Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Fuujin Attack Helicopter

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ItzYaSeal's Avatar ItzYaSeal
Level 32 : Artisan Ranger
Welcome back! I'm not dead!

So, some of you may have heard of the Fuujin attack helicopter. Originally sketched by Ridwan Chandra Choa (Also known as MeganeRid) of Deviantart, it quickly became popular and he soon made more digital renders of it. I decided to build it because it's got a rather funny tale to tell.

Back in 2013, a Japanese newspaper called the Global Times released pictures of a badass and futuristic-looking helicopter. It stated that it was a defense helicopter developed by the Japanese military. In its military section, a gallery of photos of the heli was present, watermark and all.

The story soon spread, and before long, the Chinese news source Xinhua published a story on the helicopter, saying that it had been designed by " a Japanese professional". On Weibo, a Chinese social networking site, people were baffled as to how the chopper even flew, since it lacked a tail rudder. Some people believed it was real, while others said it was Japanese propaganda.

It wasn't long before many cites were alive with discussion about the helicopters, with the Chinese news source NetEast having around two and a half thousand comments regarding the photos. Nobody seemed to notice the Deviantart URL at the bottom of the photos, possibly because it looked like just English words.

So, I thought it was funny that a few pictures of a fictional helicopter on Deviantart could attract so much media attention, so I decided to build this.

The moral of the story:

Fuujin Attack Helicopter Minecraft Map
Progress100% complete

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