Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Advent Map [7] - Alisonder (3k, Survival, Download: Java & Bedrock)

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Bedrock Edition
Level 87 : Elite Wizard Unicorn

Advent Map [7] - Alisonder (3k, Survival, Download: Java & Bedrock) Minecraft Map


Alisonder is a realistic island... it's 3 km by 3 km made by McMeddon. It's an Island that is "shaped like the number seven" But hardly eroded and transformed in the creation process. A custom realistic world with rare amount of trees and little forests, its a rough world with rocks and less vegetation. But plenty of space to live and build. Travel to the high peaks along the rocky mountains is a fun way to explore the world. Settle along the little rivers that come down the snowy mountains and set up a fire. Custom forests, rivers, sea´s , mountains, plains and oceans await you.

🌍 Discord: discord.stedit.com
► Patreon: www.patreon.com/mcmeddon
►Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCug2WOSvplSCzXCOGJXJbEA/
► PMC: www.planetminecraft.com/member/mcmeddon/
► Instagram: www.instagram.com/mcmeddon/
► Twitch: www.twitch.tv/mcmeddon

Advent Map [7] - Alisonder (3k, Survival, Download: Java & Bedrock) Minecraft Map

✅ Download
✅ 3000x3000
✅ Java
✅ Bedrock
✅ 1.14+ Aquatic
✅ Custom tree’s
✅ Custom foliage
✅ Caves, Ores
✅ Custom river systems & river shore plants
✅ Wallpapers
✅ Water Level 62 (Minecraft Default is 62)

X Patreon Village included (coming in next update but I'm short on time currently)
X structures or strongholds (coming in next update but I'm short on time currently)

Advent Map [7] - Alisonder (3k, Survival, Download: Java & Bedrock) Minecraft Map

Project-Name: 20201203Dec7 Alisonder

Possible questions:
🞂 Which Programs did you use?
    • Gaea
    • WorldPainter

      🞂 How long did it took to make it?
        ca 20h and 3h+ hours of rendering spread over 4 days to complete

      🞂Did you make those assets?
        Yes, they are enhanced default tree´s and assets i made.

      🞂 What are your plans with these maps?
        These are adventure maps, survival maps, creative maps for you to build, play and explore. For my part, i gain new techniques and experience with every new map, building on that for the next and making map by map better maps.

      🞂 Timelapse? Showcase? Breakdown?
        uploaded, coming soon (follow the yt channel)

      Progress90% complete

      Create an account or sign in to comment.

      12/08/2020 1:10 pm
      Level 18 : Journeyman Miner
      12/07/2020 1:52 pm
      They/Them • Level 48 : Master Aesthetic Writer
      Awesome! :D
      12/07/2020 1:45 pm
      Level 46 : Master Answer Answer
      Just a heads up incase you didn't notice - but you accidentally put the title card (main showcase image) in the wrong place. Map looks good though!
      12/07/2020 3:19 pm
      Level 87 : Elite Wizard Unicorn
      thanks but no worries,testing a thesis i have, so its on purpose, i will change it in a few days to the calender image :p
      12/07/2020 3:26 pm
      Level 46 : Master Answer Answer
      Oh interesting. You certainly have a unique way of doing things. Wouldn't you know it; unique everything. Good luck with your thesis!
      12/07/2020 3:41 pm
      Level 87 : Elite Wizard Unicorn
      haha indeed! :D thanks alot!
