Minecraft Mods

SecurityCraft ~ Security cameras, retinal scanners, and more!

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Geforce's Avatar Geforce
Site Moderator
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Modder
SecurityCraft adds exactly what the name suggests. Security cameras, retinal scanners, keycard readers, unbreakable blocks, mines, and more. Feel free to download it, and be protected from anyone breaking into your house, even those pesky creepers! For more information, pictures, recipes, and other stuff, check out our CurseForge page.

Please leave a comment below if you find any bugs or encounter any crashes so that we can fix them.

NOTE: In the 1.7.10 versions of SecurityCraft v1.8+, the LookingGlass API for use with the cameras is optional but highly recommended.

Special thanks to JorBinks for the SecurityCraft banner!
Creditbl4ckscor3, Redstone_Dubstep, ChainmailPickaxe
Progress90% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.20.6

23 Update Logs

SecurityCraft v1.9.10 : by Geforce 06/15/2024 6:53:37 pmJun 15th

It's been a while since the last SecurityCraft update. It's not like I totally forgot to post an update log for the past few updates or anything, I swear! As always, there are a lot more goodies for you to play with. The Secure Redstone Interface allows you to have a safe way to transmit power while the Security Sea Boat keeps your items safe on the high seas, along with many more reinforced blocks and minor tweaks and improvements.

