Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

fallout 3 vault 101

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belles-big-bro's Avatar belles-big-bro
Level 44 : Master Architect
im trying to use these mods to recreate as much of fallout 3 as possible as accurately as possible this project is far from over and id hardly even call it started until vault 101 and the surrounding areas are complete. ill make sure to try and include all required mods for this map

do feel free to use it for whatever but please credit me if used in any videos or etc. and don't reupload this world.

currently discontinued.
Creditme, myself and I
Progress0% complete

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by belles-big-bro 07/10/2018 1:00:42 amJul 10th, 2018

added in the med bay

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12/25/2019 7:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Richard-Campi's Avatar
Que mapa divino! Mesmo ainda não finalizado ja demonstra o quão bom ele vai ficar! Rico em detalhes, estou muito ansioso pelo seu lançamento! Te desejo um bom trabalho com este trabalho incrivel. E um feliz natal!
09/29/2018 5:51 am
Level 24 : Expert Blacksmith
LagGrinder's Avatar
can you add a download?
and btw if you add the custom npc mod you can make npc's check it out!
06/25/2018 5:38 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
MetalGearClaudetteV's Avatar
Nice map man 8.5/10 so far just for the nostalgia
Death Order
06/24/2018 3:23 pm
Level 42 : Master Architect
Death Order's Avatar
What mods do you use?
06/24/2018 10:47 pm
Level 44 : Master Architect
belles-big-bro's Avatar
it should be included with it chisel bits and architect craft and deco craft are the main ones I could release my full mod list of over 50 mods if you want

