Minecraft Maps / Other

Op Prison server Map

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Coro123x007's Avatar Coro123x007
Level 24 : Expert Network
I am working on a OP prison server map with a spawn and prison blocks with pvp inside of them. I have completed the following:
- A,B,C,D,E,F,G,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P prison blocks
I have planned to create:
- pvp arena.
- Parkour/pvp
- A-z Prison blocks
- donation info
- Casino 
and much more. I am planning this server big, and need some help. Contact me on skype: Killeryi

If you help me complete this server, and do a good job at it, I will pay you ASAP when the server goes up.
I have owned servers before like insaneprison, and it will become a successful server. Here are some of the builds that I have done so far for the server. I am looking to finish the server before July, so if you could help out, that would be greatly appreciated.
Progress30% complete

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