This Map is an entry in the completed BassCrafters Classic Solo Edition Project Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

"Poseidon's" Temple

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pelagius_septim's Avatar pelagius_septim
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
"Poseidon's" Temple

The ancient people of Minecraft used to go to the temple to worship Poseidon, thanking him for all he provided for the people. The people used to sail for days, in order to give thanks for the fish, and ocean life he provided for people to eat.

However, once fishing broke, the people started questioning if their sacrifices were enough. Constantly throwing gold, diamonds, livestock, and people, into the abyss at the center of the temple.

One day, a brave minecrafter thought "Hey, what if there is something at the top of the temple?" since the people had never ventured to the top, they only made sacrifices and fished in the many fishing boats on the temple floor. He climbed up some vines, and swam up the waterfalls(cause thats totally possible, am i right) and found a rusty hunk of junk, known as the Fish Generator 5000.

Thats right, the Fish Generator is the only reason we have fish in Minecraft, and when the generator was fixed in the 1.11 update, so was fishing.

So in the end of our happy story, the people learned its silly to sacrifice their belongings and friends to a god who was never real, and decided to sacrifice their things at the feet of the generator, to give thanks for all their fish, of course.

**This build took me about a week, I wanted to give my first try at a temple, and I think I did pretty well. Its very desert looking, and I wanted it to look like that, because it gave it more of a tropical feel. I was thrilled with the outcome of this build, I think it taught me a lot about temples, which will help me in the future when I build them.(Cause I will have to build more then just one!) and I am excited to see how this contest takes place, even if I dont place, it was fun trying.**




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04/26/2019 9:31 am
Level 1 : New Miner
KandurRoyale's Avatar
The download isn't working. Please fix it!
02/03/2017 3:50 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Smokey_Days's Avatar
Creator,I am a Chinese and I find your map. It looks very good. I want to repost it to a Chinese MC website,
Of course, I will list your name and translate what you said into chinese.
So could you allow me repost it and create a Chinese link to make more Chinese know it and download it?

Thanks a lot.
12/29/2016 6:12 pm
Level 43 : Master Explorer
CPUser_'s Avatar
Is there any way to improve the dome ?
12/30/2016 2:14 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
pelagius_septim's Avatar
Well, I could learn how to build a dome :) Ive never actually built a dome that big before, so I have no idea
12/30/2016 11:34 pm
Level 43 : Master Explorer
CPUser_'s Avatar
Well, if you have WE, there is a command that can help you :

01/04/2017 12:17 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
pelagius_septim's Avatar
Ohh, ok! I will certainly try that next time :) Thank you!
01/04/2017 5:53 pm
Level 43 : Master Explorer
CPUser_'s Avatar
You're welcome !
12/23/2016 2:04 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
Nice render however it's for me to much copy-pastable.
12/26/2016 12:43 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
pelagius_septim's Avatar
Thank you :) And yes, I did use some world edit on it, I found a single player version of it, so that may be why. I really like symmetry so that's also a big problem when I am building, I am working out of that though :)
12/19/2016 8:38 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Whale
Mocxing's Avatar
I wish I was Poseidon! x]
