Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

[1.10] Kab's Resource Pack Showcase

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kyctarniq's Avatar kyctarniq
Level 84 : Elite Meme
Hi Guys,

1.10 snapshots have started and I will endeavour to keep the Showcase following them. I have added much of the content but have not added the new mineshafts and terrain updates. They will come soon, as soon as I find them on the map. As always comments are sincerely welcome.

The Showcase is an excellent way to verify your resource pack. It has a section for verify your textures look good together and have minimal tiling, a section of a small town to verify your textures look good in builds, a section showing all art works, and a section to create an all blocks screenshot. I have added an Item Gallery using item frames. Because they cause lag I have isolated them far from the main showcase area. Kabanos has worked hard to make this map as useful as possible.

Download 1.9: Kab's Resource Pack Showcase 1.9 v9

Download 1.8: Kab's Resource Pack Showcase 1.8 v9

Download 1.7: Kab's Resource Pack Showcase 1.7 v5

One-stop Screenshot:
[1.10] Kab's Resource Pack Showcase Minecraft Map

Credit to Emily's guide to aesthetically pleasing homes for instruction and inspiration.

Licence / Permissions (legalistic crap):
  • The map is free to use and modify for personal use, and if you love your modification, you can post it here and I may adopt it.
Progress100% complete

18 Update Logs

Update #18 : by kyctarniq 06/20/2016 12:50:04 pmJun 20th, 2016

  • added frosted ice
  • fixed Sulpture Park (structures)
  • updated Menu Museum (menus)
  • better Mob Hall
  • better Monster Hall
  • better block screenshot

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09/27/2016 8:23 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
eleazzaar's Avatar
This keeps getting more awesome!
09/10/2016 9:07 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
RealCreepman's Avatar
This is so useful to see if i like my resource pack.
P.S. MEH / XD / Blllllllerrerererhhhghghghghghghhghg
06/23/2016 6:02 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Archer
Matticus_Maximus's Avatar
it looks like the default pack every player starts with
06/23/2016 6:09 pm
Level 84 : Elite Meme
kyctarniq's Avatar
You are right. This is not a resource pack. This is a map. When you develop a resource pack this map can be used to check that you are getting thing right.
Jericho Samurai
09/02/2016 8:35 pm
Level 28 : Expert uwu
Jericho Samurai's Avatar
Damn children and their idiocy am I right?
06/03/2016 1:14 am
Level 73 : Legendary Pixel Painter
Annahstas's Avatar
does it have to be so big? any way of cutting out unused chunks etc?
06/03/2016 4:05 am
Level 84 : Elite Meme
kyctarniq's Avatar
I will look into it. That is a fair comment.
05/17/2016 12:35 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
SamdemolisherTnT's Avatar
Could you make a sound player?? with command blocks
05/25/2016 7:21 am
Level 84 : Elite Meme
kyctarniq's Avatar
I had hoped for the Music Hall to be in this release but 16w20a took longer than I expected. Please be patient.
05/17/2016 2:53 pm
Level 84 : Elite Meme
kyctarniq's Avatar
Absolutely, I am finishing the mob changes and my next project will be the music hall :)
