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JoaoDaFonseca's Avatar JoaoDaFonseca
Level 50 : Grandmaster Engineer Artist
Merry Christmas! | Feliz Natal!

So, when I started this one, the idea was to simply build a christmas tree and, somehow it ended with me building an intere city arround it. Hope you enjoy it.

It was really challenging to build im such angles.

Note: most buildings lack the interiors, as that was never the main focus of the build. And as you get far way from the plaza, detail also decreases.

Para celebrar o Natal eu tive a ideia de construir uma árvore de Natal mas, de alguma forma, acabou comigo a rodeá-la de edifícios. Espero que gostem.
A maior dificuldade foi construir segundo ângulos.
Nota: a maioria dos edifícios não tem interiores e o detalhe diminui à medida que se afastam da praça.

Third-party programs:
MCEdit (90% useless in this one)
Progress100% complete

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11/25/2018 3:38 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
JmektaKill's Avatar
Can you add a schematic file please?
10/31/2018 11:50 pm
Level 40 : Master Engineer
dogfaceboy's Avatar
Hey man, I've been making MC projects for a long time but I kinda stopped for awhile and I'm starting to get back into it now. I have a project idea that I'd like to use your build for. If you'd like more details I'll gladly PM you about it. When the project is done I will of course send you a link.
11/03/2018 1:07 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Engineer Artist
JoaoDaFonseca's Avatar
I happly grant you permition to use this submission on your project, giviming the right credit of course. I would to know more about the project, I'm curious about what you will do with it as I've seen your command block skills... Have a good work and can't wait to see the result!
12/24/2017 2:07 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
Nice building with the of-axis builds. I do like the way you make it more alive with adding people to the build.

Well done!
12/24/2017 7:59 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Engineer Artist
JoaoDaFonseca's Avatar
Thanks, thoose angles were a real pain to work with. About the people, the only thing that bothers me is the fact that I have to use pots, since Chunky won't render player heads. Yet happy that I could really make it feel alive and not only a static dead build.
12/25/2017 3:47 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
Ah yes, the limitations of chunky can be annoying. Especially when you make tons of details. But still, those night renders worked out good. Must have token an annoying long time to render,
12/25/2017 5:12 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Engineer Artist
JoaoDaFonseca's Avatar
That actually surprised me, I was expecting it to take like a whole afternoon and the quality to be terrible because the last render that I did with the train inside the station was dark and so it took 3 hours and my pc almost died to get the 1000 and the image is full of grain, but thoose ones only took 1h and half each.
12/25/2017 7:14 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
That's surprising I would expect the first one. The only thing I can think of is that you put out the sun light.
12/25/2017 7:40 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Engineer Artist
JoaoDaFonseca's Avatar
It might have been that, because the sun light gave this like glow and I wanted that the only light on the scene was the one from the lamps and windows.
12/24/2017 6:31 am
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Architect
IG-FredMcWaffe's Avatar
This is soooo beautiful!
Love it m8! <3
