Minecraft Maps / Other

Modern House~

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Level 12 : Journeyman Toast
So I got bored, and I made this modern house today.  Special thanks to my friend Axostis, who helped with the exterior. c:

The first image is the exterior of the house with a sunset type of theme. The second is the house at a night setting. 

The next is the bedroom area, with a dresser, and a sort of square hole wall/divider thing. Don't ask me for specifics. Haha. 
'After that, there is an image of the kitchen, which on the side, with the cracked stone brick wall, has a small bathroom. The next has a sort of "beanbag" design of mine. Just take a slab or make several layers of snow, surrounding wool or clay. I chose clay for the brighter colors.

Resource Pack used in the images was Flows HD.
Shaders - I have absolutely no clue. (pictures were taken by Axostis)

Thanks for checking this out!
More builds coming in the future~
Progress100% complete

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06/13/2017 3:23 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Ya casi nadie deja que se descarguen sus casas, antes molaba y al final... si la compartes para que solo la vean.. yo la iba a construir en un servidor de españa
02/10/2016 7:33 am
Level 24 : Expert Architect
This looks so beatiful - would love a download! Keep it up!
08/11/2015 10:23 pm
Level 42 : Master System
Well done! I love the texturepack and the shaders aswell.
08/11/2015 8:31 am
Level 25 : Expert Pony
Shaders are mostly Kuda Shaders, except the second one, which is Sildur's vibrant Ultra since Kuda nightveiw is horrid.

btw, hi
08/09/2015 7:48 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Great job!  I love it!  ;)
