Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Oasis - Default Desert Village Overhaul

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Vilage_Idiot's Avatar Vilage_Idiot
Level 26 : Expert Architect
"After many months of Sailing, the crew stumbled across a very peculiar island. A dry, Arid desert with no life, no water, and no real means of survival. They were low on resources so the took what they had and delved into the desert, in hopes that beyond the high hills ahead would be a place to survive.

They were right. As they crossed over the lifeless desert mountain what lay before them was a sight of pure beauty. An small water stream sprouted from the ground where green and trees grew within this hellish landscape. Not far was what appeared to be a start of a rich and healthy forest and across another creek, a mysterious land of mutated life, giant mushrooms, and potential wealth beyond their wildest dreams.

They had found... The oasis."

-Transcript from some random epic story I just made up.

This is another one of my Village overhaul projects. Unlike the last one (which really was quite terrible) I found inspiration from a youtuber named Grian. Inspired by one of his overhauls, I decided to try out the style for myself but put my own flair into it. This is the result. The village has a Church, Blacksmith, and Library as well as a Tavern, Larder, And many other great features. For your convenience and pleasure, I have attached a touched up and, hopefully, easy to paste schematic as well as the GREAT world save I found this in.

Enjoy everyone.

OH! And the resource pack is Modern HD.

Edit 1: PS. please don't judge me for my Palm tree... I don't build organics. I just wanted to try to make a unique tree for my unique place.
Progress100% complete

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