Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

Kirov class battlecruiser

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skylancer-3441's Avatar skylancer-3441
Level 53 : Grandmaster Sailor
It's called Pyotr Veliky which is russian for Peter the Great

My first little ship. Lonely unfinished opponent for Spee's Enterprise
Due to detail, it's little bigger than the real one. 257x33x68 blocks.

December, 4. 2011 - July, 19. 2013
(allmost 20 and half months)
or more than 150 hours were spent
including 58,5 hours per last 13 months or about 4,5 hours per month

part of building history
June, 2.
3 hours were spent. Some sort of superstructure's frame was started.

July, 7.
6 hours were spent. Rear part of superstructure was created. Ship was put into water. Manually.

July, 20.
8 hours were spent. Superstructure was finished. I have to make some mounting points for radars, turrets, etc.

August, 15.
2 hours of gameplay were spent. Mizzen mast was allmost finished. New propellers were created (They are the same as Kuznetsov's but they are yellow coloured.)

August, 16.
2 hours were spent. Some more parts of superstructure were finished.

August, 20.
2,5 hours were spent. All mounting poitns were created.

October, 15 - 16. November, 6 - 7, 24.
about 4 hours were spent.
Many radars, couple of cranes and boats were created.
Mizzenmast section of ship allmost finished.

November, 25 - 26. December, 12.
about 4 hours were spent.
Mizzenmast section of ship finished.
Mainmast section was started.

December, 15, 18.
about 4 hours were spent.
some furniture was created such as windows, handrails, etc.

January, 1.
about 5 hours were spent.
some boats, some SAM launchers and more furniture were created.

May, 6
18 months since project has been started at 2011, and it's not finished yet.

May, 7
2 hours were spent.
some more communication array antennas were created.

July, 11.
2 hours were spent.
some more communication array antennas were created.

July, 12-13.
2 hours were spent.
Voskhod antenna was created.

July, 14-16
about 3 hours were spent.
some more communication array antennas were created.
Mainmast section of ship finished

July, 17-18.
more than 9 hours were spent.
ship was finished.
Progress100% complete

7 Update Logs

Update #7 : by skylancer-3441 07/19/2013 8:54:07 amJul 19th, 2013

Ship was finished.

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10/22/2018 12:49 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Ranger
cpatainrex75's Avatar
Wow! Love this build!
10/03/2018 6:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SovietTurtle's Avatar
can you make an updated version of this?

09/17/2016 6:37 am
Level 37 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
ozymandias's Avatar
That's a beautiful build, and one of my favourite ships

10/07/2014 11:27 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ctmurdaugh's Avatar
Can you Send me your youtube Channel name and Please Upload A Tutorial of your Amazing  Cruiser?
Mr Bushido
11/25/2013 9:39 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Mr Bushido's Avatar
Hey bro can you make the Slava-class cruiser? I heard its another badass ship of the navy
11/26/2013 4:06 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Sailor
skylancer-3441's Avatar
Yes, it's badass ship of real-life russian navy. But I'd like to build some more neverbuilt russian navy ships. Kind of Soviet Navy of 1990s. It was supposed to be something more aircraft-carrier-based, like US Navy. So it's higly unlikelly that I'll ever make Slava-class missile cruiser.

Now I'm thinking about something like this or this. This is neverbuilt project 1199/11990 Anchar-class destroyer.
07/20/2013 10:35 am
Level 33 : Artisan Ranger
PlatypusDude's Avatar
Thank you for the reference pictures, I will be releasing my Kirov within the next 2 days. Not nearly as good as yurs, but I'm improving rapidly.
07/19/2013 9:05 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Play3rPL's Avatar
Very nice!
07/14/2013 11:15 am
Level 33 : Artisan Ranger
PlatypusDude's Avatar
I'm about to start working on a Kirov Class BC, any suggestions?
07/16/2013 4:29 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Sailor
skylancer-3441's Avatar
some photos of the most accurate Kirov plastic model i've ever seen.
