Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Semi-Automatic Flint Maker

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Level 30 : Artisan Robot
The title says it all.

Instructions: place your gravel blocks onto the emerald block, and let it fall onto the torches to change into a gravel block in item form, or hopefully, into flint. The gravel, or flint, is transferred up and into your inventory. If it's gravel, you get to place it again with the hopes of it turning into flint. If it is flint, great, that's what you were trying to get.

You can place a real life object onto the key binded to "use item" and AFK.

Give a diamond if you like it, and feel free to express your thoughts on this on the comments section!

Additional Notes

The item elevator in this contraption is Xisuma's design.
CreditXisuma (Item elevator),
Progress100% complete

2 Update Logs

Update 1.5: Improvements and sacrifice : by caught_being_good 11/29/2013 10:15:32 pmNov 29th, 2013

-Made minor changes to improve the device
- Added a piston to retract the emerald block
-Made it more efficient (from 124 gravel blocks placed per min to 132)
-The contraption as a whole is slightly enlarged due to the part responsible for making it more efficient.
-Removed some unnecessary things (repeaters) to make it less resource intensive.

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08/25/2013 7:32 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Dragon
Going to make a video on this...
08/25/2013 9:31 am
Level 46 : Master Princess
You should modify this so that the gravel automatically dispenses so you can just hold right click until it's all flint :)
08/25/2013 9:52 am
Level 30 : Artisan Robot
Hm, I don't understand... Enlighten me?
08/25/2013 10:03 am
Level 46 : Master Princess
Where the gravel is put if it isn't turned into flint, there should be something that detects if there is gravel in there, and if there is, it is dispensed at the player. It would probably be easier to change it from a chest into a dropper :p
08/25/2013 10:10 am
Level 30 : Artisan Robot
By the way, this is very easily done, because there already is a device within the contraption that separates gravel and flint :). So it wouldn't be a lot of work to implicate that feature.
08/25/2013 10:22 am
Level 46 : Master Princess
Yeah I know :P It was just a suggestion :D
08/25/2013 10:07 am
Level 30 : Artisan Robot
Ahh I see. That's a great idea! I'll put that feature in when I have time... Thanks for letting me know!
