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    CubeKrowd's AvatarCubeKrowd 7/24/24 9:55 • posted 12/6/14 7:02

How to find on server: /rr1, /rr2, /rr3, /rr4, etc.

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ZeroniaServer's Avatar ZeroniaServer
Level 45 : Master Pirate
Installation Guide
The map currently only supports Minecraft Java Edition version 1.20.1-1.20.4. It should also be compatible with Spigot/Paper servers, although Vanilla is preferred. When you download it, you should have a zip file named "rocket-riders.zip" (or alternatively, if using the Google Drive download link, "Rocket Riders.zip".

If you wish to play with your friends, you can upload this zip file directly to server hosting platforms such as Minehut, Aternos, and StickyPiston, or to your own Realm. Please refer to the instructions there for map installation.

If you wish to play in singleplayer or open your world to LAN (local area network), you will want to copy this file to your world saves directory. This is located in the following places per operating system:

  • Windows: "%APPDATA%\.minecraft\saves"
  • macOS: "~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/saves"
  • Linux: "~/.minecraft/saves"
Then go ahead and extract the zip file directly to your saves directory. It should place the world files in a folder called "Rocket Riders". This will be how you find the world in your Minecraft worlds list.

If these instructions are confusing, please refer to the Minecraft Wiki for more information.
Update Guide
If you have an existing Rocket Riders world that you would like to update to the latest version while still keeping your player/world data, read below (or alternatively, watch this video!).

This process involves copying over the new datapack folders from the Rocket Riders GitHub repository.

You will need to go to the releases page and download the Source Code zip file for the latest release.

Then drag this file to your Rocket Riders world save folder, typically located in the following places depending on your operating system:
  • Windows: "%APPDATA%\.minecraft\saves\Rocket Riders"
  • macOS: "~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/saves/Rocket Riders"
  • Linux: "~/.minecraft/saves/Rocket Riders"

Extract the zip file and then copy everything except "LICENSE.txt" and "README.md", as these files should not change.

Navigate to your world's "datapacks" folder and delete the same folders you just copied from there before pasting the new ones in. Then delete the extracted folder and corresponding zip file now that you've pasted the new datapacks in.

Finally, run "/reload" ingame to load in the new datapacks! (Alternatively, close and reopen your world.) All of your world data should be saved, and the code should be fully up to date.

Note: for updating to Version 1.1.0+, you will need to run the command "/function rr_crusade:install" in chat in order to play Crusade Mode.

Note: for updating to versions that are on different Minecraft versions, Minecraft should handle region file conversion automatically. If they do not, then redownload the map and copy the regions folder.

Rocket Riders Logo
A refreshing take on Missile Wars for modern Minecraft!
Made in 4+ years by Evtema3, YZEROgame, and Chronos22

Multiplayer, Minecraft Version 1.20.1-1.20.4
Current Map Version: 1.2.15

* Still on 1.19.4? Download Rocket Riders here!

Play now on CubeKrowd: play.cubekrowd.net!*
* Certain features like custom achievements and ranks/XP in 1v1 Duel Mode are not currently accessible on CubeKrowd.
To get access to these features, download the world for yourself!

Interested in Rocket Riders? Join the Zeronia Discord Server and check out the RR Wiki!

Rocket Riders
is a reimagination of SethBling and Cubehamster's Missile Wars, featuring all new missiles, utility items, custom achievements, challenging gamemodes and modifiers, and tons more ways to customize your gameplay!

The map includes 20 all new, community-made missiles ranging in speed and explosive power. Ride missiles across to the enemy base and explode their nether portals* to win the game!
* Some gamemodes (for instance, Capture the Flag, Chase, and Crusade) have different winning criteria.

In addition to the Shield and Fireball from Missile Wars, new utility items like the Vortex (floating sky-mine), Canopy (leaf platform), Nova Rocket (explosive firework crossbow), and Obsidian Shield allow for complex and unique gameplay strategies!

Rocket Riders also features 6 new gamemodes and 17 game modifiers which bring new gameplay objectives and challenges to the table so the game always stays exciting!

