Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Leopard 2 Main Battle Tank

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Level 88 : Elite Elf Deity

this is the German main battle tank Leopard 2, which is the successor to the Leopard 1.
It is equipped with a fully stabilized 120 mm smoothbore cannon, able to fire 42 rounds, and one or two top-mounted machine guns.
The 62 ton tank is propelled by a V12 multi-fuel engine.

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1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Captain_JEK 03/27/2019 5:56:28 pmMar 27th, 2019

I completely overhauled this design because I felt like the first one was too colorful and too messy and didn't really look like a Leopard 2. I tried to keep this new design simple yet recognizable.

I changed the barrel and turret's front to match the real tank more.
I shortened the turret and changed the antennas.
I removed a lot of unnecessary detail.
I rearranged the entry hatches and other things on top of the turret to make it more realistic (angles in photos sometimes make it hard to determine where something exactly sits).
The back now features the exhaust pipes.
I am a lot more happy with this design than with the prior one.

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08/28/2020 3:37 pm
Level 1 : New Miner

You made a very good job, but, i have a question, are you nammed on Youtube "Screenfun" ?

Because he is doind tutorials of some of yours builds without credits and I find it a shame. :D
Kepp it up with thses amazing builds <33
08/28/2020 4:12 pm
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Elf Deity
No, my youtube account (where I didn't post anything) is also called "Captain_JEK".
I know about screenfun but I discovered it too late. Problem is, I don't know what to do about it. There's no way to contact him directly and every comment I make under one of his videos gets blocked. I tried to report him to youtube but they didn't react yet.
So, it's kind of a hopeless situation :/
04/13/2019 1:31 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Crafter
The dark prismarine makes it heavy duty
04/13/2019 1:26 pm
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Elf Deity
Yes, it adds a nice color difference to it.
01/12/2019 6:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner

oh wow! that's amazing! awesome! (Sorry for I didnt see it before, my pc was broken) Tanks is my favorite machines

I have a suggestion for you, the T-55 (I respect if you dont want to do it)

01/12/2019 7:48 pm
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Elf Deity
Ha xD That's a superflat tank ^^ Yeah, I can make it! But it may take a while. I'm doing something different at the moment.
01/12/2019 7:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
01/04/2019 9:24 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster System
do you scale your builds? 1.3:1 ? or maybe 1.5:1 ?
01/04/2019 9:58 am
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Elf Deity
Usually not. I start with somethng, in this case it were the tracks I began with, and then build everything else in nearly the correct proportion to what is already there. So, proportionwise my builds should be fairly accurate. What scale it exactly is, you would have to calculate afterwards:
Wikipedia says a Leopard 2A5 is approximately 10m long, 3.70m wide and 3m tall.
Mine is 13m long, 5m wide and 4.5 m tall (with PERI).
That gives the following scales for
length: 13/10=1.3 -> 1.3:1
width: 5/3.7≈1.35 -> 1.35:1
height: 4.5/3=1.5 -> 1.5:1

So, as you can see, the scales for length and width are pretty close, the one for height is a little bit greater. Ideally, all three scales should be exactly the same. Then the proportions are perfect, meaning every part of the tank has the correct size when compared to another part of the tank. I couldn't make my tank smaller, though, because if I had made it half a block smaller, I would not have been able to place the PERI (the wither skeleton skull) on top of it.
By the way, if it was half a block smaller, the scale for the height would be 4/3≈1.33 -> 1.33:1 which is pretty close to the other two scales.
So, to get the proportions nearly perfect, I would have had to make the tank 4 blocks tall (with PERI).
01/04/2019 10:19 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster System
height on vehicles never plays a role in MC but knowing if its 1.3:1 or higher (in width/lenght) does play a role if you are making a city or some base wich is why i asked... thanks for clarification :)
