Minecraft Mods

Legacy Items

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Level 4 : Apprentice Network

Legacy Items

This is Legacy Items, a simple mod that adds many more Tools and Items. Better tools such as endium, and reinforced tools like Renforced Diamond Tools, Reinforced Diamond Armor, etc....

This mod is updated from 1.12.2 to 1.18.2 & 1.20.1, and will maybe be updated to new Minecraft versions, and maybe have a fabric version!

Add this mod if you want more cool tools and items in your world, or play it with modpacks with JEI or more mods!

A good objective to start playing this mod, with or without a modpack, is to obtain Reinforced Diamond Armor. You can find the crafting recipe on the wiki once it is released or using JEI, which I recommend because of all the crafting recipes in the mod. When you get more advanced in your world, you can try to craft the Endium items, which are the hardest to obtain in this mod—it could be a fun challenge.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.12.2

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