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Bonjour a toutes et a tous !
Je suis MrBatou, architecte du serveur TheOldWorld et membre de la DeepAcademy.
Je vous presente aujourd'hui grandbourg, un village en bord de mer. Ce village est très important, deja de part ça taille, mais aussi de son chantier naval et de sa grande tours des mages. Un village très important pour les travailleur aussi puisque c'est a coté du chantier naval, sous le village que ce trouve le pole emploit de TheOldWorld.
Pas de telechargement, rendez vous sur TheOldWorld !
Hello everyone !
I MrBatou, TheOldWorld server architect and member of the DeepAcademy.
I present you today Grandbourg, a village by the sea. This village is very important, already share this size, but also its shipyard and its high towers of the Magi. A very important village for the workers since it is also next to the shipyard, under the village that finds the pole emploit of TheOldWorld.
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Update #1 : by MrBatou 12/07/2014 4:46:34 pmDec 7th, 2014
Nouvelle description
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Fine work, good job
you earmn suscriber