Minecraft Mods

Sword Skills API [1.9.4-1.12.2]

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coolAlias's Avatar coolAlias
Level 71 : Legendary Modder
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This API is designed for third party mod developers to add compatibility with both the Dynamic Sword Skills and Zelda Sword Skills mods.

As such, it is required to be installed in order to run the 1.9.4+ versions of both DSS or ZSS.

For mod developers, use this API if you have an Item that you wish to control how it interacts with sword skill use or a custom DamageSource that you wish to control how it interacts with sword combos, for example.

To do so, simply include the deobfuscated .jar in your /eclipse/libs or a similar folder and add it to your build path, then implement any necessary interface(s).


Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.12.2

5 Update Logs

1.9.4-1.12.2 v1.5.1 : by coolAlias 12/22/2019 10:13:22 pmDec 22nd, 2019

!!! Java compatibility target changed to 1.8 - if you are running an older version of Java, please update!

! v1.5.1 of the SwordSkillsApi can be run safely with mods built on an older version as it is fully backwards compatible.

For Players:

+ SwordSkillsApi now processes its own WeaponRegistry config; please migrate settings from e.g. DSS
+ Added WeaponRegistry command /swordskillsapi <is|allow|forbid> <sword|weapon> modid:item_name
* Similar commands from other mods will not conflict with this and still benefit from other changes
* If you are a modder, consider deprecating or removing any commands with similar functionality
+ Added config option to disable WeaponRegistry logging

- Updated mod logo
- Axes are now considered weapons by default for the purpose of activating skills
- Config-based WeaponRegistry entries override existing entries

Fixed Bugs:
- Fixed typo in mcmod.info
- Fixed incorrect pack.mcmeta formats for all versions
- Fixed sword items returning false from WeaponRegistry#isWeapon
- Fixed WeaponRegistry logged mod id not necessarily matching Item's registry entry
- Fixed WeaponRegistry skill activation issues in multiplayer

For Modders:

+ SwordSkillsApi is now a valid IMC target
+ IMC may now also add items to the forbidden swords and weapons registries
+ IMC can override existing WeaponRegistry entries by appending "_override" to the method name
+ WeaponRegistry now allows ResourceLocation and String IMC messages in addition to ItemStack
+ Added ItemStack-sensitive versions of WeaponRegistry#isSword and WeaponRegistry#isWeapon

- Archive name format is now the standard {mod_name}-{mc_version}-{mod_version}.jar, e.g. SwordSkillsApi-1.9.4-1.5.jar
- Deprecated WeaponRegistry#parseString

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07/26/2019 6:53 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
FriendlyRaichu's Avatar
Download link doesn't work?
12/23/2019 1:32 am
Level 71 : Legendary Modder
coolAlias's Avatar
There are direct download links in the mod description.
02/24/2018 10:07 am
Level 22 : Expert Artist
ShadowfoxEXE's Avatar
how do I do that? and sorry if I didn't respond I had to go to bead
02/26/2018 1:19 am
Level 71 : Legendary Modder
coolAlias's Avatar
What do you mean? You just equip a sword and shield and use the skills as normal... it's really not complicated.
02/24/2018 12:54 am
Level 22 : Expert Artist
ShadowfoxEXE's Avatar
or you could put shields in the dynamic sword skills mod it would make it better just suggesting...
02/24/2018 1:48 am
Level 71 : Legendary Modder
coolAlias's Avatar
You do realize you can use the vanilla shields introduced in 1.9.4 with DSS, right?
02/24/2018 12:40 am
Level 22 : Expert Artist
ShadowfoxEXE's Avatar
hay can you please make all the Zelda sword skills mods for 1.12.2 please I know I'm asking a lot but I'm a big fan of your work in a really big fan of Zelda.....
02/24/2018 12:40 am
Level 71 : Legendary Modder
coolAlias's Avatar
Join the ZSS discord server for the latest news: discord.gg/ceA9UX3
02/24/2018 12:09 am
Level 22 : Expert Artist
ShadowfoxEXE's Avatar
how do I activate it???? it dissent show up in the creative inventory....
02/24/2018 12:19 am
Level 71 : Legendary Modder
coolAlias's Avatar
Activate what? This is just a library required to run Dynamic Sword Skills, not a standalone mod.
