Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Arabian Town Center

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Mantoide's Avatar Mantoide
Level 51 : Grandmaster Architect
A simple Arabian town center with a residential palace and a mosque, included in the soon-to-be Skodia server. The town itself is still work in progress and far from complete.

Current features:
  • A large courtyard with a pond.
  • A mosque, with a five-nave prayer hall and a mihrab.
  • A minaret tower next to the gate.
  • A fortified alcazaba, with outer walls and a residential palace.
  • Market stalls around the main complex.
Created on version 1.14.4, without any mods.

You may edit and use this schematic, as long as you credit me (Mantoide) as the original builder and link your own versions to this page, if you happen to upload anything.
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Mantoide 09/11/2019 5:29:39 amSep 11th, 2019

Downloadable schematic.

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07/26/2021 2:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SolBadguy0408's Avatar
This is an awesome-looking build!
07/19/2020 2:26 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
MineFriggs's Avatar
Thank you for uploading this map. It is perfect, simply perfect. Beautiful and playable. I'm using it on my adventure map Inanna's Descent (upload pending).
07/21/2020 9:37 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Architect
Mantoide's Avatar
Thanks! I would like to finish the whole town sometime, adding in some more key buildings. I'm glad it can be used on servers and/or adventure maps. I'm curious, so let me know whenever you upload anything.
01/17/2021 1:29 am
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
MineFriggs's Avatar
Hi Mantoide,
What do you have in mind when you say you'd "finish the town"? I mean, you can extend this arbitrarily, but you might have some model in your mind.

I am currently working on a Ramadan map, and this town is a great starting point. Perhaps, I can help you with some buildings. Just let me know.
01/20/2021 9:18 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Architect
Mantoide's Avatar
Hey MineFriggs,
I haven't worked on anything for quite some time. I would like to get back to this project, or start a new palace/city type map from scratch, similar to a project I shared long ago; which was abandoned due to over-reliance on outdated mods (I share screens from time to time for the fun of it and also to serve as inspiration to others for Middle-Eastern-themed builds).
I was also considering starting a project based on the layout of Madīnat Al-Zahrā, using the mosque I already built.
What do you mean by Ramadan map?
01/22/2021 6:48 am
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
MineFriggs's Avatar
As for the Ramadan map...

Our Ramadan map is part of some storytelling projects we have on Minecraft. It is related to the story The Ramadan Lantern which we plan to publish in April. It is based on a similar story we found on BBC.

The original story is placed in Egypt. But we will localize it in a hypotetic and Al-Andalus (Arabic Spain) with some of the most important buildings. The idea is to make it entertaining and instructive for the kids of our Muslim friends, mainly in Spain, but also elsewhere.

The Madīnat Al-Zahrā is a very lovely example of example and also the other maps (mosque and project).

Usually, I work in the following manner - and please, bare in mind, that I am not very experience, so usually does not mean a lot :-):

1. We make the building structures in Vanilla built
2. If we plan to add textures, we have to take that into mind and test it during the builts, but we want all our builts to be usable in Vanilla. This way, it is always possible to upgrade. (For example the map Spirited Away has serious problems when upgrading to 1.15. or 1.16)
3. We start adding the texture pack
4. We make NPC and their datapacks
5. We include plugins/respectively mods (usually we favour addons that exist for both as mod and as plugin)

Regarding your project...

Do you have an active server where you develop your projects? What are your plans?
01/22/2021 1:35 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Architect
Mantoide's Avatar
No tengo ningún servidor en activo. Las construcciones que he compartido por PMC las hice en un mundo versión 1.10.2 que inconscientemente sobrecargué de mods varios. A estas alturas la mayoría de ellos han quedado obsoletos y dan muchos problemas de estabilidad y lag, aun tratándose de un mapa para un jugador.
Los demás proyectos son esquemáticos hechos en versiones recientes, sin mods.
En caso de plantear algún proyecto nuevo o derivado de alguno antiguo, lo haría sin ambición de dedicarlo a un server público, enfocándolo más bien como un diorama o una reconstrucción.
La idea del server de temática andalusí me resulta llamativa, ya me contarás más.

01/22/2021 9:31 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Architect
Mantoide's Avatar
¿Eres español? El cuento de la linterna de Ramadán del link aparece en castellano.
09/12/2019 6:59 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
misterich's Avatar
nice;... again! :D
You are very good in building spanish, moorish and arabic

I would really like to download and look it in game, but since there is no McEdit for 1.14 (or earlier) I could no do anything with that schematic :( --- well at least the pmcview works.
09/12/2019 8:53 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Architect
Mantoide's Avatar
Thanks! The schematic can be loaded using the WorldEdit mod.
Put the schem file in .minecraft\config\worldedit\schematics, and then use //schem load <schematic name> and //paste

09/12/2019 9:05 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
misterich's Avatar
My problem with world edit is, that it's a mod. I need to change my regualr Minecraft data and would lose the possibility to play with my also only vanillia using friends. Especially servers seems to be unable to be get back to vanillia if you want to. Because of that I cannot use WOrldEdit and so this is not an option to me. Earlier McEdit was perfect because you used another tool that did not bother Minecraft's files but sadly the developers stopped working on it. Ok some of them tring to creat a new editor but that could take years and I am not sure if they are still alive or not because you are not hearing anything of it. Anyways if you use a schematic file today to share objects you make it useable for people like me - that I why I changed to the the .nbt files from the regular structure blocks.
