Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Detailed Traditional Mansion (Survival - Download - Interior)

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Level 68 : High Grandmaster Architect
Version: 1.19.2+

Resource Pack: Patrix 32x32 (Standalone as always, no CIT or custom heads)

Mods: None

Shader: BSL

Architectural Style: Traditional, Cottage, Contemporary

Schematic? Indeed (Paste -e)

Corresponding Builds: #1 - 2# - 3#

Description: (Skip to composition if you're not fond of reading)

This build, commissioned and structured according preference, is an addition to my Patrix collection. Being a fond proponent of this RP, my Patron wanted a complimentary residence alongside my Ultimate Villa with a mutual palette, though with a different style. Cottage, traditional and suburban (or a mixture thereof) were among a range of mentioned options with a free-hand approach. This means that horizontal proportions, vertical scale, detail, time and overall dimensions, with the exception of style, were all freely afforded to my faculties.

Since sandstone is personally a beautiful color and complimentary to the Villa, the pain of juggling with different hues were fortunately a ticked box. structurally, L-shaped geometry with three-stories furnished the opportunity for an expansive interior that offers ample content for survival and multiplayer, so I thought I'd go with it.
Internally, most interiors were imbued with a colorful touch, function, and aesthetics that maintains a balance between a spacious and cluttered environment; something as simple as leaning towards one of these extremes can completely ruin a build, but I'm tempted to believe that I handled it pretty well.
Although some colors seem a bit too pronounced internally, It think it served a beautiful purpose by offsetting an otherwise monotonous expression when roaming the interior, making the transition from sandstone to terracotta a fun twist overall.
As with most of my builds, invisible frames, barrier blocks, and the debug stick were excessively used to produce specific effects, allowing a more detailed outcome and a broader range of visual continuity.
Layering more specifics can be tedious for the reader I'm prompted to believe, so the above description qualifies as a sufficient breakdown I guess.


Of course, a quick walkthrough does not display the finer detail of what has been produced, but it helps you to determine scale and specific elements before taking interest, which is thus afforded by watching a point to point presentation quickly stitched together on Youtube, a platform used to at least give you a broader view on what I construct without high-dB voiceovers. At least for now.
Feel free to check out your specific build if you don't mind watching a guy stumble over his own feet trying to at least show what these builds comprise without the usual pace when constructing these builds from start to finish lol.

Build Composition:

- 17 Unique Bedrooms
- 2 Kitchens
- 6 Restrooms (Can be converted into your own unique space)
- 2 Dining areas
- Living room
- Lounges
- Library
- Study
- Office
- Enchantment Room
- Fireplace
- Garage
- Small Stable
- Outdoors Hangout

- Storage room
- Meditation Area
- Small Ponds

- Jacuzzi
- Large swimming pool
- Entertainment room
- 2 Aquariums
- Agriculture
- Multiplayer Friendly
- And a detailed environment that stays true to the original feel with subtle changes to textures (32x32)

Quote, because why not:

"Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven't planted."

David Bly
CreditWorldEdit, Optifine, Patrix RP, BSL Shaders, and the PMC community for the support and inspiration!
Progress100% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Peculiar-Gemini 04/17/2024 4:46:18 amApr 17th, 2024

Updated the file on Patreon which of course includes the schematic. I'll be starting a new build as soon as I'm done focusing on my health and work. Peace, and much love!

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09/09/2023 6:58 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Senpai
Love it!
09/09/2023 1:06 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Architect
Thank you man. Glad you like it!
09/08/2023 4:00 pm
She/Her • Level 59 : Grandmaster Magical Girl Princess
Ooooh this looks so pretty !!!!
09/09/2023 1:06 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Architect
Thanks a ton. Appreciate it Arian. :]
