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Cypher777's Avatar Cypher777
Level 45 : Master Grump
This was an exact replica of an Ocean Monument from the new 1.8 snapshot. Since we don't have the materials used in 1.8 I've substituted similar blocks. This version is specifically designed for placement on land and is heavily damaged to appear as ancient ruins.

The building will be pasted directly beneath you, as if you were standing on its highest point. This makes it easier to place it at a depth where the tip is 3 or 4 blocks below the surface as you would find it generated.  There should be approximately 24 blocks of water depth wherever you paste.

You must use "//paste -a" to place this build in your landscape without creating a massive hole.
Progress100% complete

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06/27/2014 1:30 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
JaydenIrwin's Avatar
This would be cool if it spawned in a biome that was suposted to look like there used to be an ocean there but now it dried up!
06/27/2014 1:34 pm
Level 45 : Master Grump
Cypher777's Avatar
Yea, I agree this is not optimal in a plains, it's just really close to my spawn so my public players will run into it and get to explore. The forest is hard to paste in because the trees end up inside the building. I plan to find a desert to place one there, then I'll test what looks better, stone ruins or sandstone ruins.

Thanks for viewing and commenting! :D
