Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

Russian 84-gun ship 'Sv. Pavel'

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skylancer-3441's Avatar skylancer-3441
Level 53 : Grandmaster Sailor
it's been a while since i've made my last sail ship...

Svyatiy Pavel
(russian for Saint Paul) - russian 84-gun (=second or third rate. Depends on rate system been used. There were (sometime) actually 90 guns) ship of the line built for Russian Black Sea Fleet (and Russian Mediterranian Fleet) at the end of XVIII century.
She was a flagship of one of the most famous russian admiral - Fyodor Ushakov  - during his anti-Napoleon Mediterranian campaign of 1798-1799. more about this - link . She was broken up some 15 years later.

The new Emperor, Alexander I, failed to appreciate Ushakov's victories. Ushakov resigned command in 1807 and withdrew from Navy. He died in 1817 at the age of 72.

BTW, there was 315th anniversary of capture of Corfu at February, 20th/March, 3 of 2014.
I googled it 2 months later :(

She's 124 blocks long, 45 blocks wide and 106 blocks high.
scale of 1.5:1

Some player heads from this list were used at this ship.

134 hours were spent to build this boat.

bonus - 2 mb gif image shows building process
and another one gif
building history
march, 12-21
more than 9 hours were spent
ship was laid down
basic shape of her hull was allmost finished

march, 22.
less than 4 hours were spent
hull was "painted"
some basic deck layers were created

march, 23.
allmost 8 hours were spent.
stern was finished.
bow was finished
all guns were created.
some basic masts were created

march, 24.
less than 4 hours were spent
some more furniture was created
rigging was started
some crow nests were created

march, 25.
about 1 and half hours were spent
all crow nests and all shrouds were created

march, 29-30.
about 6 and half hours were spent
some sails were created
mizzen mast stay, top mast stay and fore mast stay were created

april, 10.
less than 4 hours were spent
some more sails were created.
stunsails's yards were created.

april, 11.
6 hours were spent
some more sails were created.
main and mizzen yard topping lifts and some backstays was created.

april, 12.
more than 9 hours were spent
all rigging and sails abaft of main mast was finished

april, 13.
about 6 and half hours were spent
all sails and rigging ahead of fore mast was finished.

april, 14-15.
about 6 hours were spent
all rigging was finished.

april, 16-17.
about 5 hours were spent.
all sails were finished.

april, 18.
more than 5 hours were spent
interior was started.

april, 19.
about 5 hours were spent.
main hold was allmost finished.

april, 20.
about 5 hours were spent.
main hold was remade.
stern magazin was created.

april, 22.
less than 4 hours were spent
basic orlop deck layout was made.
cabel tier and bow magazine were created.

april, 24.
less than 1 hour was spent.
gun deck was started.

april, 25-29.
more than 6 hours were spent
gun deck interior was allmost finished.

april, 30 - may, 1.
more than 3 hours were spent.
basic layout of quarter deck and upperdeck was started.

may, 2.
2 hours were spent
bow magazine was remade.
forecastle layout was started.

may, 3.
about 6 and half hours were spent
stern and bow magazines were complitelly remade.
orlop deck layout above them was remade too.

may, 4-6.
more than 3 and half hours were spent
ship galley was created.
basic layout of forecastle and upperdeck was finished.
lieutenants's and captain's pantries were created.
some more furniture related to ship's guns was created.

may, 7-11.
more than 1 hour was spent
bread room was finished.

may, 14.
about two and half hous were spent
ship's hold and platforms were finished.
carpenter's and boatswain's main storerooms were finished.

may, 15.
less than 1 hour was spent.
gunner's storeroom was finished.
surgeon dispensary, surgeon's cabin and slop room were finished.

may, 16.
about 2 hours were spent.
steward room, purser's cabin, marines clothing room and butter room were finished

may, 17.
about 2 hours were spent.
orlop deck was finished.

may, 18.
about two and half hous were spent
lower deck was finished.
bacis layout of upperdeck was changed

may, 24.
about 1 and half hours were spent
basic layout of quarter deck was changed

may, 25-31.
about two and half hous were spent
upper deck interior was finished.
quarter deck interior was allmost finished.

june, 1.
about 5 hours were spent.
quarter deck interior was finished.
upper deck boats were created.
flags and anchors were created.
ship was put into water.
building process was finished

I don't think I would've ever made this ship without carefully studying other PMC shipbuilder's projects.
I'd like to mention some of them - Sillouete, Mark3146, JJ1forces, MrBeasty127, oyarzun.
Progress100% complete

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09/15/2023 3:42 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
Shoe_76's Avatar
Do you have any info on Orel / oryol imperial first battleship / sail ship
10/22/2016 6:58 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Artist
Batlestar98's Avatar
Hey mate are you russian? :P
10/24/2016 1:33 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Sailor
skylancer-3441's Avatar
Indeed, I am.
10/24/2016 6:02 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Artist
Batlestar98's Avatar
Are you interested in a big project that is based on recreating moscow in 1:1?
I would apprecitate if you give me a feetback in PM..

12/29/2015 12:35 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
xxxtonymontanaxxx's Avatar
Man i wish this guy still made ships in minecraft, he was truely the best, most amazing interiors ive seen ever!
07/18/2015 7:15 am
Level 35 : Artisan Architect
Grudman's Avatar
What an amazing ship! This is so creative, what with the different materials for things. I love every aspect of it. Great work. My hat off to you sir.
10/11/2014 10:15 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
MaulPlaysMC's Avatar
My mind is blown. Amazing ship!
06/08/2014 5:14 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Musician
Fighterbear12's Avatar
Featured in my Weekly Minecraft Inspiration blog post - http://tinyurl.com/pf88a3d
06/03/2014 5:34 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Wizard
DaveDaniel's Avatar
Very realistic! Good work!
06/03/2014 1:48 am
Level 43 : Master Droid
HONNICON2's Avatar
Nice ship dude! Excellent detail, and one of the most realistic and detailed ship interiors I have seen. *tips hat*
