Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

RestWorld: A complete texture pack test world for 1.21!

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BlueMeanial's Avatar BlueMeanial
Level 52 : Grandmaster Crafter
Latest Updates: 1.21! Plus the bundle extension...

As Minecraft has evolved, the number of blocks has become larger and larger. There used to be a few downloadable test worlds for looking at a pack, but over time these are much more unwieldy. Which leaves a test world with a choice between completeness, compactness, and being able to see things with enough room.

RestWorld squares this circle by looping. Blocks and mobs that are similar take up a small space, and within that space, the variations are looped. For example, all the ores take up one block, which changes from coal ore to iron ore to gold ore and so on. Each is shown for a couple seconds (you can adjust the timing). And you can stop the looping at any time to focus on a specific ore texture. This means you have all blocks and mobs within a space that you can traverse. You can also compare how related blocks look. For example, if you want ores to look the same, you will notice errors much more easily when you can see the offending ore switched to from another one.

Here's an example, which shows looping through villagers.


A lot more information is on the RealWorld website, take a look! The site also has some downloads for older Minecraft versions.

If you use this to create a pack or evaluate one, I'd love to know about it, please add a comment below!

Obviously this takes a lot of commands and functions, but I won't bore you with the details (unless you ask).

So download it and tell me what you think!

P.S. Thanks to PixxyKilljoy, who generously is letting me use her work for the photo shoot area!
Progress100% complete

26 Update Logs

Update #26: 1.21! Plus the bundle extension! : by BlueMeanial 06/14/2024 8:09:37 amJun 14th

1.21! Plus the bundle extension!

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06/14/2024 8:29 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Crafter
BlueMeanial's Avatar
Just uploaded 1.21+x (the "+x" is the bundle experiment, when are they going to decide about that?)

Have fun all!
06/14/2024 1:33 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
TrentGgrims's Avatar
1.21 has broken the teleport functions in the book :( lol
06/14/2024 8:28 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Crafter
BlueMeanial's Avatar
I just uploaded one that seems to work, can you try it again? If it doesn't work, can you tell me what's failing? Does nothing happen when you click on the links, or do they take you to the wrong place, or...?

06/15/2024 2:32 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
TrentGgrims's Avatar
I hadn't downloaded a new version of the map, that's probably why it was broken lol
06/15/2024 4:20 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Crafter
BlueMeanial's Avatar
Well, LMK when you do get a new one! :-)
06/15/2024 5:05 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
TrentGgrims's Avatar
I have and everything works fine! My first comment was posted like right before you had made the new update haha. It's all good now!
05/30/2024 7:14 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Explorer
Anderson_Chroma's Avatar
Can you make it so it's compatible with 1.21 prerelease.
05/31/2024 4:00 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Crafter
BlueMeanial's Avatar
I have one for 24w21b which is easily upgraded to 1.21-pre1 just by opening it from there.

1.21-pre1 has a bad bug for me, where entities are not rotated properly (https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-272577). But this should be close enough.

LMK about any bugs, since you're brave enough to try a pre-release :-) Here's the link:

05/17/2024 12:33 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
Tender-Loim's Avatar
You're a saint.
05/21/2024 2:14 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Crafter
BlueMeanial's Avatar
Thanks! Though I have some counter-evidence.... :-)

What kind of pack are you making?
