Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Minecraft particle generator

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Level 46 : Master Technomancer
Hello again!
This time, i've created a command generator, which enables you to create particle effects easily!

Simply open this link and read the guide for it.
Have fun making them and if you've created a cool one, post it here!

See you!
Progress100% complete

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10/29/2018 6:45 am
Level 17 : Journeyman System
What is the drawing for? I understand everything but the drawing portion
10/29/2018 9:27 am
Level 46 : Master Technomancer
Hi, thanks for the heart!
The part in the video around 1:41? Do you see the circle in the middle? That's the center of your player. The particles will follow the line you draw around it, creating the shape you draw there.
If you have any other questions, you can always ask!
10/29/2018 10:44 am
Level 17 : Journeyman System

okay so this is to create custom animations without the pesky needs for stuff like invisible armor stands?

It prevents perfect circles then?
10/29/2018 10:45 am
Level 17 : Journeyman System
I will definitely need to be using this for what I am about to be doing...
10/30/2018 2:48 am
Level 46 : Master Technomancer
Yes, it doesn't use any armor stands, it uses relative coordinates to the player instead.
What do you mean with perfect circles?
But why don't you simply try it out? Just do the exact same thing as in the video, maybe if you see it yourself, it becomes more clear :)
What are you currently doing, if I may ask?
10/31/2018 3:00 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman System
As I progress, there are a few things this might be good for, but not around the player. this should work if I make it target @e[tag=TAG] right? (For pixies, wisps, and more?)
10/30/2018 1:37 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman System
I am working on making AOE particle effects. like if you have fire and it pulses it deals damage to mobs that get within range. ice lightning etc
I like the idea of drawing custom motions and all, so i may be able to use it for something just not what I originally thought
