Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Clear Days: Compact, Automatic No Rain/always Day Device

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caught_being_good's Avatar caught_being_good
Level 30 : Artisan Robot
What is this?

It's a device that, when inserted into your world, will make the world's time always day and weather always clear

Cons of other (common) designs

Many minecrafters have test worlds, where they tinker with redstone and game mechanics. Most minecrafters do not like rain distracting them, and likes to work in a bright, visible environment. To stop their minecraft world from raining, or to make everything bright enough to see, they have created redstone clocks that power a command block, containing the command: "/weather clear", and another one "/time set 5000".

Some redstone clocks are fast, constantly sending a signal into the command blocks, which is efficient, and keeps the day clear and bright. It does it's job. However, while doing a good job, it also sends line after line of text into your chat box. To go around this problem, people would utilize the fact that command block outputs can be turned off (/gamerule commandblockoutput false). However, when they do need the command blocks to output a message, they are met with a wall of text (changing to clear weather changing to clear weather changing to clear weather changing to clear weather). This design doesn't do that.

Some clocks are slower. The most commonly used "slow clock" (timer) is Etho's design. However, it's ouput is usually too infrequent (varies with the amount of items put in), thus, when it rains, you have to wait a while for it to turn back to no rain. This problem doesn't appear in this design.


This design, unlike many others, does not use a redstone clock. With that, it makes the day clear right when it starts raining without using a rapid pulsar, or any other relatively fast redstone clocks.

So, how does this work without clocks? (Detailed explanation).

Daylight sensors. This design utilizes the fact that light levels above ground drop when raining. When it drops during day time (5000), the daylight sensor would no longer be outputting the strongest signal strength. With this, the comparator would turn off, as the redstone beside it has a stronger signal strength than the signal the daylight sensor is outputting. This would enable a redstone torch to turn on, which powers command blocks that sets the weather condition to clear, and the time to 5000 (the time command block is optional). Thus making the daylight sensor output full power (equal to the signal strength of the other redstone dust running into the comparator), allowing the comparator to turn the torch off. This resets the device.

Feature/Pros overview

-Does not require redstone clocks


-Does not spam the chat

-Activates only when it starts to rain, or when it's getting dark (8000).



-Cannot be completely hidden. Daylight sensor has to have no blocks above it (there is exceptions. There can be glass above it, other daylight sensors, pistons, carpets, etc.).

I want to see it in action.


Looks great! How do I build it?

The images provided should be enough. One of the two command blocks contains the command "/weather clear", the other contains "/time set 5000". If it's not enough, you can download the map for closer inspection. It's pretty easy and straightforward. Get the command block by typing "/give @p 137" in the chat.
Progress100% complete

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12/19/2013 7:32 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Architect
NinamanOfficial's Avatar
I love your renders soooooooo much
12/19/2013 7:42 am
Level 30 : Artisan Robot
caught_being_good's Avatar
It really isn't not much compared to the amount of editing and fancy things on the pictures for your awesome builds!
12/19/2013 9:43 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Architect
NinamanOfficial's Avatar
hahaha thanks xD And i dunno the sorta dark but still bright sky effect that you have i love
