Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

𝕾𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖒𝖔𝖓 𝕸𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖗

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Level 59 : Grandmaster Vampire Wizard
Updated for 1.19. Made using the Conquest texture pack. Use Optifine.

The Name of Solomon bears much prestige, as a family of patriotism, class, and an entrepreneurial fortune. Their home, a testament to the success of the Solomons, sprawls boldly over a large parcel of the dense Morham Wood. As such, the entire perimeter of the estate grounds is guarded by a sturdy stone wall, and iron shutters are fixed to as many windows as possible, as defenses against threats wandering the woodland.

The Solomons pride themselves first on their reputation as a family of master stone masons. It's believed their fortune started from their famous tombstones, which litter the region -and consequently, are from where the name "Stone Orchard" derives.

The second source of the family's pride derives from their many generations of military involvement, with the titles of many high-ranking leaders finding themselves under the name of Solomon -the most famous among them being the first Captain of the Royal Hunting Party. The RHP, first organized in the old days, was tasked with specializing in the management and defense of Royal territory from the creatures of the ink.

In and About the Manor


-Carriage House
-Garden Shed
-Guest House
-Ink Filtration Shed
-Lawn Shed
-Vegetable Garden


Ground Floor:
-Billiards Room
-Dining Room
-Grand Stairwell
-The Hunters' Atrium
-Music Room
-Trophy Room
-One Bedroom
-Two Bathrooms

First Floor
-Hobby Room
-Master Bedroom
-Smoking Room
-Two Bedrooms
-Two Bathrooms

Second Floor:
-Bell Tower

-Cold Storage
-Laundry Room
-Major Domo's Quarters
-Servants' Dining Room
-Servants' Kitchen-Servants' Parlor
-Two Servants' Quarters
-Wine Cellar
-Wine Tasting Room
-Three Bathrooms

More About the Rooms


It is tradition in the Solomon family to learn the trade of a stone mason. The workshop serves as a place for honing and maintaining the skills of a master of the stonecutting art.

Ink Filtration

Water may be procured from a process that exploits a plant's natural ability to filter the ink. The tanks of the filtration shed must be tended to regularly to meet the estate's water needs.

The Hunters' Atrium

In the center of the long ground-floor west-wing hall is a small atrium dedicated to the Royal Hunting Party. Four suits of the standard Hunter's armor face the exhibit of a Vampire's skull -both a hard-earned trophy, and a testament to the skill and cunning of the captain of the Hunters.

Trophy Room

War mementos dominate the trophy room, including the rare armors and weapons of both the royal military and those of long-defeated rival kingdoms.

Hobby Room

These days, the Hobby Room is dedicated to painting, sewing, weaving and knitting.


With the untimely passing of the latest daughter, the nursery is left unused.

Bell Tower

Bell towers are common in the Inkwell, as they are used in emergency to communicate the dreaded falling of a black night upon the world, and hasten all to shelter.
CreditTrees by Lentebriesje
Progress100% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Belial6 08/05/2023 12:53:03 pmAug 5th, 2023

Added button at spawn to toggle chimney smoke on/off

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β€’ 01/04/2025 4:51 am
β€’ Level 1 : New Miner
β€’ 03/24/2024 1:28 am
β€’ Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
Hello! Awesome map! do you mind if I use it in one of my videos? I'll make sure to credit you properly
β€’ 03/24/2024 4:47 pm
β€’ Level 59 : Grandmaster Vampire Wizard
Thanks! What kind of video?
β€’ 03/25/2024 8:50 am
β€’ Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
I was looking for a good "venue" to showcase my modded build:


I was planning on disguising the thing as a chandelier
but now that I think about it I don't think it would fit in the ballroom :/
sorry for the bother, Great build nonetheless
β€’ 03/25/2024 11:34 am
β€’ Level 59 : Grandmaster Vampire Wizard
Well you have my blessing if you should want to use any of my maps for your future videos.

...Just make sure you're using the Conquest pack, of course. Or it'll look like Hell.
β€’ 03/26/2024 3:52 am
β€’ Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
Thank you! don't worry!
β€’ 03/05/2024 7:21 pm
β€’ Level 1 : New Miner
hey is there any way we can access this in 1.18.2?
β€’ 03/06/2024 11:32 am
β€’ Level 59 : Grandmaster Vampire Wizard
I'm affraid I don't have any earlier saves than 1.19. Sorry :/
β€’ 02/24/2024 11:14 am
β€’ Level 5 : Apprentice System
Just wanna say that im doing a story series on Youtube and the first episode will contain this map. I saw that you were ok with someone else using this map to create a black ops 3 map so i guess ill be able to create the series with this. When the first episode comes out ill link the original map in the video. :)
β€’ 02/24/2024 11:33 am
β€’ Level 59 : Grandmaster Vampire Wizard
Awesome! Enjoy your stay at the manor ;]