Here's the full changelog:
  • New: Server config setting "allow_camera_night_vision" to set whether players are able to activate night vision without having the actual potion effect
  • New: Pressing "Enter" while typing a player name in an Allowlist/Denylist Module will now add the player to the list without needing to press the "Add Player" button
  • New: Server config option "passcode_check_cooldown" to configure the time that needs to pass between two separate attempts from a player to enter a passcode
  • New: Secure Redstone Interface for owner-restricted redstone signal transfer
  • New: Operators in creative mode can now teleport to a camera via the camera monitor
  • New: [1.19.4+] Security Sea Boats: Chest boats with a passcode-protected chest
  • New: [1.19.4+] Damage Type Tag "securitycraft:security_sea_boat_vulnerable_to" to define which damage types the Security Sea Boat can be destroyed by
  • New: [1.20.4+] The Trophy System can now target wind charges
  • New: [1.20.4+] Reinforced Blocks: Chiseled Copper, Exposed Chiseled Copper, Weathered Chiseled Copper, Oxidized Chiseled Copper, Copper Grate, Exposed Copper Grate, Weathered Copper Grate, Oxidized Copper Grate, Copper Bulb, Exposed Copper Bulb, Weathered Copper Bulb, Oxidized Copper Bulb, Tuff Stairs, Tuff Slab, Tuff Wall, Chiseled Tuff, Polished Tuff, Polished Tuff Stairs, Polished Tuff Slab, Polished Tuff Wall, Tuff Bricks, Tuff Brick Stairs, Tuff Brick Slab, Tuff Brick Wall, Chiseled Tuff Bricks
  • New: [1.20.4+] The reinforcing and unreinforcing of blocks can now be automated by putting the convertible block with a Universal Block Reinforcer in a Crafter
  • New: [1.20.6+] The Reinforced Cobweb now supports the weaving effect
  • Change: The cameraSpeed client side config setting has been moved to be a per-block option, accessible with the Universal Block Modifier
  • Change: Some SecurityCraft tip messages have been reworded for clarity
  • Change: Increased suffocation damage inside reinforced blocks no longer affects non-player entities and players owning the reinforced blocks
  • Change: The "preventReinforcedFloorGlitching" configuration option no longer affects players trying to glitch through reinforced blocks that they are the owner of
  • Change: Players in creative mode can once again use the codebreaker on their own blocks
  • Change: When picking up a placed sentry, the resulting sentry item will now be named according to the custom name of the removed sentry
  • Change: The "respect_invisibility" config setting has been moved to a per-block option
  • Change: The Sentry can no longer attack invisible entities
  • Change: [1.20.6+] The "codebreaker_chance" config setting has been moved to the "securitycraft:success_chance" item component
  • API: Changed constructors for IntOption and DoubleOption, they are now always sliders by default
  • API: Removed FloatOption. Use DoubleOption instead
  • API: IModuleInventory is no longer hardcoded to just block entities
  • API: New method ICodebreakable#handleCodebreaking to define behavior when a codebreaker is used to break the code
  • API: The BlockState parameters in ICodebreakable's methods have been removed
  • API: New method Option#getValueText for getting a textual representation of the option's value
  • API: ICustomizable#onOptionChanged now has a proper generic type
  • API: New method Owner#copy to copy the owner into a new object
  • API: IOwnable#onOwnerChanged now has two new parameters: oldOwner and newOwner
  • API: New method IOwnable#onValidate that gets called when the underlying owner is validated
  • API: [1.12.2+] New method IPasscodeProtected#openSetPasscodeScreen to define how to open the screen to set the passcode of the object
  • API: [1.16.5+] New method IViewActivated#isConsideredInvisible
  • API: [1.19.4+] New Option "EntityDataWrappedOption" that connects an EntityDataAccessor with an Option, and corresponding converter method "wrapForEntityData"
  • Fix: The block pocket can be assembled without the necessary items
  • Fix: Crash when trying to toggle the redstone state of a camera immediately after mounting it
  • Fix: Crash when trying to remove the passcode of a Briefcase using a Universal Key Changer
  • Fix: A previously open Display Case would replay its opening animation when joining a world or teleporting to it
  • Fix: Fake Water/Fake Lava can be brewed using any kind of potion instead of only harming/healing potions
  • Fix: Cloning a passcode-protected block using the /clone command will invalidate the passcode of the original block if the clone is removed
  • Fix: Sonic Security System settings sometimes do not persist through world reloads
  • Fix: Potential crash in SaltData (ConcurrentModificationException)
  • Fix: A Portable Radar configured to not send repeating messages still repeats messages when multiple players are in its range
  • Fix: Mine remote access tools automatically remove positions of mines that are no longer in the world from their list
  • Fix: SecurityCraft's doors, trapdoors and fence gates are sometimes erroneously in their open state when placed down
  • Fix: The Codebreaker's cooldown still applies to players in creative mode
  • Fix: [1.12.2] Reinforced End Rods do not emit light
  • Fix: [1.12.2] Display Cases don't destroy themselves when their supporting block is removed, allowing them to float in the air
  • Fix: [1.12.2-1.18.2] Reinforcing a placed end rod will briefly destroy the end rod before it is replaced with a reinforced end rod
  • Fix: [1.12.2+] Players are able to mount security cameras that have been shut down by an EMP from another mod
  • Fix: [1.16.5+] Trying to place a Panic Button where a normal button cannot be placed crashes the game
  • Fix: [1.16.5+] Reinforced fence gates don't properly retain their owner when reloading the world
  • Fix: [1.16.5+] The Display Case doesn't drop inserted modules when the block the display case is placed on is removed
  • Fix: [1.16.5+] Crash when Laser Block/Inventory Scanner ranges are set high
  • Fix: [1.16.5+] Some reinforced blocks can conduct redstone while their vanilla counterpart cannot do so
  • Fix: [1.16.5+] The behaviour of reinforced pistons sometimes deviates from vanilla piston behaviour in advanced redstone contraptions
  • Fix: [1.18.2+] The Block Pocket Manager's storage does not persist through world reloads
  • Fix: [1.19.4+] Occasional crash when opening the inventory in creative mode in certain situations
  • Fix: [1.19.4+] Reinforcing a placed end rod will make the resulting reinforced end rod behave as if it had no owner until rejoining the world
  • Fix: [1.19.4+] SecurityCraft's WTHIT config does not work on the client
  • Fix: [1.20.4+] The debug world does not work with SecurityCraft installed
  • Fix: [1.20.4+] The Reinforced Lever has incorrect break/place sounds
  • Fix: [1.20.4+] Randomizing the signature of a Keycard Reader stops working when interacting with the block from certain angles
  • Fix: [1.20.4+] Floor Trap cloud particles do not spawn when standing at certain positions relative to the Floor Trap
  • Fix: [1.20.6+] The Sentry is not immune to infested/oozing, causing unintentional side effects
  • Misc.: [1.20.4] The minimum required NeoForge version is now 20.4.235
  • Misc.: [1.20.6] The minimum required NeoForge version is now 20.6.95-beta

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11/22/2023 12:47 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
likeashark's Avatar
what update is this for
12/11/2022 10:12 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Crafter
WolfFreak's Avatar
For me cursforge doesn't work, it gave me a file that my computer somehow turned into code. Do you know how to fix this.
08/06/2022 10:10 am
Level 1 : New Miner
anonpmc4269018's Avatar
08/07/2022 5:04 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Modder
Geforce's Avatar
Most browsers will mark .jar files as potentially harmful as they can be run like .exes. SecurityCraft is open-source, so feel free to check out its code on the Github repo linked in the CurseForge page above. Alternatively, run the file through a virus checking site such as VirusTotal if that makes you feel more comfortable.
04/19/2022 5:16 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Artist
Zapke's Avatar
Very nice to spy on people
Jayseen Gaming
12/22/2021 7:38 am
Level 23 : Expert Explorer
Jayseen Gaming's Avatar
can make one for 1.16.5?
08/24/2021 5:07 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Make it for bedrock edition
08/20/2021 11:51 am
This reply was removed by the poster or a moderator.
08/21/2021 3:16 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Modder
Geforce's Avatar
Why would I answer if you are going to be disrespectful as well?
08/07/2021 12:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
love_poke's Avatar
it says it can harm my device
