Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Approaching Diversity [NexusMC Hub]

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Team Vaeron
Level 49 : Master Dragonborn
Team Vaeron presents, the brand new NexusMC hub! Commissioned by BajanCanadian, JeromeASF & Segkiller. This was an interesting build to say the least, we had to somehow combine "fantasy" and "sci-fi", so we decided to go with a roman/Greek theme and mix it with sci-fi shapes/glass, and that certainly did the trick! Definitely one of the most original concepts Vaeron has tried to pull off, I hope you all enjoy it!

To note, the spaceship seen is it's own project too! Find it on Eloqiun's profile.

There was once a small, almost deserted village, in the far west region of Rome where man's only way of survival was to toil the land. No luxuries, no "home", just a disheveled wasteland of nothingness, the only real site to see were the relics of what previously was their metropolis, all to be seen were a few randomly placed pieces of old glass and metallic rods.

One day, almost arbitrarily, a man named Andel picked up these miscellaneous parts off machinery, he felt these pieces with passion and admiration. Andel started to work with these pieces, thinking that these couldn't possibly be just normal materials, these were special. This influenced many people in this weak, disheveled community to help him research and build on these parts.

They dreamt of a place where there was no wasteland, somewhere away from this Earth and somewhere in the stars.

BenJordy - Main structure
Eloqiun - Main structure/ spaceship
Duys - Semisphere platform spaceship
Arghoraptor - NexusMC sign
Versia - Palm Trees
Asendra - Minor general help

Want to order your own build?
Contact "teamvaeron" on skype or email "teamvaeron@gmail.com", and we'll get straight back to you and see what we can do!

Progress100% complete

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04/28/2017 6:11 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
one question. why cant we download it?
10/10/2015 11:11 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Mage
Wow! This is really cool! This is way too good!
DIEabolical D
10/10/2015 2:00 am
Level 28 : Expert Dragon
Nice, kind of a space kami's lookout :)
Team Vaeron
10/10/2015 12:55 pm
Level 49 : Master Dragonborn
Funny you should say that! When we were originally talking to Nexus about the commission they used Kami's Lookout as a concept we could base the hub on! Well spotted. :)
10/09/2015 6:14 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
I liked the lore especially, and this build is just stunning. Keep up the great work!
Team Vaeron
10/09/2015 6:16 pm
Level 49 : Master Dragonborn
We'll try too! :D Thanks for the comment about the lore, was worried it was a little too cliché. :)
10/09/2015 6:17 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
:) Np, I liked it- didn't think it was cliché at all. ;)
10/09/2015 4:58 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Wow, incredible work guys!  O.O
Team Vaeron
10/09/2015 6:16 pm
Level 49 : Master Dragonborn
Thanks, Gray! :)
10/09/2015 4:06 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Musician
Very good! And fitting lore :D