Modification Room
The Modification Room in the center of the Lobby allows you to select active items, base decorations, game modifiers, game rules, and more, giving you the ability to fully customize your gameplay!

Rocket Riders has a set of 41 custom achievements! See if you can earn them all along the way!

This map was made over the course of 4+ years.

We couldn't have done it without the help of so many members of the community who tested features, reported bugs, submitted missiles, shared feedback, advised development, constructed our Lobby, hosted servers, and more over the years.

Thank you, and we hope you all enjoy playing Rocket Riders as much as we've enjoyed making it!

- Zeronia Development Team
CreditYZEROgame, Evtema3, Chronos22
Progress100% complete

30 Update Logs

Version 1.2.15 : by ZeroniaServer 01/19/2024 2:43:45 pmJan 19th

This release fixes some critical bugs introduced in the last release for Minecraft versions 1.20.3-4.

Fixed Bugs

  • Formatting errors in sign JSON broke Modification Room functionality.
  • The Missile Display book was missing its second page.

Looking Ahead

We have been working on a 1.3.0 update for Rocket Riders featuring a brand new gamemode, visual improvements and quality of life features! We appreciate your patience as we continue developing this update to be the best it can be. Stay tuned for a future release!

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07/09/2024 8:08 am
Level 20 : Expert Miner
AMysticalMarv's Avatar
Why on earth have I not commended on this nice minigame?! Shaking my helmet...

I personally can really recommend it. Since they got multiple gamemodes I think everyone can find the right one.

I personally love crusade but less capture the flag mode (in contrast to many others).

...And for those who think this is a copy of MW: You're wrong! It's a completely different game experience so try it out!

Props to Zeronia
07/09/2024 7:49 pm
Level 45 : Master Pirate
ZeroniaServer's Avatar
Thank you so much, Marv!! Means a lot :)
12/02/2022 6:57 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Network
SouthIvy4690986's Avatar
will you update this map anymore?
12/08/2022 2:58 pm
Level 45 : Master Pirate
ZeroniaServer's Avatar
Hello! We do still plan on updating Rocket Riders, there just hasn’t been much momentum lately due to life responsibilities and other minigame projects we’re currently working on. Stay tuned for updates, though!
08/07/2022 1:30 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ZaWarudo21's Avatar
I started the world with my friends but none of the missiles spawned when right-clicking the item. I'm hosting it on LAN server.
08/07/2022 7:44 am
Level 45 : Master Pirate
ZeroniaServer's Avatar
What version were you trying to play the game on?

It should work for versions 1.19+, but there's also a 1.18.2 download available on this page.

It may also be an issue related to plugins, but considering that it's LAN I don't think it is, and perhaps you're using an older version of Minecraft.

I hope you can get it to work, if not you could always join our Discord server, so we can help you out directly!
08/07/2022 8:58 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ZaWarudo21's Avatar
I was playing the map on 1.19. I made sure I downloaded the right version of the map and minecraft.
08/07/2022 1:30 pm
Level 45 : Master Pirate
ZeroniaServer's Avatar
That seems strange, to test if the version here on PMC was wrong we downloaded the world and tried it on a server, and everything seemed to work as intended.

Perhaps something is wrong with the server (some plugins can intervere with datapack-based minigames)
If you want to play it but can't manage to get it to work, please join our Discord server so we can help you more quickly and easily there.
08/03/2022 5:24 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Mikomik123's Avatar
Im join to world and fall to void and write. no gamemodes instaled! please install at least one gamemode to play rocket riders
08/03/2022 2:54 pm
Level 45 : Master Pirate
ZeroniaServer's Avatar
Hello, sorry to hear you’re having that issue. If you wouldn’t mind, could you tell us if you’re running on a vanilla server or a server with plugins (Spigot/Paper)? If so, what plugins? Also, please make sure you have downloaded the latest version of Rocket Riders (1.2.8) and are playing on Minecraft 1.19 or 1.19.1.
