Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Castrum Ionum - Roman fortress

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Tom_Clark's Avatar Tom_Clark
Level 38 : Artisan Pixel Painter
A Roman castrum with the capacity to house two cohorts (480 each, and their officers) and a commander (such as a legionary legatus, tribunus or praefectus castrorum, or an auxiliary praefectus).

Includes the following:

- Stone walls with ramparts
- 4x double gates
- 4x artillery turrets

- 12x barrack blocks (10 rooms each, plus centurions quarters at the ends)
- 1x principia (castrum HQ)
- 1x praetorium (commander's house)
- 2x granary block
CreditSome inspiration from Stugace's Castrum Robus.
Progress100% complete

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07/28/2016 11:46 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
-Legolas-'s Avatar
Brings back memories of Romecraft
