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Level 44 : Master Button Pusher
Estimated Creation Time: 2 months with 1-6 hours each day

Estimated Duration of Playing: 1-1.5 hours

Amount of Redstone: Some places have more than others


Hello and today I will be introducing my second creation that I am uploading to Planet Minecraft. If you do not want to know anything about the map before playing it then that's fine. If you have any improvement ideas please post them in the comments even though i said it was 100% complete. Also please report any bugs/glitches/problems in the map.

In this map there is 10 stages. Each stage is a unique challenge that you must overcome to complete the whole map. An average stage takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. Every stage has monsters. Monsters are usually spawned from command blocks, but some are spawned from monster spawners. At the end of the map you can see the redstone and command blocks for the map, rate it in MC, or blow it up. (I suggest to view the redstone before blowing it up)


-You must use the version 1.8.3+ or else things will really be messed up.
-I have a texture pack (jk)


-Give credit to MC_Assassin391 (The creator of this map)
-Do not take credit

-Get as much as you can in your video as you can
-Put a downloadable link in the description


Make Sure to comment, and diamond this map. If you really love it then subscribe, and favorite.
Progress100% complete

9 Update Logs

Update 3.0.4 : by ClashAssassin 07/29/2018 7:57:29 pmJul 29th, 2018

Medium update here.


-Reduced lag in map significantly (removed various clock circuits)
-Fixes within the difficulty of stages


-Changed name of map creator (I changed my MC name a long time ago)
-Scoreboard format changes. Now all scores display at once because I was more of a noob when I first made this
-Quicker response commands

What's Next?

-Make it more professional. I made this map 3 years ago so I wasn't as good at map making then. Don't worry it is not any less fun than a professional map. There are just minor details that need to be fixed that don't affect gameplay.

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07/30/2018 1:33 am
Level 32 : Artisan System Procrastinator
When i was playing the mining level, i was going well until the villager i was supposed to trade with despawned. I skipped that level. The extermination level was just fine though. I just dislike that there were too many mobs. I completed it though. I also skipped the obsidian door of the nether boss because i already took forever finding the first door. I rated a 4 in the end, nice map.
07/31/2018 12:54 pm
Level 44 : Master Button Pusher
thank you for your feedback it is greatly appreciated. Sometimes if a villager despawns, you can log out of the world then go back in and it might appear again. I am unsure why they despawn since the villagers have a persistence required NBT tag. One time when I tested the mining shop villager despawned so I relogged and it appeared.
06/25/2015 10:36 am
Level 1 : New Miner
This was a very good map. I only have two complaints. In the prison ecaspe room i was trying to figure out the code so i randomly punched in 1 & 2 and it said I got the code correct but nothing happened. I then found the paper with the actual code on it and i put it in and nothing happend. I figured out the level but I didnt need the code somehow. Also the parkour has no checkpoints and there are WAY too many mobs. Well done map other than this :)
07/12/2015 1:27 am
Level 44 : Master Button Pusher
hmm that is weird.
06/24/2015 3:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Nice Map Dude! I'm Thinkin On Doing It On My Channel, Weegee Gaming. Mind If I Use It In A Vid?
07/12/2015 1:26 am
Level 44 : Master Button Pusher
that would actually be great if you did that thanks
06/22/2015 10:35 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Very nice map, did enjoy! Here is my little gameplay of it! www.youtube.com/watch?v=BI0QadAFFz0
06/23/2015 10:52 pm
Level 44 : Master Button Pusher
ok i will add your head to the main room ASAP. Also you missed the bread in the chest before you entered the first stage. You can just give yourself bread since you dont have any. The enderpearls in cell C are in the right of the chest but it is in a furnace. also my name is pronounced M.C. (short for minecraft), assassin, 3-9-1.
06/23/2015 10:54 pm
Level 44 : Master Button Pusher
you should also try boss fights. you can get youtuber credit and you can get on the leaderboards in the map, even if you get a bad score XD.
07/17/2015 8:50 am
Level 1 : New Miner
sorry for late response, but yeah, i will try to continue ETR series!
