as iron, nether quartz armor and tools are made from nether quartz prisms (six nether quartz shaped like a tower in a crafting table) and ensure that you don't have to journey back to the Overworld for a decent set of tools and armor!

Thanks for reading this page; it'd be greatly appreciated if you were to download the mod. If you do, I hope you enjoy it, and feel free to comment below about any suggestions or bugs you find. Thanks again!
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.18

4 Update Logs

Update 2.0.0 : by Psora 12/28/2021 11:48:44 pmDec 28th, 2021

+ Updated mod version to Minecraft 1.18.1 for Forge 39.0.9 (FABRIC VERSION IS ON THE WAY, HANG TIGHT :))

+ Built the mod from scratch again because I accidentally wiped the PC containing the original files... (whoops :P)

+ Added Copper armor and tools, with its own unique set of properties and durability

+ Added Amethyst armor and tools, with its own unique set of properties and durability

+ Tweaked stats of attack damages and speeds for several armor and toolsets to make the play experience more balanced.

- Removed Pink Diamond armor and tools, as they were kind of just a pointless reskin of diamond (it's pretty but like why lol)

- Removed Citrine armor and tools, in order to avoid confusion with Copper (they do both be orange tho)

- Removed End Amethyst armor and tools, since amethysts are in vanilla Minecraft now (we love redundancy)

- Removed the ability to repair wooden armor with stripped logs/hyphae (it's wood. come on, guy.)

- Changed the textures for Redstone armor and tools (mmmm yummy)

- Changed the textures for Lapis Lazuli armor and tools (mmmm also yummy)

- Changed the textures for Emerald armor and tools (MMMM DELICIOSO)

- Tweaked the textures for Prismarine tools (added some extra contrast)

- Changed the textures for Obsidian tools (made 'em look more metal-y and less crystal-y)

If you actually read through this entire changelog, make a comment telling me my mod is very spooky, congrats on having an attention span! :D

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05/21/2023 3:54 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
Maps2341's Avatar
I love it! Please make stone armor!
02/21/2023 8:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
garbleboy's Avatar
make for 1.19?
01/30/2022 9:11 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User4017224F's Avatar
Is it bedrock edition?
01/20/2022 8:24 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
bombowagra67's Avatar
daj na 1.18 plis
01/04/2022 8:58 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Collective
CreeperMind89's Avatar
I was gonna say something, but then i forgot. Good job with the mod!
12/29/2021 10:32 am
Level 42 : Master Loremaster
vvv56eer's Avatar
03/08/2021 3:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Omay's Avatar
I tried using forge to use the mod, but it didn't work. Does it have to be 35.0.15 or can it be 35.1.4
02/13/2021 2:01 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
Rodrigo_50's Avatar
Would it be possible to make wooden armor smeltable? When I upgrade I just drop but it'd be cool if I could use it as fuel
02/07/2021 1:00 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Cannonade's Avatar
02/06/2021 6:57 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
ManDasBONKAS's Avatar
Does This work with v1.16.5 forge?
